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S. E.
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  • Two months, two characters. Level grinding is a lie, more like.. not level grinding. There is no level grinding. There was an x2 today, so I managed to level up three times, though I was playing like, five hours so >_> It's less dramatic that it was from level 22-25, so uh fail. My main's a 'dit, a Bandit, though nothing cool like dexless or retardedly funded. Simple stuff. The character I'm playing now is an Aran, level 25. Need get level 30, need Lilin's ring D:< So far I'm kinda rich for a level 40 main, with 21 mil. HA I'm gonna spend it on seriously cool shit later, or just hoard it, pro'lly. *rantrantrantrant* ALSO some dood dropped icies and I'm gonna just keep them since I'll never make a nw or 'sin anyways.

    *RANTRANTRANT* None of that made sense did it no.
    Actually, I'm level 40 and you should pro'lly be level 200 and TOTALLY PRO to even try. So uh.

    Even the monster-minion type doods are level 130, so. ;^;
    They pro'lly can't even get you to second form, so don't worry. Do what you want to do, you don't need my help.

    HEY HEY did you know no one's ever legaly beaten Pink Bean? >:3
    Pink Bean >:[

    Kill it. Genesis.

    I have no idea what you're talking about and you pro'lly have no idea what I'm talking about. PERFECT
    Oh. Uh.

    Oh. Uh.

    So we can agree it's wrong. There~

    You spent $25 on that..? I would've spent it on Digimon World Championships. Eck. >:[
    I swear it's 'So bury your fear'. >:/

    wut i do not understand cannot find

    Indeed it does. I managed to finish sending a PM (the server crumpled earlier so I couldn't fully send it,) and it was only after that that I noticed the VM... yeah. So, ignore one point in it.

    At any rate, I'm impressed that you played the "100% pure condensed awesome" card. That usertitle, while being there a long time, simply came from a viewpoint of someone biased towards what they just watched. That, I guess, explains a lot.

    If I have time and motivation to watch it, I will, though, if only to see if it's as good as you claim.

    Actually, it was kinda a mix of NaNo and Maple Story >_> So now while you have Digimon I have Maple Story~ *pokes avatar*

    And uh.

    Actually, it was kinda a mix of NaNo and Maple Story >_> So now while you have Digimon I have Maple Story~ *pokes avatar*

    And uh.
    But if the meme is a lie, than what isn't a lie?

    Ah, Wigglytuff... Brings back memories. Now I wish I hadn't deleted my lovely save file on Explorers of Darkness.
    I heard the cake was a meme. D:

    Also, your usertitle was what it is now ("Grand Master of All Things Bad"). ;F
    I must say, both of them are impressive. The First one I find to be a good "update" on my mediocre original, and the second one looks downright scary, and I especially enjoy the dark eyes on version 2. They make it look even more demonic than I made the character out to be.

    Admittedly, my "sona" as you put it, has to real rhyme nor reason; I just do it partly as a plot device in my currently on tcod hiatus comic, but it originally sprung up about four years ago, when I wondered how I could make a pokemon look as deformed as possible while still keeping its original shape. I truly think that prior to my introduction of Advanced Exos, the Raikou was the most refined of my sprites.

    Nowadays, I rarely sprite partially because my inspiration has run dry, but also because I know realistically that my work isn't all that great. If I do show the world Exos again, it won't be for a long time.
    If you'd like~ xD THE MORE THE MERRIER

    It's not really manga so much as Illustrations of Certain Plotlines in Book Form That They Call Manga Because This is Far Too Long a Name. And yes, it is great for scanvatars. 8D
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