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  • I open them whenever I want to. Which is thankfully not often. But hmmm what if I just open one and suck all you legendaries in...
    You're lucky you can moosh your pet. D: I have pet birds but they don't like hands, and if I moosh them I might break their ribs or something.

    But it's abuse either way D:
    A ninjatoe is the big curvy toe on my foot! Like a velociraptor toe except /deadlier/. It can open wormholes.
    If you moosh me too hard I will die and decompose and I will become a filthy stinky floof.

    I am ???bulbul and anti-abuse.
    Watch out for ninjatoes though. Those are particularly dangerous. And uh... don't moosh me too hard please Dx Aughh only one moosher at a time please ;~; *crushed*
    Until I actually know what a bulbul is I will be against abusing it because abuse of any kind is generally bad! D:
    So I would look like this and I would not be at all happy, no. And look! Still some sharp edges sticking out. (well fine maybe PETB. No abusing bulbuls, you heartless monster.)

    (well exams are over so feel free to distract yayyy)
    If I had actually bothered to watch Inception (I have it recorded iirc), that would deserve a stupid joke.

    Well, do you have any other trick roomers? ... Okay so looking through your active squad prooobably not except for the ralts but. Ralts are boring and not well-suited when you have so many possible type advantages. Also also can I complain to you because none of my battles are any fun at this point :( I have ideas for battles that could be fun but they don't exist and I'm losing in most of my things so. (Heyyy you e-reffed this way back when could you issue a DQ warning? Thanks.) I'm out of new ideas (not to say I don't have old ones, I just tend to explode with ideas at the beginning of something and after a time it's just no idea) and out of patience and it's just. Blech. You are officially a better person than me because when I get beaten up by something I just dislike it! At least in ASB, not as much in-game. There are three medicham; I know HighMoon has one, apparently Quidam and Dragon as well. They... are... but medicham learn fling (how would that work out???) and trick and I'm generally confident that they'd be able to get rid of their item when it's served its purpose. Definitely not a first send-out, but when you get to attack last then it'd be okay.

    * The one exception to "all of my battles suck >[ >[ >[" is the BfA, of course. It's not really /my/ battle but yaaay you're going to die. (Sadly I can't be sure of the rest, but surely we can't screw things up so thoroughly we can't score a single KO.) Mewtwo wouldn't be as bad as yours and Kratos' to survive, I guess, considering that it was cloned and human-made. If you die will you backstab Kusari and Kratos and tell us all your secrets
    Of the 'President William Howard ____' variety.

    Sadly, no. It is simply a physical constant; the sun is hot, the grass is green, and Obama is at any given point the sexiest thing.
    I never read 1984. Which I assume will only lead to more being disappoint.
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