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S. E.
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  • You'd call him CRUSADERMON OF BLUE or something~


    It is, actually D: LAPTOP

    NO PINK IS.. hermaphroditely? Ah, well. Crusadermon is completely epic and would still be no matter what- no, that's a lie. >:/

    Yeah, these conversations are epic. :o
    Yus. Though there aren't many good sprites to look at. :<

    Are you kidding pink is such a manly colour look at that shade of purple

    But you have to wonder; why pink? If Crusadermon was green or blue or something, we'd never have these conversations.
    Self inserts are fine actually, it's just as long as no one can tell that it's an insert~

    Which is kinda pointless, but y'know. :3
    I'm guessing that's some form of.. EPICCCC

    It depends if you mean yours, someone else's, and how good it is. :o Pro'lly I'd freak out though :o
    Arglegargle *is dragged through dimensional hole to Japan*

    Wait, where in Japan are we? Japan's a big place. :o
    Then go to Japan :o You can take a dimensional hole through the Digital World; pop out through a computer in Japan. That'll freak a lot of people out. >:3
    Mostly on account of my sudden unbreakable addiction to Yugioh abridged. The oft-quoted "In America" has probably become my favorite element of the show (that's a blatant lie, but it's one of my many favorites.) So, I chose to capitalize on it (in America.) Trust me when I say my next usertitle, whatever it may be, will have nothing to do with America
    Because Knightmon evolves to Alphamon at lv65, and my Knightmon's level currently caps at 64, and frankly I can't be bothered to degenerate it and work back up again. Also that would mean having four Holy Digimon in my party which is just not on.

    Aw. Sorry :< *wishes he had WiFi*
    Oh. Well I definitely can't fulfil the third requirement. Damn :(

    Ah, I see. Cos I just assumed you could have five what with the fact that sometimes five enemies can gang up on ya. *makes a mental note to try moving them about sometime*

    Gonna be a bit lonely with just Pharoahmon, Gallantmon, Apollomon, WarGreymon, MirageGaogamon and whoever I get in to replace Knightmon because I don't want to evolve him into Aplhamon any more :3
    Well, it's not that it's too easy per se... but it takes a pretty lazy approach to difficulty (Oooh let's give all our bosses a million HP but only moderately powerful attacks and stuff). Plus my strategy for fighting them is awesome soooo :3

    I'll look out for that one :D Incidentally do you ever get to have 5 Digimon in your party, or are those two extra slots there for no reason at all?
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