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  • You... you /horrible person/. Is this what you want to win BfA for? So you can send Darkrai to beat up kids? That's just... disgusting. ):

    (naw if they make too much noise and are obnoxious about it, go get'em! :D)
    Yeah, hopefully. I got everything up for approval; I'm preeetty sure it qualifies as butchering now but hey ditto prostitution that can't possibly be ignored. ... I can barely write though maybe I should go beg Negrek's forgiveness as well as the forgiveness of anyone and everyone who reads it. At least people will be coming to buy things instead of examine horrible flavortext!

    I know right it's like they're a houndoom wait why. I always liked gen five, though! Is it just me or are they like Hoenn but... not Hoenn yeeeah. They have just the right mix of styles! I actually love all of the starters this generation! Except for emboar, though; tepig was just so cute and then pignite eh so suddenly WHAT. First generation I'm pretty ambivalent about, second I hate chikorita, sort-of-like cyndaquil and totodile, third generation I really liked everyone (although I like grovyle a lot more than sceptile), fourth generation I just really dislike. Torterra and turtwig are okay but. :(

    That happens mostly when I'm tired and want to sleep but can't or don't or whatever. I rarely fall asleep when I'm not lying down; however, whenever it's late I night I can't just sit down or anything to take a "five minute rest" or anything because then I know I'll fall asleep. Heh.
    I really should! :D Hmm, I wonder if we could do that in BfA... Ditto transforms into a giant dreamcatcher and ensnares Darkrai!

    Too bad Ditto is dead.
    I'll have to sleep anyway. Don't want to be a zombie at school. Though maybe I should hang my dreamcatcher on the door just in case... (though those things don't actually work do they)
    Pathos x Darkrai OTP eee~! Are you sure Darkrai won't destroy me for this

    Well... too much sleep is better than none, yes?
    ... really, just now? xP Well, it's very fitting! Or maybe Darkrai picked you because you obsess about dreams?

    Yeah, at least you get a good amount of sleep? In a weird pattern but that's okay!
    I think that goes for a lot of people :0 At least some dreams. I never have good dreams (well I can't remember any) and I don't hear a lot about other people's dreams so... I can't really say.

    My boyfriend has insomnia and it sounds like a crappy thing to have... Yeah, definitely don't think it's good for you. :P
    ... That seems like a good idea! Although it does allow refs to get EXP ridiculously quickly (if of course they ref ridiculously quickly), hm. I think I'll just put it in the list of proposed changes? I feel like I'm butchering Sable's business to just randomly add changes, so I was planning to just add things that I'd like or others suggested to be different as an afterthought to see what Negrek says.

    Also those scolipede are really good! :D I don't know what possessed me to think this but they look like a houndoom-puppy-demon... thing which is adoracute and aaah. That probably sounded weird but I especially love this one!

    I have no life, buuut instead of using my lack of life to be productive I sit around and just not be productive while staring at what I need to finish sadly.
    There's already a scolipede? With the race for firsts, that happening was inevitable, but I don't want to spend six EXP on that right now. The color scheme is actually sort of obnoxious (it just killed my eyes the first time I saw it), but I got used to it and now scoooliiipeeedee. I'd be inclined to try it out, but it doesn't even learn windy moves to act as a sort-of magic coat. :( Volcarona does, but they're also pretty hard to get...

    I'll back off the scolipede, then! Have fun with the sad movepool (although if you just restrict everyone's movepools to only gen V's then it's good).

    Seems like a better idea. Now the question is whether I ever actually buy one.

    I'm horrible at reffing quickly! But I do like rare candies; it depends on how much money I can get for one.
    Oooh, scolipede. That seems interesting, and I'm almost tempted myself. Except for the fifth gen movepool. :( I... may or may not end up racing you for that, though; depends on whether I decide that I want ALL THE BUGS or not. (I don't even like the bug type on the whole; it just happens that wow I actually love or like a lot of bugs. Hrm.) And if they get a signature attribute it should have to be fitting! ... I'm having a weird image of a scolipede!Taxxon eating its own substitute. And then Kratos' Battle for Asber strategies will become a regular thing well. It's really disappointing for me too and my squad would probably be a 50/50 split between Unovan and Hoenn pokemon if not for the movepool problems. D:

    Why don't we have two copies of everything that seems reasonable. They are, but the fact is that I already have a poochyena so. Manectric seems better, now that I think about it, but I'll just be keeping it like this until I actually buy an electrike.

    What are you talking about being in debt is hilarious I didn't get too many extra gifts due to money, but I had to get everyone who got me birthday presents something back so! My average balance has been... steadily increasing, I guess? I'm still usually a bottomfeeder with 0-20 dollars but with the Biggest Upset win, the introduction of terrible reffing and the sale of a rare candy it's been more than that for a while. I am extremely silly with my fake money! I'll spend it all on stupid things, save up money, never buy anything ever, and then when I get something close to a respectable amount of money a birthday (or the Gift Exchange) comes along and then whoops. It's fun, though! I'm definitely not like that in real life, but I do buy things occasionally.
    I've been meaning to get a Rachel ursaring, buuut that works too especially considering the one starfish incident. :D I have Visser Three and a Taxxon! Until just now he was named "Xxon" because "Taxxon" sounded weird as a name and so did "Arbron" but then I changed my mind. Does a Taxxon gulpin make sense to you (it seems perfect for me yet I have amazingly stupid ideas)!

    ... Now I'm just in love with the idea of a grovyle/sceptile Hork Bajir. And also yay I already have one! Now to decide whether he's Jara or Dak hmmm. Cassie could totally be a poochyena/mightyena yet she's already someone else. FANDOM CLASH okay so Animorphs wins. Although houndoom!Cassie and manectric!Cassie seem nice too.

    I've witheld from actually spending the cash needed for gifts and such until I can actually afford everyone's presents more or less. Currently I'm ~7 dollars in debt but if I ref I can make that right up so! With the combee I just bought (for the Battle of Negrek's Blood) I only have $71 to spend this year. (Which I think is close to the richest I've ever been but.) Holiday cheer, pathos! I'm going to feel pretty bad when half of my gifts are "I will ref something for you! ... If you count taking months for a few shitty paragraphs as reffing!" and "coupons" for the Daycare at overhead price, but hey.


    Yeah, until you actually run through the events of the dream, they seem almost-kinda plausible! Not really but you get what I'm saying. And I... don't exactly have an active life! 8D; Go to school, go home, stay on the computer all day, sleep.

    I'd... rather not mess with my sleep schedule, for fear of being totally dead in class OTL I've heard that some people actually don't need to sleep, but I'm kinda skeptical about that being true...

    I demand this too D< I demand more dream-centered movies in general! More!
    "I once dreamt I was yelling at my brothers “ANYONE WHO DOESN’T LOVE LADY GAGA IS A MUGGLE!”"
    This dream amuses me :D

    Hm, that too. I suppose writing about it helps you focus on it, too? I don't think I've ever remembered more than one dream at a time, so they're not terribly difficult to decipher, but... they just come along so infrequently. Lucid dreaming sounds fun, though!

    I have winter depression, but I still get sleepy at around the same time, so I don't really have the opportunity to sleep more... I don't think I've ever slept more than 12 hours before. ;~; And I think you take the title for strangest sleeping pattern I've heard of! Though I haven't heard of many strange ones.

    It would've been nice to have the psychology stuff, but I bet most people would be bored since all they want is ACTION. Still awesome though!
    I've heard that writing down your dreams helps you realize when you are dreaming and thus "learn" how to lucid dream. I should start doing that. Though I haven't had a dream in ages. I gotta go to sleep now, since it's nearing 1 here, so I'll read your dreams tomorrow :0 (well I lied when I said I don't remember my dreams; I do have recurring nightmares but they are not fun to discuss!)

    You get to sleep 12 hours a day? :U Lucky. On good days I get 7 hours; I usually get closer to 5~6 hours. But dreams are really fascinating~ And Inception was an awesome movie. So awesome that we managed to convince our teachers to watch it in class for no real reason at all, other than it was awesome.
    No, don't worry, I'm used to it. ): I've long accepted my failure at being intelligent and telling people apart.

    Pretty much all dreams are not normal! I'm trying to recall a weird dream I've had, but since I never sleep any healthy amount, I don't dream/don't remember them for long.
    My brother did dream I was driving once, though. I got us all killed.
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