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  • I wish I was intelligent and good at telling people apart. Then I would have a ~soulmate~ who could mess with dreams.

    Badminton! Asian sport! Also happens to be the only sport I'm remotely good at, and my mom is all about STAYING ACTIVE.
    Yes! We are nothing like each other. I can't tell people apart, while you totally can! And that is why Darkrai chose you.

    Just this past summer, we did have an entire week of 40C weather. It was hellish. And my mom still forced me to go to badminton camp. In a gym with no AC.
    Yes, you are! Darkrai would only choose the most intelligent! :D Isn't that right?

    Oh pff, in Canada we are up to our knees in snow. It's quite horrible. Stuff snowballs all the time.
    You posted the VM with the links on your own profile. :P Which is why I took a while to reply.

    That's... saddening. A prime example of things snowballing into horrible events. Let the BfA teach us all a lesson in... snowballing stuff.
    More like I should've charged her and split the earnings with Darkrai!

    ... so BfA is the result of Darkrai being forced to poop candy all the time?
    Yeah, those security systems were probably Her doing. I know jack about security. I should've charged her every time she made a candy by making you poop it out though.
    Ohhh, that makes more sense. Though (and don't kill me here) I thought Darkrai was imprisoned in the basement of /my/ business.

    They... look a bit like mushrooms. Hm! Fascinating!
    No! You misunderstand. This is one of the tasks She used darkrai for; to transform memories into candies. That's why She captured darkrai. Without it, She would have no way of making candies.

    Here are tumours! They should have, but pathos was too timid to ask. It did not have a darkrai at the time.

    I think Asbucks can buy saltwater and vinegar! And you certainly should preserve ALL THE AVATARS! That would make us all very happy!!
    Yes it has. The hrmls are quite contagioous.

    I... I did not know that. How fascinating. Wait, does Negrek make candies in the same way? *shudders* Does this mean that we are effectively feeding our Pokemon waste excrements?

    I actually can't tell if you're being serious right now. Do you actually have a picked tumour sitting on your shelf IRL? If so, you must take a photo of it and show TCoD. Also pickled testes are the best things ever. The vets should've understood such a request, even if it sounds odd!

    Ah, avatars are such interesting creatures! I'd assume ASBucks could buy saltwater and vinegar? In which case I could buy enough to preserve ALL THE AVATARS and not be a horrible person anymore.
    Now this really is quite the predicament. Hrml.

    But in that case, Darkrai still will not get the memories. They're all condensed into the candy. And that will make Darkrai angry.

    Do you collect tumours? That'd be quite the interesting collection. But that doesn't answer my previous question: won't the avatars just drown horribly in saltwater and vinegar? I mean their /corpses/ will be preserved, but they'll still drown.
    Ah, yes, compliments are always so useful! Although I wonder if it's worth attempting to get this... interesting information at risk of being destroyed. I mean I'm not the best with compliments. I'm terribly clumsy with my words.

    But that seems to imply that Darkrai will just take the candies for itself and eat them! I want to /hoard/ the candies.

    But that involves submerging them in saltwater and vinegar. Plus the article says that the stuff is only preserved for a few months, which is quite far from "forever".
    It's not my turn in the battle, so I won't get destroyed just yet... I hope? Although actually it's in my best interests not to get destroyed at all so I'll shut up. The relationships between the three and their respective legendaries seem... interesting... Would I get destroyed for prying deeper?

    Aw, poo. Who's going to run her business, then? I liked having a place to make candies out of sweet, stolen memories.

    A... pickle jar? Doesn't that just mean they'll drown in saltwater and vinegar instead? Sounds more painful than anything, to me.
    Awww, Pathos x Darkrai OTP. <3 Does that go for the other two legendaries? Anyway, if you three win the BfA, you will destroy Her city, but She will still live, yes? And continue studying avatars! Maybe she will go after you specifically, since you are such an interesting species! It probably would've been a better move to remain quite about your palpable, living, breathing-ness.

    I am glad I am not an avatar. But now I feel bad about drowning all the avatars I have drowned before ;~; Am I a horrible person
    What if Darkrai leaves for some reason? Or what if She is keen on studying palpable, living, breathing avatars?

    ... I see. The world of avatars does seem to be a sad place.
    Yeah, point taken... But then why would you tell me that you are palpable and living and breathing? How do you know I won't catch you and experiment on you? I mean I won't, but. Not to mention this conversation is public.

    Out of curiosity, how did your predecessor drown? Poor thing, I thought it would know how to swim. D:
    So far as I'm aware you are the first palpable living breathing avatar. Most are not palpable and living and breathing so that's probably why people assume you are not, too.

    And if they are palpable and living and breathing they don't really speak up about it...
    Well then this is something new and extraordinary! Hello, Pathos's avatar, glad to meet you, and sorry we started on the wrong foot!
    It is logic! Avatars are not palpable, living, breathing beings, so they generally do not have lungs.

    Even if they do they are generally not functional.
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