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  • Like Chocolate said, once you get the hang of splicing, scratching becomes a lot easier.

    Now. Crit time.

    This is your first splice, right? It's a pretty common choice for god knows what reason.

    Anyways, it's pretty good for a beginner. The ears are too long and skinny for its head tho, and the jewel isn't quite centered. The tail is just fucked up tho.

    Smile? What smile? *throws another hand at Blade*

    I Do TOO.

    *picks up shiny Squirtle* THIS. *throws him at Blade*



    ;-; *smacks Blade's arm, making it jiggle* Heheh.

    *hug^hug* (YAY^YAY^YAY^YAY^YAY^YAY. It was.)

    *waits for Blade to realize something*

    Blade is doing good.

    Yea...let's keep it that way.
    <No in Icelandic>

    Summer vacation? :( I never really look forward to summer vacation because Florida's already so damn hot that you can only imagine how bad it is during summer. D: I mean, I love the fact that we have about three months off, but maybe if it wasn't so hot...

    Hm, well at first what I did was spliced together a few trainer sprites, and I kept doing it until it came to me with ease. (Splicing will make scratch spriting a lot easier, trust me) Then later on, when I'm ready to make a trainer sprite, I think of a pose, draw it, and then scratch sprite it accordint to the picture. Sometimes it helps if you outline your picture with squares, seeing as MS Paint is very pixel-like. Wow, that seems like a very cool banner! I definetly want to see its end result! :D

    *hug* Really? D'aww, well, this kind of advice is something you'd expect from someone who's known as the always happy, peppy girl. :3 YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY PRETTY FLOWERS~~~
    Nope nada~

    Ah, I see I see. Really? Damn, I want a white Christmas tomorrow. D: if I got one I'd be the happiest girl ever! A sleigh? Wow, that's awesome. :D

    Hm... Make a recolour of Cubone, please? :D With colours like black and white. If you want to, of course. Scratch spriting is dificult, but I actually made a scratch sprite trainer and a scratch sprite Pikablu. I'll see if I can find them to show you~

    *hug* Haha, just be happy and the world will be great! YAYYYYYYYYYYYY MICHIIE~! <333


    ...what? But apparently you tricked him.



    *pokes Blade* ...? *Blade's arms feel like jelly* ...:) *pokepokepokepokepoke*

    *no hug D:* (YAY^YAYAYAYAAY. INORITE.)

    Ok! I ran out of money in the bank! D: I have $1 left! Now I can't buy an Eevee...;-;

    Now we know what your spriting potential is.

    I knew it.


    Uhm...do you own a Squirtle?



    ...O-O You sure?

    *air hug* (YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY. But I had no pokeballs ;-;)

    Did you see Mai's arena? They all start at 70% health.

    It looks good! You should use the circle tool for circular objects, it's not cheating.
    Not one bit. x3

    Ah, no I haven't. Although one day I do want a white Christmas... Don't think I'll ever get one, since Florida is so close to the equator. D: Most of the presents we get are inside stuff, too. Mainly because that all we realy want, since there's not much things we can do outside, since we don't have a pool or nothin'. :3

    I saw, and it's adorable. :D Thank you so much~ <3 Hm... I'm not sure if it's an image hosting site, but what about Tinypic? I've heard that works.

    *hug* I know right? I'm so thrilled! <3
    Nope, nope it isn't. :3

    You live in Indiana? You're so lucky! Now, if you live in Gary, Indiana I will envy you forever. Ah, well, yeah, there's no snow, and sometimes, it's like, 90 degress outside. I mean, all we really do is get our presents and play with them, and depending on the weather outside we might go to my grandmother's house and go swimming. Yaay.

    If you were trying to link something, there isn't a link. xD But yaay, sprites! I used to be a pretty good spriter... but then blah. I lost my touch. 3:
    You too! :D I still need to draw you a picture...

    OMG OMG OMG OMG OH MY GODDDDDDDDDD! :D I heard from her friend that she;s still alive but in a coma! She's still alive! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    ...Ah, sorry. I'm thrilled right now!
    ...Well I know about them now!

    FFF- Remember? We have the same Time Zone. It's Christmas in ten hours where I am, too. :3 Yay Florida Chirstmas~

    Yup. :3 ...Where'd you run off to? D:

    Yeah... And I'm sorry for your losses. I hope Michiie's family is alright, but her dad... He's torn to pieces. I feel so bad for him... Although, there is still hope. She's still in the hospital, and they're trying to revive her... I think she might be in a coma.
    Mmm-hmm... We're on to you, Blade...!

    Haha, you too! It's currently Christmas Eve where I am. ;3

    Charmander, derp. <3

    Oh, it's quite alright. *hugs* Thank you so much, though. I know that now she'll feel no more pain~ <3
    You would do that. I just know you would.


    ...*turns to Squirtle* Did that boy over there trick you? *Squirtle nods head* ...*turns to Blade* There's your proof.



    ...uh, this is not my fault.


    Squeee! I'm a better battler then you would think *eyebrow wiggle*
    Ay first I thought it was you making another account.

    ...InORITE is InORIte WoRTHy.

    ...so it was your squirtle that did it. }:|



    Only harmful to your insides I guess...*reads instructions* ...O-O *throws away instructions*

    *hugs the word H U G* (YAY. Your welcome. ^^)

    ...*covers Blade's ears with his hands* SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! :DDDD SQUEEEEEEEE!! *uncovers Blade's ears*

    What you should do is,

    1) take the arm off.
    2) set it to where the arm will go over anything without a giant white block around it.
    3) put the tail in the area where the arm's space would have been.
    4) put the arm back.
    5) the arm should go over the tail and put the tail in the backround.
    ...holy crap. There's two Blade's. ...crap.


    *thinks* but squirtle can't learn double team...?



    *throws a non-explodable thing at blade* Here, take that and eat it. AND STOP FAILING!!

    *eats the word C O O K I E* (Good ^^ I would never forget Blade, Silver is easy to remember, since it's an actual thin and so is Blade. :D)

    Yea, but you couldn't take it. So HA. DID YA THINK DID YA THINK?!?!

    You killed the tail. How could you?
    It is? XD Well, I like talkking, so, cool!

    Yeah, I noticed that XD, But you were here fisrt, so...

    Ah, I just became obsessed with the Secret link game, decided that I couldn't find it, and saw that htere were forums, so I just came here. I'm mexican, so you'll have to excuse me if I make grammar mistakes.
    I'm fine as well. a little sick but otherwise, perfect =3
    That I am, haha.

    So, what's up?
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