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  • Hey man, did you happen to get me a Shroomish for Christmas? Your present gave me an error when I tried to open it and Negrek just stuffed whatever it was into my account.
    If it helps any, Visionary's attribute will mean I never use him. I'm terrified to do so... -_-;; I'm usually in the favor of the RNG's, but there are some things that just ask for trouble.

    Maybe I'd do well with some fear, considering I wanted a normalize skitty solely for the purpose of battling a ghost type and a rock/steel with it. Those two actually have nice movepools, though! Unless that's not the point you're trying to make, well.
    So I wasn't the only one who had that delusion at first? Niiice. Only like two or three signature things actually approved, but I'm sort of trying!

    I tend to choose due to design first, then usefulness; I figure if I really like a pokemon and I'm determined to use it, then I'll find some incredible strategy that I can use and abuse. But then again, I don't do competitive battling much either so. Double weaknesses probably would suck to deal with, but now that I look at it gligar seem workable. In fact, I think I want a gligar now.... buuut I already have way too many firsts to evolve and things to write out and yeah. That sounds hilarious, though. Ahahaha. *Horrible person*
    All of my signature attributes are weird, and most are impractical. Why would my pokemon have a signature thing if they weren't weird? I could probably make attributes for over half of my team if I wasn't completely vague about that. ... I guess paying for an attack purely in health might be practical sometime, though? That's my plan for my shuppet's signature move once she evolves.

    I'll take pretty much anything that has recycle, really; as long as the design isn't terrible I can deal with typing. Not having to use recycle would be great, though, so that's why I want harvest.
    ... Honestly I've barely read any of your reffings but you can draw really well! Self confidence and all.

    I could, yes, but I already have a bizarre sig attribute planned for her; she's going to be double jointed and have a really long neck so she can eat her own bananas. Because. Why would you grow your own bananas on your neck if you don't eat them. I'm very good at thinking up weird ideas for signature things; not so good at writing them out and getting them approved! For the movepool or design, though? Exeggutor are weeeird but I suppose I can't deny that large movepools are better movepools.

    I think I'm just going to give up on doing anything other than brute force when attacking force. Even though that doesn't work out too well, either... Hm. I suppose it will just depend on the situation.

    Also that does seem useful! I think I'll try that out.

    ... Also I totally didn't notice that you already had a growlithe before I sent you your gift. D: I checked and even got Kratos a gulpin because of the arcanine! But then I was already out of money so.
    by this point I can't tell how difficult sreservoir is to type for other people, because I can pretty much type it with hands on autopilot. six of the letters are basically three of them permuted.

    res is easy enough, though, right.
    although really, it's probably not even spelling difficulty or dyscalculia, just uncareness and being too lazy to copy and paste.
    I am literally getting to it right now. Sorry about the long delay on this one!
    It's the opposite for me; my drawings are bad enough anyway so any time over ten minutes or so fixing things afterward will have absolutely no effect at all. Buuut then I end up spending thirty minutes or so anyway after I'm finished fussing over "nooo these four pixels really bother me at ridiculous magnification!" I really only draw tiny tiny things though. The santa hat on my avatar is the exact limit of my digital art skill pretty sure. I think I'll just ban murkrow/honchkrow from ALL OF THE BATTLES then. No seriously ;_; Absol are beautiful and nothing hurts (what) but there are a few key things about honchkrow which are just. No/yes/I want iiittt/get it out of my sight??? Although I'm sure Rael has a bit of a ridiculous movepool thing as well; mostly justified because ~fully evolved psychic yay~. Yeah, I figured; if that worked I'm pretty sure there would be all of the porygon.

    I guess it's just a preferance thing! I'd get a bayleef myself, if I didn't have to pay terrible starter prices, go through the chikorita stage, and get stuck between better movepool/speed and meganium uuugh no. So pretty much if it was just a wingless buyable tropius then yes. I'd get a tropius myself, but I'm still hoping that by some miracle I'll get to a point that I can get a harvest one free berries for life! :D

    I'm always in a state of almost-reffing I guess. I can't really go into "I hate reffing" because I'm already bad enough but maybe with practice I'll become efficient and not write out paralysis rolls and everything while completely forgetting the target for thunder wave had a substitute oops. I think I've slowly been coming to the conclusion that substitutes are useless and boring except for when I realize that yeah they can be really helpful hm.
    Yeah same here but still. My flavortext is not delicious so even though scumptious money may or may not come soon I'll still fuss over everything for a while. Murkrow's movepool is too large is that a compliant I can file because if so. I could just get one myself but they make me too frustrated (however I think I'll just find a bunch with similar movepools so I can cause pain later yes). I have no one-battle-evos at the moment but other than that they seem great! Even better is trade evolutions, though. Can you actually use trade evolutions here because if so zero EXP porygon-z yes.

    Well I think your taste is weird! ... The first gen ones as just a little boring, honestly. I think it's the realism, or something, but they just seem a bit more like animals than pokemon which is silly because they were the defining pokemon in the beginning but. Chikorita is so odd! Bayleef is okay I suppose. If I was good enough at/had the patience for competitive battling I probably would too, but I don't really so I just don't use them.

    That's my main problem, too. -_- In fact I have a lot of "main problems" I suppose I should just go back to the reffing I have 90% finished that I've decided not to go asleep until I post. Yeah.
    Well now I do! Your motives are justified!

    but I still wouldn't like having a Darkrai floating around in ASB
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