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S. E.
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  • Well, we kinda are on a Pokemon forum so YES

    Nah, too small. I vote for.. taking over the INTERNET actually let's start with the RP board.

    Let's call ourselves the super effective movement :o Cos movements are usually well intentioned so we can fool people! Yes!
    Yeah but

    still we can call it Team Epic. :o

    I'm the Dragon, you're supposed to come up with the shit. I kill things, 'member? I'm stronger, you're smarter.

    ..Now for recruiting, yeah :o World domination is slightly overrated.. what about RECREATING THE DIGITAL WORLDDDDDD

    True, but.. Twilight. Um.

    If you're the Big Bad, then I'm the Dragon :o

    Wait a second.



    I'm like, one of the youngest of the oldest in the school :o Yay.


    Heehee. One guy in our school is taller than most of the teachers. :3 He's actually a cool guy, and only three or five kids are asses. Though they're serious asses, so..

    Um. The girls are makeup and Twilight freaks, so I don't talk to them. Funny story though, one of the asses in our school used to be a really good friend of mine.. *cough*

    Anyways, I saw that trope before and went woop slightly true :D
    Erm.. not very often, since I'm usually supervising the little kids. YAY responsibility :o

    I haven't watched Digimon in forever; my knowledge is therefore limited to.. Dawn. Spoil away cos I'll forget it by tommorow :D

    I'm some form of short, and therefore awesome and. Everyone knows each other since the 7 and 8s are always in mixed classes :o Also uh.. also nothing. Never mind.

    There's my second-in-commandness again. :P So am I an NPC now or something? Except not a crapshoot and slightly wittier? :o
    But really, watch your throat. ;^; If you're gone, who'll rant to me about Digimon? :o

    WINGDRAMONNNN You'd have thought they would have used that name already, too. WINGDRAMON YAY

    Oh. Haha. :o Spencer does not count, for the record, and. Well, it seems your fanfic will be deeper and not as shallow than the canon, which is.. ironic? Great? Awesum? :P

    I wishhhh no one talks to me at school and everyone looks at me weird since I hang out with 7th graders and that's considered weird. FFFffff. tffdt.

    I feel useless, looking at my epically short post. >_<
    Oh, you did? Must've been a little weird to start with. Glad it's going okay, though. :3

    (XD Hee.) Yeah, that's sorta what happened with me. On top of the laziness. :B It's fun once in a while still, though.
    Yaah, the newfangled (I like that word) RPs are crazy. o_O I'm sure you could get into them if you wanted, though.

    XD So we did. How peculiar.

    Ooh, you're going to venture into the pit of voles? :o You'd probably do well to take some vole-be-gone spray when you're down there. >~<

    Dracomon is extremely epic; Wingdramon is now my third favourite Digimon evar. You don't have to guess the first and second. And yeah, you better get your fanfic started before there's a new season of Digimon with the goggle boy (and maybe girl this time but that's not happening) having a Dracomon as his partner. Then you'll be called.. special?

    Well.. go with the first personality that comes to mind when you look at Tapirmon, I'd say *not sure how helpful that is*. Do that or randomly choose from.. the Pokemon natures. Yeah :o

    NO IT'S AWESOME WHEN YOU RAMBLE since I always respond with shorter posts and feel inadequate and therefore.. I don't know. BUT IT'S FINE IF YOU RAMBLE SINCE NO ONE WILL TALK TO ME AT SCHOOL ANYWAYS SO.

    yay Dracomon i mentioned that before i think :D and I'd prefer you didn't totally dump the plot in my face, so I'd be able to read and possibly.. I don't know. ;~; I was going to say crit but then that would make me seem like I slightly knew what I was talking about so.

    Also YAY at partner Digimon~
    Lucky :< Think of how painful it would be to have little first/second/third graders running around yelling that Aerodactyl evolves into Mightyena or something, and you want to scream it doesn't, or to shut the hell up, but then you'd get suspended.

    Kai is sea/ocean :o Also I am taking that link and usiing it now thank you good bye

    lolwut pears :3
    I'm pretty sure that I can draw every single Pokemon *and I've tried but failed cough* but.

    All the girls at my school that like Pokemon are either:
    1. me
    2. nerds *me*
    3. internet fags *me*
    4. loners *me*
    5. hiding some epic secret *me*

    So basically it's just me and yeah.

    The boys are all in the third grade. :<
    i can only draw birds/wings/quadrupeds haha unrelated

    Niiice. At our school you'll get shot for thinking about Pokemon. Unless it's something like 'fuck yeah Seaking' and then everyone will stare at you cos no one knows anything about memes and everyone at my school is an illiterate FOOL

    okay im done now :<
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