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  • Good.

    *ooh. Sorry. It's scary that we like the same groups.*


    *...YES. They need to do that.*


    At least he gave you a band-aid.

    *...}:| I might get it free if my brother-in-law gives it to me* (*walks up to Blade* What'cha doin'?)

    Well, let's see...*kisses Blade again*


    *What if he makes it public? ...O.O*

    Mine isn't that great.

    Reserved Weavile! }:3
    ...That's basically what I did but I used spliced Pokemon.

    (It's the one attack that can affect every enemy)

    Uh oh, *coughyesiusedyourlistofyourfavouritebladedpokemonsoyouhaveakirikizangalladescytherkabutopszangooseandabsolandareoneoftheelitefourandnoitsaworddocumentonmycomputercoughcough* *inhale* *coughicansendittoyouifyouwantcoughcough* I don't know but they did a good job.
    It's finished pretty much. Just got to add the background which doesn't take too long.

    (It's helpful against acolytes.)

    I know, also the pringles are poisoned. They cause uncontrolable coughing *coughalsoiaddedacharactertomyfanficbasedonyoucoughcough* see?
    I can tell, I'm looking for that egg. Your username is 15 letters right?

    *...is your last name Mumford? I listen to some of their songs. Hm, what about Paramore?*

    Copy and pas- nevermind.



    Hm...me either. I guess he just likes me. *shrug*

    *YEP! I LOVE THAT $50 GAME!* (Hm...zombies actually. That's about it.)

    ...my lips don't taste like steel. You should know...right?

    ||| YES? |||

    *...where's this person live? I'll find them...yea, that means you, you...you stalker!*

    No...just the ringtone :3 I like those ones too.
    Hm...ok! :D

    *well, yes (x7) and then ?? In that order. Do you like Disturbed?*

    P-prove it!

    *That's the whole point :3*


    *Banette then offers a bandaid* Um... at least he cares?

    *BROTHERS* (Heheh, I get scared by different things, it depends.)

    *realizes Blade stops kissing her and hides a frown* It's...fine. *tries to change the subject* So...uh, why do your lips taste like steel?

    ||| NO ONE SAID I DIDN'T :3 |||

    ...no comment.

    (STALKER!!! *shot* )

    Sorry I took so long to reply, went shopping, then out to eat, then went to put money on my phone, then had to do homework. Then I bought "Just the Way You Are" by Bruno Mars. :3
    I know what you mean. People just tell me to start talking to people more but hey it's not that easy.

    *hug* Haha, that's funny. Oh, math class. I actually like my math class, dispite that the boys in there are way to immature and childish. It really sucks. Hostory's okay, I'm not the best, but I still have an A in the class. Language Arts is my best subject. :D I love Language Arts. Hm, that is a bit confusing... *hug*

    Probably thrown in the garbage, forgotten, or just used less often. Not sure. (Possibly, that seems like a better conclusion. </ButTheComputerCanBeSomethingHarmful,Can'tIt?>)
    Everyone's afriad of rejection. I still am. I'm not so sure how to overcome it, but I think the only way to overcome it is by being apathetic or something. *shrugs*

    *hug* Oh, I see now. Thanks for explaining. 3/1/11? At leasy you got the year correct, right? :D Perhaps. Hopefully I get better. So you hate math but love numbers. Interesting~ I really wish that I was better at math. It's the only subject that I suck in. OTL *hug*

    It is. The whole Ash's Pikachu thing is a waste, to be honest. :U Oh yeah! The Pokewalker. That's where most of my Pikas come from, too. (Hm, true. Actually, I would call that obsessed. Or that's at least the way I see it. </TheComputer'sAHealthyObsession?Huh.Didn'tKnowThat.AndThat'sVeryTrue.>)
    Crapp...I have school tomorrow...;-; Have you finished Cloud's banner yet? Also, goodnight so...*kisses Blade goodnight*
    What do you think the Kota...the blade thingy's, egg would look like on GPX+?
    I'm making something for cloud using 12 splices, a custom trainer and whatever else I need. Indeed it is.

    (Learn how to Grapple. You will need to.)
    I worry about that, too. It sucks especially since I'm over-sensitive. That's why I don't really talk to people much. I have probably a handful of friends, while my friends have more friends than they can count. It's sort of embarassing.

    ...Which is probably no.

    *hug* Wait, but you're thriteen? Shouldn't you be in Seventh? I'm a bit lost here. Anyway, continuing. Mhm, going into a new school with no one you know is really horrible. That's one of the reasons that I refused to leave my elementary school to go to some gifted school or whatever when it was offered to me in, I think second or third grade. That's great! Haha, make sure to tell me if you do. I may do that as well, but we'll see. Well that's good. Math is pretty much essential for life. I've gotten better, but... *hug*

    I know. Reason number one that I'm not interested in it. Reason number two is that I already have way too many Pikachus. (Probably not. I think my obsession will only grow. Every year I'll learn more things about him, I'll draw him more, liten to more of his music... I think that my obsession can only grow rather than wane. <SameHere.iGuessWeJustLoveTheComputerTooMuch.I'mNotSure>)
    *yes, I've noticed ^^*

    ...it was. I wanted to see if you would agai- uh, I said nothing. *goes to get link* http://gpxplus.net/user/SilverFalcon

    *I like the red and blue one, not the clear ones*


    *Banette comes from behind Blade* ! *points and sees Banette holding something*

    *SMASH* (Oooh, it wasn't scary though. But I did like it ^^)

    *caught off guard by the kiss but let's Blade kiss her*

    ||| -_- |||

    I...don't think they're going to.
    I can sympathize with you. I'm way too shy in real life. Honestly, if this conversation was held in real life, I wouldn't be saying half the things I've said. Although, it's good to get over being shy. Just talk to more girls, Blade! Try not being so shy. Mhm.

    I guess. But I'm not willing to try, which is the problem.

    <YesNo~> You should ask him. :3

    *hug* Yeah! However, last year (well, last grade, I guess you could say.) went by way too slowly for me. I really didn't like my math teacher, and I had to see him eeeeverrryyydddaaaayyyy, which made it worse. I'm glad this year I got fabulous teachers. I've already switched into 'It's 2011' mode. Good thing, too. I don't want to keep thinking it's 2010. xD Well... Math bugs me, especially since my Math teacher last year said something that really hurt me, and ever since then I've REALLYT gone downhill in math. I just don't like thinking about numbers all that much. :U *hug*

    Yeah. I still want 'em, though. Especially since they're shiny. I don't really care for it, especially if it doesn't trigger any in-game events. (However, not everyone has an unhealthy obsession. I went to school wearing a sequined glove, for crying out loud. </AHAThat'sFunny.SheSpendsMostOfHerTimeOnTheComputerBecauseSheHasNothingBetterToDo>
    *It's a bad obsession x3*

    Silver will let you if yoour nice to her.

    *Good, cuz I hate those glasses.*

    If we kidnap them they would...uh, I mean, darn }:| (You should.)


    *Banette disappears* ...uh. He took it...

    *[WII]* (Well then. When'd you write that?)

    Uh...*wonders if Blade is going to kiss her*

    ||| UH...WELL...DAMMIT. |||

    I know my sister works there.
    *yes I have. You are too obsessed.*

    well you can't.

    *do you need 3D glasses? Cuz I can't wear them over my glasses.*

    I know, wish we could do a petition...(he said it would make him feel special ^^)

    --()-()-- glasses


    *@(-o-)@* (and so does Hitomoshi. An adorable candle that steals your life force.)

    Told you...that they do...*doesn't know what to do now*

    ||| SO IT WAS TRUE! }:3 |||

    (I thought so...)
    Not a Prob. I hope to see it when It's done.

    Good (Just don't throw the remote when using Lightsaber Throw. That can only end badly).
    Hmm, I suppose you should be thrilled rather than scared. Either that, or not really care; this is the Internet only, you know. It's not really happening. Oh, she said that you'd get worried. I guess she thought that you might get worried that I would be angry or something. I don't know. *shrug*

    Ah, I don't sing around people, so I don't know whether they like it or not.

    <:3> Possibly.

    *hug* Mhm. Last year went by like a speeding bullet. AUGH NUMBERS. I can't stand numbers. D: *hug*

    Mhm, I'm definetly going for that one. (Eh, I guess. But it's still sort of an unhealthy obsession. I mean, sure, I've met MJ before, but I don't think I should be THIS obsessed. </MoonwalkerDoesNOTHaveALife>)
    And you've got that Drumkit already done but you just need the drummer. My spritesheet doesn't have anyone I'd think would work well with a drumkit but the best one I found was: http://grab.by/89VR It could be edited to make it fit better but that's up to you.

    It promises awesomeness.
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