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  • Uh, I heard you have Brawl now. Do you have wi-fi with that? And if so, want to brawl?
    I got an egg for it :3 Guess what I'll name it.


    *unless you knew it was me right here typing*

    It is :3 (y'know, we need to get math out of our conversation.)

    Too late for that.

    ...what did the coffee do?

    *quitequite.* (...are you saying Silver is lying cuz she wants something?)

    Me too. He should be back on Monday.

    ((well fish can't fly.) oranges can be sour.)

    ||| THE ONE BY WEIRD AL? |||

    Wait, was it about Silver? D{
    (Yeah, about 1 and 3/4 chapters.) Actually I put that name in back in febraury when I started writing this, so coincidence. (good luck)
    Oh...wait: http://gpxplus.net/user/SilverFalcon

    ...I noticed that.

    *oh no, there's more to how you act? O.o*

    Whoo! Silver's smart. :D (Now I get it...)

    I thought I wanted to do it, but know I don't want to D:

    Of course he is.

    *Nintendo has an odd sense of humor.* (Are you saying Silver is just saying she did something?)

    Probably. I doubt he'll get any worse.

    (But Silver can be mean.) They're sour.)

    ||| YES IT WAS. |||

    ...then don't tell Silver she can PM you about it. And also, you're confusing me by this.

    I see that.

    *well, I know how you act. ...*shot**

    (Yeah, cuz now I know how polynomials work!) yea...! Wait, what?

    No, B knows little and A knows a lot.

    Where's your laywer now?

    *ha...pokemon humor.* (...I did nothing though.)

    Yeah, all week. He called the teacher too.

    (...ok? (no. They don't belong!!!) Cuz lemons are. )

    ||| YEP IT IS :3 |||

    ok? You PM me then.

    When enough people join it :3
    Heheheh...my good/bad thing is now complete. Would you like/not like to know what it is/was? :3
    Okay, let me know what you think when you do read it. It's already Friday here.
    Well then, he got a little obsessed huh?

    *cuz Silver knows Blade. And, whoo! FOB referance.*

    (good. Silver can't handle the hard math.) yea, those too. And fractions...decimals, percent...and other stuff.

    I don't know...cuz she was telling me today she wants me on the other team(there's two teams, A and B).

    ...*mumble* thought it would make you poof more...*mumble*

    *oh yea! He knows he's hardcore in that pikachu outfit.* (...nothing.)

    I'm not sure myself.

    (hopefully? (*facepalm* they don't count as birds.) Lemons...ha.)

    ||| YES I HAVE. |||

    ...what threads?

    Alright. *goes to edit post*
    I did that in my LeafGreen game, my Blastoise is level 70 something and the others are about 20-30.

    *...you better not be*

    (I see. (um...pre-algebra I think.)) Yea, like integers and inequalites.

    But if I quit she'll be so annoying about it, asking me everyday why I quit...annoying.

    *gives Blade more chocolate* This is funny :3

    *HI-lai-rioUS* (Do you forgive Silver?)

    He just got it. He's supposed to come back to school next week or something.

    (I know that. (what...?) Ebil is the new evil)

    ||| UH...DON'T KNOW...|||

    No! Why would you say that??

    Sure. Friends or together?
    I got that habit from my brother-in-law. And it does prove helpful at times.

    *tell me...or else*

    (I...we did the comparing like-terms ones. (8x^2 + 10x - 7) - (...etc.) so that haz confuzed me.) I know some math at least.

    Well the teacher is horrible, and I just don't have the time for it. I've read...four books of twenty-seven. (U!!)

    Haa...poof poof. :3

    *haa...game humor.* (Inorite. Forgiviness is awesome :3)

    yea...it's been since winter break too.

    (...what did you just say? (that too! Bird's don't live in water though.) Ha. Ebil siblings.)


    No...you gave me a Sneasel. :D

    Good. *coughthankyoucoughcough*
    I don't use a full team. Maybe two or three main ones, then HM slaves.

    *what are you implying...*

    (uh...3x^2?) Inorite. (I know this. So :P)

    Me too. Although now I don't feel like doing that battle of the books thing now. Blah, and I made the team :( (parabolas...sounds familiar. What are they exactly?)

    *puts hand where Blade poofed* Let's see what happens.

    *yea. And he just sits there.* (hm...ok. I forgive you Bladey-boy! ^w^)

    ...I think so. (But he's been so sick. And he's a boy who's obsessed with keeping his hands clean.)

    (yesum. (one flies and one lives on land/in water.) Ha, they're evil to you.)

    ||| SHOULD I KNOW...? |||

    And whose fault is that?

    I noticed. *coughyouforgottoputitinboldcoughcough*
    ...what...mine are usually already close to level 60...

    *you have no proof of this. None at all.*

    (*claps*) yes. Heh, I know this! +/- :D

    I'm really good in reading. I'm in AIG reading program. (You know that made you deserve to be shot.) (what...that's super easy. Why are you afraid of it?)

    ...poof! Banette is evil. At least they weren't posioned.

    *whoo! *goes off to watch it** (no. It sounds like sarcasm when you say it that way.)

    Yea, and you are. I don't know the full name of it, but its the kissing disease. Where they can't breathe and it clogs the persons airways and stuff.

    (YEA. (Opposites!) Hah, do they sometimes act like Silver?)

    ||| YEA I THOUGHT SO. |||

    Ooh! Weavile! :D I hope it's an awesome Weavile :3
    What level were they all?

    *no, you said choices a and b first*

    Only if the problem looks like this: 8+-1

    We aren't all gifted in math. *shot* (our teacher wwnt over it today. I now understand o.o)

    Where's your lawyer? ...poof.

    *yessss!* ( I would hope so. }:| )

    *thinks and remembers something weird* Did you know some kid in my class has been out cuz he has mono?

    (yes. (ZEBRUAKIA!!! ...ahem. I want the Abagoora :3) Yep. Are your siblings mean to you?)


    Shanderaa, Zekrom, and something unkown.
    A mate of mine is a technological genius. He knows Python and builds computers in his free times. He isn't too good at maths though.

    (Yeah. Today I got a new mouse for my laptop because the old one continually cut out.)

    Damn, I was hoping for *coughmehitwasntthatgoodbutimadealmostallofthespritesmyselfcoughcough* somethi- *coughokaythatshouldworkwellihopesoatleastcoughcough* thing a little more permanent.

    On the Wing by Owl City. (Really? I would've never guessed)
    Ooh. At least you beat her this time :3

    *that's what you get for weird comments...*

    There is now a -0. -3, -2, -1, -0, 0, 1, 2, 3

    ...I think I did that. So I hope I did it right. Math is my worse subject.

    But your lawyer won't know cuz you would be dead...apparently they're safe.

    *yes, cuz I won't be able to play it since it got sold.* (It hurt my feelings ;-; How could you?!)

    *running out of things to say but: continues to kiss Blade as she holds him closer*

    (true, it sorta is a win-win. (Uh, probably Black, only White if my brother-in-law gets Black.) Yep they are :3)


    I know, maybe they thought it would look better like that, which it does.
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