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  • Noooo

    Then give it Liquid Ooze or Stench in addition to Levitate. |< It must have either of those abilities or it will not be a proper bulbul.
    I say Liquid Ooze! Or Stench! Since that's general bulbul stuff. It may or may not Unnerve depending on the person you're asking. (eww)
    Now that's just mean. ): res isn't dumb at all. I would've suggested Eccentric as an ability except that I forgot that the English name is Imposter (and you probably wouldn't have wanted that ability anyway).
    Well since it's your Pokemon I won't advise on the effects, but it must point towards res' bulbul being much much smaller than average, yes.
    ... oh. Derp. 8D;
    With any luck they'll be Solarbeamed to death. This is why you shouldn't have used Hail D<
    I can't even find the thread for you vs. Blastoise o.o Anyway as far as I can see the Mosh Pit battle doesn't seem to be able to end soon, dunno about the one res is reffing... but if I do a decent job as a ref then your simulation should be over soon because everything dies to water, yay!
    I feel pretty bad for making battles stall, though, so I'll still try my best to keep up with the battle. It's just... I can't promise it'll be soon, 'cuz chances are I'll break that promise, haha. But thanks for understanding.
    Yeah, I know. I'm really really sorry. *sigh* I'll do my best to get it done. I know you've heard the words a lot and they probably don't mean much at this point but... I struggle to concentrate now, especially after going to court and... I'll see if I can't do it tonight, after I finish up a few errands, okay?

    Sorry to keep you waiting so long. If it becomes a problem I'll hunt down another ref and have them take over until I feel well enough to properly ref.
    You totally can.

    ... Although I can't say I care about my win/loss record that much to begin with, I did set up normalize skitty vs. aron and duskull.
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