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S. E.
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  • No, just because you're twelve, into Pokemon and Digimon, and have "Shining" in the first part of your name.
    Nor have I. I'm still at a complete loss for how they could discover the world. Right now, I can only think of one of the villains "stumbling upon it." But I don't think that's very original.
    Unfortunately, though I was on last night, I only had enough time to check the RP board, and not see your message. Perhaps next time I'll be quicker and see your requests.

    Though it's kinda ironic that you'd ask me that because we just got snow last night.

    I too enjoyed the short-lived "Void Where Prohibited" usertitle, but hearing "Death By Penguins" made me laugh pretty hard, so I decided to play out that one in my usertitle.
    .____. No. I've had too much bad experience with the strep throat to go back. Nilla Wafer?
    Try Google Images. I'm the dude standing with the old lady. I also get "Strep Throat, Jazz Clubs, and Fried Oreos FTW!" as a video. .___.
    :O Actually, I'm pretty sure that's the first time I've mentioned that meme.

    Also, Google yourself. ;P
    When properly motivated, I can be pretty absurd.

    The "You notice I didn't say Richard?" usertitle comes from a Bugs Bunny cartoon Wherein Yosemite Sam says that line after demanding for a door to be opened.

    "Void Where Prohibited" is just something I thought up when I wanted my usertitle changed. It sounded right, so I stuck with it...

    Right up until I saw this video I think the rest will explain itself
    Elders? Has it really been that long? I was only part of the forum for 3 or so days before it crashed, hehe.

    It was fun, seeing folks I'd been away from due to college and such. Didn't do much otherwise. The cake was kind of a let down. =/
    ...What have I missed? D: I was never much into the show- I just loved the movie. I always got it at the video store. :D
    Warrior class. Mmhp.

    Spearmen, who become Dragon Knights and then Dark Knights (HA) and are the most used warrior class ever. In Maple Story. They use.. spears! or pole arms and have Hyper Body, which is a very useful skill. Very very useful.
    Pages, who eventually become.. something, and then Paladins, and they use.. swords or blunt weapons. They are basic.
    Finally, Fighters, who become Paladins and use swords or axes. They're basically almost the same as Pages.

    imo, Pages and Fighters don't exist, and everyone is a Dragon Knight. Since DRAGONS and Hyper Body.

    Or people are just Arans. Uh. Arans are fun. :D

    This is short. Look at MapleWiki it is bettar. :[
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