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S. E.
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  • *checks all the choices* I can see why you chose him, then. Though unless you've played Majora's mask (and if you haven't, then go play it ASAP) Twinmold would also have made a viable option for "bosses from series that you'd be unfamiliar with" (Unless it was just Twilight princess)
    If Dragon doesn't want anyone to know, then I won't pry further, I was just curious.

    Anywho, I think in one of our earlier conversations I revealed that the final boss for the transformers arc would be a combination of These Two. I'd probably incorporate other movie 'cons such as Grindor, Sideways, and one or two others who I'm keeping secret.

    Also, this has been bugging me for a while: Which of the bosses that I suggested for the now dead SSB: The Outsiders were you going to use?
    How true. That modesty has impeded me for the last time.

    In any case, I look forward to when this arc ends. It'll be one step closer to the transformers arc

    it appears everything's been reversed again.

    ..wait, who caused an explosion? D:
    Nah, reference get. It's just REFERENCE IGNORE

    Nuu *drops lighter*


    ..You wouldn't happen to be a Water or Aquan type, would you?


    oh what everyone here is a cardboard cutout

    ..>:3 *lighter flares up*
    ..shit. I didn't really think that would wo-

    Wait. Are we still in the Digital World? *looks nervously at the Royal Knights*

    *whistles* aaargh get on the Halsemon boat
    *pulls out gasoline barrel and dumps over cardboa-Chrome-Digizoid Ygg'* LIGHTAR TIEM NAO

    Of course. >:3
    *pulls out a lighter* ORLY

    yus But So am i SO I haz puur grammer

    I installed Norton 360 and it fucked up my computer. :<
    orly. *pushes carboard Yggdrasil cutout over*

    YAY though I just listen to the music you are insane

    I CAN'T CHANGE MINE so thar
    Aw man :< I'm already runnen an RP, so yeah. Erm. OHEY DO IT FOR NANOOOOO

    WHY IS IT A WALLPAPE >:/ Anyways, the black and white-ness of it made me go o_e at first. Well, whatever. Mine is worse. >:3

    I CAREEEE it's just that the Crusadermon one reminded me of that AMV you showed me and I became obsessed with Winterborn and I know the lyrics and the Royal Knights are more epic because of it and this is a run-on sentence and PINK but Ygg-y?


    Anyways, you pro'lly don't care but my wallpape' is the last one here. With the flying ship and Balrogs an RIBBON PIGS and monsters.

    How bout we have the Royal Knights AND Demon Lords? :o

    Like I said. :o

    STILL I'm running the main show and yeah. The second post can be by me, and have the people innit.

    YUS THOUGH NOT THE Royal Knights, of course, but Digimon that are the same species as the Royal Knights and one of each? Or did you mean the actual Royal Knights?

    Also how 'bout we co-plan it and you make it and I'll be the DM, since stuff I make is avoided by people in general since I am a snarkish ass.

    No, seriously. :o
    oshi caramelldansen

    I SO DID NOT FORGET >:/ but really, I haven't even started yet. It'll be a looonnnnng time :,<
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