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  • I merely stated that accelgor were more awesome than gengar. You actually added Tuft into the battle.

    I can't back down from a challenge...!
    res made me aware of spite, yeah. But I hope that I have so few usable moves would raise alarm bells for that sort of thing anyway.
    Oh, but if we're seriously doing accelgor vs. haunter/gengar, spite will be banned. >[ I can't agree to it any other way.
    Eh, points seem like a decent way to count for me. Maybe the value is a bit weird - stats should be worth something too, and iirc they aren't considered? - but otherwise the method isn't terrible.

    ... Can't you fly anyway, assuming you aren't in a building? An area of floating platforms would actually be pretty interesting, although it might hurt resources.
    Yeah, the arena's pretty boring if we aren't using the gimmick. We could still count in points, but..?
    Outside the Battle Arena, maybe, to prevent leftovers? (Hrng that arena prevents stall. I want to stall.)
    ... Fine then. We're making this triples.

    (Exactly what you wanted but)
    Cooler does not necessarily mean fit for fighting in a battle, considering gengar's double-resist to bug.

    ... I suppose it could be considered, though?

    Haunter are better than gengar, but still less cool than accelgor.
    Umm, Pathos, this might sound random, but what is that coffin pokemon called again? Confragris or something?
    hey so I feel like the worst ever but I really have no use for Dmetry and I'm trying to downsize my party. :c would you like him back?
    Gengar's... just a ghost? An old ghost? That has sort of neat 'Dex entries but is inferior to "Litwick shines a light that absorbs the life energy of people and Pokémon, which becomes the fuel that it burns." I mean a litwick. A candle has better 'Dex entries than gengar.

    Banette, though, is amazing. I'll admit banette are infinitely superior to accelgor.

    It is not ridiculous at all. And sure, Kratos could touch you. Kratos could stab you with tentacles larger than your body. (Because, you know. Giratina.)
    Accelgor are much cooler than gengar. :P

    But that doesn't exclude you from getting your body burned on a stake and being spoken to in a vaguely irritated, angry or otherwise intimidating way! (Then Kratos gets Negrek to ban you. It's the same ending; what if Kratos doesn't like being touched?)
    Kratos eats yours, though.

    And then Kratos locks up ~your eternal soul~ and puts it in a jar and shines light in your not-eyes (you can't close them because you don't have eyelids) until your not-eyes hurt and then Kratos speaks to you in a vaguely irritated, angry or otherwise intimidating way and for good measure Kratos burns your body and bans you from TCoD.

    And Kratos is Giratina (you're just a gengar now you know that right) and browses on invisible mode. So terrifying.
    You are braver than I am. Kratos eats minds! Or something to that effect.
    Nonono, I believe you mistyped that. Kratos is scary. You can only squish or touch Kratos with a long, thin stick the length of a football field. And if they see you doing it...
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