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  • Well, that was the intention! There was this whole namechange event going on, I became Mai, when the time passed and I could change my name back I decided I preferred Mai. I'm not, really, but it works. (I need to learn to be more emotionless and snarky.)

    Sometimes I try writing long things, but even I know it's terrible so I just figure that okay maybe all those things aren't that terrible after all. Exactly! You really don't need to describe every single thing in a novel, okay author, there's no need to go through all this. (It's probably the worst thing in ASOIAF.) Why.

    Trick room also reverses command order! I don't know, it seems best reserved for the last round or so to assure victory. I feel so disappointed in myself because I had checked embargo just a while ago and I was like what. "It gets rid of signature things??? Well that's odd, moving along, keep it in mind for later." I just didn't. :( But we could've given it an air balloon! And with team support, yeah, they might've survived long enough to swallow Darkrai. You've got a point there, though. It looks connected to me, but it's a steel type--possibly it's just the equivalent of gluing two boulders together. Doesn't make a stomach. Steelix are so cool. There are just a lot of great ground types and that makes me sad because flying/hovering.

    Smashing works best as an occasional thing, for me. Pretty sure it's because I don't spam STAB hyper beam or anything (because silver wind will pay off in the end right it really does), buuut a lot of the time I suddenly realize that no I cannot keep up with damage. So I will do whatever instead and it works most of the time.

    EDIT: And does wanting a spinda!Buffy with a Once More With Feeling signature move make sense? I... really like the idea after a week or so, but I like a lot of ridiculous things.
    Going on there as Pathos would actually be pretty cool. Wouldn't work out as well for me, assuming "well" means "oh it's that one that I talk with on TCoD!", considering that my username is actually a name, but oh well.

    Yeah, that sounds about right. It depends, usually; I'm nooot that great at writing, but sometimes I tend to just have very strong views of characters and. Yeah. If I don't like the book, assuming it's not pure idiocy I'll at least bear through it enough to finish. I agree. For one, it's just generally less obnoxious, and also if it's completely horrible you can just pass it without fast forwarding and watching it all quickly or by wondering if you went too far if you skipped.

    Increased movepools, yeah. Those make the pokemon waaay over speed, and also assuming a huge psychic thing then you might as well exploit trick room. Well onix is just a monstrous rock snake. Steelix is a horrifying thirty foot long steel snake. We (us in the BfA against you I mean), we could've eaten Giratina. :( And you! And Mewtwo as well! All of you would be hopelessly digested! I want a steelix.

    I'm suddenly aware that my "okay so I should know how to double battle by now" is now "challenge everyone I want to battle with to a double battle instead of easier singles and kill chances of winning/getting the battle reffed". And also my one plan of something that could vaguely work in a double battle... doesn't really work with Rael. But hey, if we're both clueless then it works out right! Right.
    Well, make sure to milk the publicity that comes with it. Go on a game show or something! I'll cheer you on and it would be hilarious. Answer all of the TV questions! (Although I suppose you'd probably have to give out your real name for that so.)

    Yes. I read and loved Harry Potter way back when, buuut is it weird that out of all the things that I obsessively reread I just can't bring myself to do that? It's been a while. But yeah, ASOIAF isn't really for those who dislike reading; there's like 700 pages in the first aaand it's in the early thousand for... I'm pretty sure the rest?

    I rely on using those unreliable moves to my own advantage even though there are better options. And I hope for those secondary effects. I think the random number gods like me :D! Because it works. Maaaaybe I'd be 0kay with slaughtering another honchkrow with a bug type, but doing that has a suspicious similarity to doing that with Kratos and. I can't deal with that. I've decided I am done with them and that is that. Yes, but at least grumpig's speed doesn't decrease from spoink's. That's mostly unacceptable.

    Sure! (Although I have to wonder where I'm going to evolve the hoothoot...) Doubles? I need to learn how to double battle but at the same time that doesn't seem quite the best start.

    (Oh nooo--wait, that's a good thing.)
    ... It happens okay. I'm just "hey do I want to watch the new episode of whatever or procrastinate on something else"? ... I'll go procrastinate on something else okay. No I do no want to wait and watch the episode. (Or half-watch, really.) My impatience outvotes my laziness. But yeah! I'm... not quite sure if that would be a good thing or a bad thing. It would mean I put forth effort into something, but it would be putting effort into. Wasting time and watching television.

    ... I don't think I want to see every TV show ever. That would be insane. Wait, what do you mean by that? Okay, so A Song Of Ice And Fire is the book series. A Game Of Thrones is the name of the first book in that series and the name of the TV show. (Congratulations, Captain Obvious!) Aaand yeah the sex scenes get ridiculous but it's like a Sunnydale Syndrome Weirdness Censor thing. The books are amazing nonetheless.

    I sort of love relying on 10% chances. That is not a thing I should be saying but. I typed it and it is true. (Togekiss... are actually sort of fun-looking. Although every sense in my body tells me that I should be enraged at the sight of them like I am with honchkrow. Damn psycho shift. Damn ridiculous support movepool. Damn immunities to psychic moves. But I will get a noctowl soon yes! :D) Pedestal. Camels. Solid rock being acceptable. I listen to... some sort of music with everything. Usually Homestuck music. I never go into the writing board ever if that's what you mean (aaalthough now I'm doing it just because it was implied), but fanfiction how can you live without that. Speed is everything! Except when it's not! I have an accelgor and want a ninjask! Speed is important.... mostly. Prankster and such make it useless (and unless absolutely necessary attacking first usually means you move last because conditionals), but it really can influence crucial things. I can barely imagine magmortar moving it just seems so odd. Blech, magmortar.

    Deal on the hypno. I'm not dealing with that togekiss until I can beat it in with my first!noctowl. (I have an open slot, but it's reserved for normalize skitty.) I have a... 0.48 percentage thing. And the only time I've won a battle by knocking out the other team's pokemon is in the tournament. Take that.

    (Do I look a bit more sane this time?)
    ... I've actually been too lazy to watch a lot of TV. For a while. Yes that is a thing that can exist. And. Yeah. ... Okay so the TV is always clogged up and I can't watch what I want most of the time so either I search for it (and then siiigh when it takes a long time to load on my slow connection) or just give up. Guess what happens a lot of the time.

    But have you watched a Game of Thrones (because I'm reading the series and I could ramble about that with you)? I haven't seen the TV show but I want to! Go read A Song Of Ice And Fire or watch the show! I didn't even notice you were doing that because so many of the characters in there use "oh gods" too :V

    No it isn't. :( Sheer force is a sad thing I want my random hax at the most opportune moment. I need to go buy something with serene grace and ancientpower/ominous wind/silver wind. I'll admit that anger point seems pretty fearsome. I need a Dream World camerupt on top of everything else. (Have you read the fanfic Pedestal? I kind of sort of haven't read the last few chapters yet but it's so beautiful aaah.) Mankey look great as well so maybe one of those. It is unreasonable until there are fifteen nidos. Nidos are simply that great. Buuut I'd have to disagree on magmortar! They're slower than magmar! I'm pretty sure magmar encompasses 90% of that movepool even though I don't want to check! They don't get drain punch or other healing things to bail me out of the wacky situations I can get myself in! They have rest, of course, but still.

    I don't like to drown in movepools when I look at them. It's much better to screw with things! And have a bunch of choice moves that you can exploit for everything! I think. When you get your clefable. I need to beat the hell out of them with my grumpig Rael. Their movepool is beautiful without drowning! I can breathe when I look at them! But they get everything I need! More than that (although I wish they had encore)! Grumpig are just made for slaughter, and Rael will have to showcase it in two battles now because of that venomoth >( I mean. I don't own a venomoth or anything but that can't be tolerated. D: Venomoth don't even have limbs! Bugs are so fragile that I can't even. It's insulting. I am an insulted insectoid. Drapion seem great, though.

    (I like to overuse exclamation points!)

    I can actually fly without my head, though I may crash into things. Don't worry, I'll get myself repaired soon... ish.
    But that's akin to pigeons pooping on your head! Do you like pigeons pooping on your head? I didn't think so.
    Hey man I fly when I want to fly. You're just hitching a ride. If you really really must vomit then just do it over the side. And uh try not to hit anyone on the ground.
    ... so you /do/ get motion sickness? It's possible to throw up on an empty stomach you know. And acid is bad for my shiny exterior.
    I also hope you aren't afraid of heights and don't get motion sickness. I'll be very angry if you puke on my back; I just polished D<
    Well um


    Blargh okay fine cling to me all you want, just don't get in my way when I need to fly or something
    Hugs = sad business.

    They are also usually sinister. (but I couldn't find an image for that in a few seconds so boohoo.)
    Is that Kusari I see in the distance, leering at me with a sinister gleam in its eyes?

    Is that Mewtwo I see with Kusari, readying a Psystrike?

    Is this the legends' way of getting rid of me before my Swellow Sky Attacks everything to death?

    Um well it appeared into my mind. And hustle was already terrible so sure why not. But sheer force is so simple! What is luck and chance I want crithax/a chance to raise all my stats/lower your stats/status. Good luck on the nidoroyalty, though! They only need three EXP why is there so few. I don't like sheer force >/

    Their movepools are usable! I prefer fun and moldable over "THIS IS BEAUTIFUL" a significant amount of the time because yay windy things. See I have weird classifications of amusing but. Ariados I'll grant you is hmmm-ish, but beedrill has this weird thing and if I can mold Kaleidoscope into anything then why not them. (Tinted lens is why and I will be very disappointed if you say venemoth does not look like they can accomplish mostly anything. Shield dust seems lovely too. While we're at it speed boost or tinted lens on yanmega bugs get all the nice abilities.)
    Umm, about your usertitle, it's obviously in reference to my posts in the Police Brutality thread. Obviously a jest, yet I take it as offensive. Could you please remove it?
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