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S. E.
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  • and in the fury of this darkest hour, we will be your light. :3

    NO NANOWRIMO it's my life nao

    Valkryimon: WHAT JUST HAPPENED *attacks Yggdrasil* EAT HIS EYES, FREYA

    Isn't there supposed to be a 'j' there somewhere?

    Valkyrimon: ..FANON
    :D *mashes into a hueg banner*

    yeah we were talking about avatars? *drops off the planet*

    EXCEPT I can't think of any moar epic Digimon. There's a lot, but-

    AND I HAVE A hueggg collection of Pokemon avatars.

    IT'S KAI'S FAULT >_>


    i need moar avatars D:

    go ahead? :V Uh, I even forgot we had bosses and everything planned so um. :D
    that's a lot easier said than done for me. I can never think of something decent to talk about. Sure, if someone VMs, me first, then i can get into a conversation, but I can never think of anything to talk about
    I remember that. On the weekend it was posted I would hover around the RP board, waiting for FMC to post in the Mecha Sonic vs. Pride showdown. A few days later, i was just hoping something would happen.

    I also remember that just before you posted the RP, I was in one of my "I don't have much to do on the forums right now, maybe I should leave for a while" slumps. That wasn't the first time that happened, and it certainly wasn't the last either
    True. I say that all three had great potential, but the sequel and the outsiders fell prey to the same thing that Dreams of the Past will fall prey to and so many RPs before it fell prey to: Lack of activity/lack of people who actually cared about them, and decided to post in RPs like RSP while not even posting in those other ones.

    However, during their prime, they were, as I said before, some of my favorite RPs.

    Admittedly, I'm not sure who will be the unlucky soul who suggests another SSB RP, or the successes/failures of such RPs
    I thought that your SSB RPs were great; they're still among my favorites that I've partaken in.

    And it's not necessarily a bad thing that you're known for the SSB RPs. Heck, i carved a name for myself by creating that somewhat mediocre Warriors RP... I think.
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