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  • It's funny what Rowan's reaction is :3 Wait, just now?

    *ino! This is from before: *smack**


    ...what? (yea, I forgot that means squared.)

    But...you can't if you die. Well?

    *dammit. :P* (*walks back in* ...}:| *smacks Blade*)

    Heh, Blade is...*kisses Blade and pulls him close*

    (I think i should have now too...too late I guess. (*thinks over what she just said and her face turns red too*) :3 I'm youngest.)

    ||| SHOULD IT? |||

    Yep! All black and cooler then yellow :3
    Have you ever evolved your starter before you go meet...*checks name* Dawn?

    *my brain is scaring me.*


    Yea, but ur teacher barely went over it. (Here's one of the problems: (3x2(squared) - 2x + 7) + (5x2(squared) + 8x - 5) its evil!!

    Maybe you should try one? Maybe it'll make him happy?

    *the one where's he's the wolf too?* (...*walks out of room* hmph. *throws a tennis ball and then leaves*)

    Silver is addictive :3

    (That sucks :/ I was given the choice to go to a private school, but I couldn't leave my friends...(You mean last I checked?) I only have two siblings...my sister and brother.)


    I know :3 Whoo! Shinyness!
    Well, I'm a girl. So he doesn't say that to me. It's funny when you see his reaction when you evolve the pokemon starter before you see him the first time.

    *why would Silver like someone when she's actually never "met" him in real life?*


    Do you know what polynomials are? They're annoying }:|

    Maybe they weren't poisooned this time. He did give you a flower.

    *me too, but mine stopped working for my Gameboy Color. (My first game system.)* (*thinks of what to do to make Blade pay attention to her* ...I hate you.)

    Ah, I see. We have talked a long time. *points to over 500 VMs*

    (Maybe you shouldn't have skipped a grade. Do you know some of the people from the grade above you from the other year?(...You cannibal!!!) My family is crazy. Everyone knows it x3)

    ||| I DIDN'T NOTICE. |||

    Yes, of course! Who wouldn't be?

    Silver just did. She went overboard on her bio.
    ...what pokemon episode/movie?

    *oh dear...let me hear them anyway, you'll must likely be smacked one way or another.*


    ....:P Silver made a special letter.

    *Banette sad face* You made him sad.

    *oh, my brother played a few of the metroid games. One with evil Samus or something.* (*extremely sad face* ;;-;;)

    Yes. :3 What made Blade kiss Silver in the first place?

    (Exactly, or something slimy. (Heheh, that sounds funny coming from someone who calls themselve a nerd.) :3 Probably. I used to jump out of my crib too.)


    Both. :) I knew it.
    I'm fairly good at both. I can think up programs in my head and I don't forget them too often. However at this point the only code I know is GML so I have limited mileage.

    (Fair enough, same here.)

    Than- *coughlolihaveonlyfinishedonegameiveevermadeandthathadafewbugsbutitwasmorepopularthantheprofessionallearningtoolcoughcough* thank yo- *coughididsenditsoillcheckifitwentthroughmaybeitwasblockedbygmailorsomethingalthoughitispossibleyougavemethewrongaddresscoughcough* you *uses* hmm, tastes like bacon.

    I've got a new favourite song.
    ...you're still a boy. :3

    *...I know!! WHY IS MY BRAIN THINKING OF YOU???????*


    It loooks like this:
    | NINTENDO: |

    ...I wouldn't eat those. *Banette hands Silver a box of chocolate with a note* "Give these to Blade" ...uh, here. *hands Blade the chocolate*

    *you like Samus huuh?* (*looks at Blade* ... *runs up, hits Blade, then runs back to the corner*)

    *somewhat caught off guard but kisses back* I guess Silver's feeling better :3

    (You never know what life could throw at you. (It looks like ice cream but its not :3) All I know is that I didn't start it...)

    ||| GOOD BLADEY-BOY |||

    Yay! The anticipation must be killing you :3
    Maybe I am/am not. Should/shouldn't you already know this? :3

    *how do you think I feel? It came from my brain!*


    *goes to write angry letter*

    ...a boy. *sees a note on the box* ...I'm afraid to know, but what does that say?

    *Like Luigi Kirby.* (*draws a sign that says ";-;" and ignores Blade*)

    Me either...*lets Blade hug her back and wonders if he'll kiss her*

    (I think it was cuz she shocked me, that she would do that to me. I know...I always do that when I talk to someone, constantly fixing my shirt, messing with my hair, something like that. You should know that you'll find someone too. I've never been in a relationship either, or kissed someone. I didn't tell them face-to-face though, I told them over facebook. I just want to be with someone I like, get along with, and have things in common with. Sometimes I wish life was simpler. *hug's Blade* (I walked across my street and bought a giant lollipop to make me happy too :3) I did when I was four or so. Then my mom said it turned into a Jerry Springer Thanksgiving...)


    Yea it would be better.
    You should/shouldn't worry ^^ It's not something good/bad }:3

    *I think I was in Pokemon form too...GAHH I DON'T KNOOW!!!*


    We probably are, they just don't wanna admit it.

    *Banette comes with a box of chocolates* Uh...now I'm just...confused.

    *so can Kirby.* (...;-; *goes into a corner by herself*)

    *hugs back* Yea...but, she kinda just suddenly started hating me pretty much...;-;

    (but the thing that I never told her was...that I actually started not to like him. I don't know why, but I suddenly just started not liking him...like the flame in my heart for him is starting to go out...but, it made me depressed that she "suddenly" decided to go out with him...and it seemed to make that small flame even smaller...and now, it's almost out...Blade you shouldn't worry about that. You probably not as shy as you think you are, you talk to girls on here don't you? I...I only ever told a boy once I liked him, and he already had a girlfriend, and they're still together...I feel like there's no hope for me, but there is a little hope for eveyone in the world...no matter how little. (...I got a little carried away. Sometimes I get so emotional I go on a rant...but I think I should be fine now...thank you Blade. *hug*) Silver can kick. Just ask my cousin.)


    They would most likely take up more space then the music too. Whoo! 35-day waypoint!

    *...me too.*


    *why must the world be so cheap?*

    *disappears again* Hm...:/

    *and can fly.* (*takes out battery* Data not saved :3)

    *wipes away tears* Cuz I realized my best friend must hate me for reasons unknown to me.

    (*hugs back* Yea but...you didn't see the way she was looking at me. *kicks punching bag across the room*)

    ||| HE SCARES ME SOME...|||

    Maybe you should go with the 8-gig one for now.
    ...but I never said it was or not :3

    *...don't remember.but I know it had that and a Weavile in it...*


    *You never know what could happen. Maybe we should mail them a letter and get money off the idea.*

    *Banette hands Blade a flower* ...I'm so confused now.

    *and waddle doo's.* (*puts battery back in and makes Blade start it* There. All better.)

    *thinks over her day and stops kissing Blade, pulling away crying*

    (right now...I'm feeling more...depressed. Cuz my best friend pretty much stole the boy I liked from me. She knew I liked him and now they're going out, I think he liked me too, but now...*sigh*)

    ||| WAIT...WHY MEWTWO?? |||

    How much money do you have saved up?
    ...why a bad feeling? It could be something good.

    *...maybe you snuck in my head when i was asleep. i did have a weird dream with that kotamana(??) thing...*


    *Maybe we should ask them...*

    *...I see that...*

    Don't smack a ghost! It's incoporeal.

    *I only got to play Pikachu.I like King DeeDeeDee, he has a giant hammer.* (*takes battery out* Better?)

    *whispers so Blade can't hear* Heh...smart boy... *lets him kiss her, wraps her hands together behind his head and pulls him closer*

    (...maybe. I really want to hit someone...too.)


    [$10] :3

    Night Blade. *returns kiss*

    *exactly my thoughts...GET OUTTA MY HEAD*


    *...I knew that.*

    *...looks like a chubby person with glasses *shot**

    *Banette smacks Blade* ...that would be a no.

    *...yes. Your point? I'm good with Kirby too, and Diddy Kong, but I never got to play Samus...have you gotten that far yet?* (...but I just did.)

    ...No, I didn't it felt...akward. *sees if Blade will make a move to kiss her back*

    (I...I don't know. I just feel spiteful atm for some reason...)


    Meh, I like the touch screens better.

    I'll post tomorrow. Not enough time tonight.
    Indeed, I love graphic design, it's my passion in life and I'm always trying to get better.

    (Meh, because my parents own a farmstay-tourist-attraction thing I have to help feed the animals, clean the cottages or serve customers. I get five dollars for every hour I work. But it's so damn hot.)

    I *coughmehiveonlyeverdonehomeworkthenightbeforeitsduecoughcough* have absolu- *coughnotaproblemcoughcough* tely no idea whatsoever.
    Same here.

    (when I try to earn money i earn lots really fast. I started one week with no money at alll and on thursday i had enough to buy Force Unleased II)

    I ha- *coughsamehereoftenthatisthecasewithmylifeimsurprisedigotsevenAsonmyreportthisyearsportigotacandphotographyigotacandidroppedtoabinsosecoughcough* have to agree with *coughokayenjoythestorycoughcough* you on that one. DAMMIT WARGLE.

    *oh. I...truly don't know anymore.*


    *But they're going to do it with the Wii.*


    ...a flower?

    *...LUCARIO :3* ( :D *unplugs laptop battery*)

    *pulls away from Blade* ...I guess this is getting less akward.

    (...I'm feeling spiteful atm.)


    ...meh, it gets on my nerves at times the internet doesn't work.

    Sure, frivals :3
    Mechas were just made through boredom as were banners.


    Ye- *Coughfairenoughidontpostmystoriesherebecauseihavetheattentionspanofadishclothandillneverfinishthemexceptmaybethisonecoughcough* Yeah and I *coughokaythatmakessenseasionlyusedonefontanywayseriouslythat'syouremailcoughokayillsenditoversooncoughcough* don't want to be the one to clean it up.
    Yeah, I've got two specialties in the two albums I have.

    (Makes sense.)

    Ind- *Coughokayillhavetogetalookatthatifievercanbebotheredbutitsoundsinterestingcoughcough* Let's hope no- *coughimighthavethatbutmaybenotillseeificanfinditonherecoughcough* not, that would be messy.

    Edit: *Coughihaveafoldercalledmicrosoftworksbuttheresnowaytoopenanythinginitcoughcough*
    No reason ^-^

    *woah, thers a story behind it?? ...I'm frightened.*


    *Cu they're kill-joys.*


    Maybe he wants something else?

    *I know, we beat it together.* (*randomly types on keyboard* :=) )

    *continues to kiss*

    (spread that one.)

    ||| CLOSE TO NEW YEAR'S :3 |||

    Mine is like a Blackberry.

    Hm...lets see...Dark/Ice and Dark/Flying... I dunno...
    Fair enough. I have my own style of banners anyway.

    (It is (I rented the first one but it didn't work past the first part but the second one is a continuation of the previous storyline making it kinda hard to understand without playing the first one. SO probably))

    I don't know why- *coughivegottentoaboutfiftyhalfpagesatthispointisitthatonewiththeshinyraltsoranotheronecoughcough* Dammit, this is getting annoy-*coughifitsbyemailicanjustattatchthefileandsavetimebutdoyouhaveword2007orbettercoughcough* ANNOYING. Dammit PRINGLES!
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