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S. E.
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  • xD I've only been out of the country a few times, so... I want to visit places~

    ESPECIALLY SO. I can't wait for tomorrow. It's my birthday party sleepover~!

    *deep breath* 18 so far in the main series, two special editions (one about Firestar after The Darkest Hour, one about Bluestar before Into the Wild), two manga trilogies (one about Graystripe that takes place after the third book of the second series, one about Tigerstar that takes place during/after A Dangerous Path and The Darkest Hour but shouldn't be read until after the third book of the second series), one standalone manga about the some cats that have yet to show up in The Darkest Hour, and three field guides.

    The books coming out on November 24th are the first book of the fourth series and the first of another manga trilogy about Ravenpaw after The Darkest Hour.

    I'm going to see it at some point, though. It's a goal in life. xD

    I have so much free time... and I value it immensely. <3

    Warriors is definitely something to get excited over. :3 I'm practically bouncing off the walls the day a new book comes out...

    ... only two and a half more weeks...!
    Oooh. I like the aurora, even though I've never actually seen it. :3 I'm a sucker for anything sparkly.

    Haha, my school year's going pretty well. For being in high school I'm not getting enough homework for it to matter. (Then again, only three of my six classes ever give homework... the other three being band, creative writing and computer applications. xD)

    Not a Digimon fan, sorry. D:

    I think so. :D I've reread the books at least forty times. Forgive me if I slip up and accidentally spoil something for you. How far into the book are you?
    I though it was: And promise me they'll never see, the tears within our eyes (my eyes are closed)

    And: Discard regret, and in his death, a better world is made.

    What's called a moccasin? o.o

    EDIT: Oh yeah, the shoe. But "Brown Moccasin" is an awful greeting. Nobody would use it.
    Hold your head up high, for there is no greater love. Think of the faces of the people you defend..

    Aaah, I died too. :o NaNo is at.. 3498, and every single word of it is crap~
    And in our dying, we're more alive than we have ever been

    Ohcrap school stuff. D: I have to write a story for school- *stares at NaNo* ..excerpts. >:3


    and i have to redownload maple story 's a priority
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