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  • It's not that I'm ashamed or anything! It was just a remark. And ha, thanks. I used to not like Leah, but

    And yes, I need to start shaving. I have. So. Much. Body hair. Out of all people to be a fucking ape, why does it have to be me >_>

    (also I have to sleep now but see you later hopefully :c)
    And I've been taking steps towards it!
    Like now I'm Leah. And I think of myself as Leah. And I'd tell other people to call me Leah if I worked up the courage to do so. (Leah, for the record, is IIRC what my parents were going to name me had I been born a girl)

    I bought a women's shirt this weekend while in Berlin- picked it out because it was glitzy and pretty, bought it because women's clothes eeeee I think once I shave I might actually look vaguely female in it! *hopes*

    And um
    I've been going to the bathroom sitting down
    which I guess doesn't work for you, haha

    Feels a bit weird telling you all this, but eh.
    Durr, I'm a Westerner, always have been :x

    Iunno, I'm... relatively new to this whole OH NO I MIGHT BE A GIRL D: thing
    it's complicated and sometimes painful and agh
    Yeah, but
    assuming you did happen to get one
    and wear one in public
    most people would prolly go "ooh androgynous charm~"
    whereas if I were to go out in a dress on any day where a costume wouldn't be expected most people's reactions would likely be "WHOA TRANNY"
    Well, we were just discussing transgender stuffs, and I mentioned that I'm not really all that sure what it's like for the FtM people. Even though I know a few, including one guy who is sadface because hormones are expensive where he's at but they'd be free if he was in Israel...

    Sympathy all around.

    Also, damn you trans boys and your ability to put on a suit and not be judged.
    I mentioned you indirectly while talking to someone on Skype and they told me I should try to talk to you because trans people can help each other apparently
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