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  • res is cute and... unamazing and other undesirable adjectives? Or is it only when it isn't wearing frilly pants? Anyway having a pet res to do your math would be amazing. Although other things such as constantly hovering over your shoulder poking at logic dislikes might get annoying. And... you had over 100k pageviews! I only have what, 13k or so. Hurr.

    Yes, they are. :U I've been offering them treats by hand, but the problem is they probably don't /realize/ it's my hand... hrm. And maybe I can put diapers on them with my toes. *wiggles*

    It's scary when some heavy thing jumps on you out of nowhere ;~;

    You will never have it! D< But why do you want to kill me I thought we were platonic-<3-mooshy-buddies-idk.

    ...? "noooooo! my boobie!!! *collects juices and pickles*"
    Now I'm imagining a purple (.x.)-faced boobie with frilly pants. ... Very odd! I'd be interested, at least :0 And you could post it on TCoD and...! idk. If you go on dA anymore (I don't think so, though) you could upload it there; iirc you were pretty popular.

    They're only scared of hands. Nothing else. I could viciously gnash my teeth and they'd back away, but then they'd walk right up again as soon as I stop.

    If I somehow manage to brush my birds with my hand they'll just shriek and flap away. Anyway tiny dogs growling are totally scary DDD: Look at those tiny little teeth...! Actually naw, not really. Though I did get jumped by a huge golden retriever once ;~; Scary.

    The rules explicitly state that the use of nicknames and such do not work D< So I am safe! Hopefully.

    Clearly it can be wounded if it can explode and send juices and pickles flying everywhere.
    I thought "panterlies" were a new kind of pants or something and I was like ?_? And then I looked at the context. You meant "painterlies", right? xD; Anyway I can add shimmery colours in traditional art but when it comes to digital... I'm lost. Do you think you'd ever do a tutorial? :0 (antibiotics only make sure I don't die from some horrible disease. It doesn't make it less ew.)

    I like to kiss my bird. :D She's so cute. If I open my mouth wide she also sticks her head in it to look around. Kissing... admittedly is gross, yes. I mean mouth = germy place, but when I'm the one doing the kissing it's... suddenly okay! Kind of. I dunno, it's difficult to explain. :U

    Haha, that's good. It'd suck to wake up to the crunch of ribs. D: Meanwhile ABCD's cockatiel has a death wish and likes to hide behind his plushies so he won't realize it when he rolls her over. (he actually hasn't done that but I bet it's a matter of time) ... that's an idea. I don't suppose pet stores sell bird diapers?

    But Kusari doesn't know my full name. D: If you searched around you could find my first, but not my last. And I don't even know my own middle name. Good luck (b'.')b

    resboobie must be terribly wounded. ):
    But it just lacks the flair of other digital art... Like the shimmery colours and all. I can't do that. ;~; Your art has the shimmery colours and I am jealousss. Unfortunately somehow my sketches and doodles look about the same as my spends-lots-of-time picture except with refined lines... I can't figure out how to colour well digitally augh. (but I am one of the vessels of resdisease so if I poo on it I poo on myself eww.)

    I guess I'm gray-ace too? Aaaa idk. I know I'm at least biromantic or maybe panromantic maybe but in terms of sexuality I'm all ??? If we're talking about stuff outside "insert genitalia into slot", then I'm at least bisexual or maybe pansexual idk. When you say spooning do you mean feeding or cuddling? In any case we do both and it's nice :D I have kissed ABCD and we do kiss often (not in public though ew) and I'm 'k with it, but for some reason I'm still grossed out by /other/ people kissing. I hide my face during kissing scenes too o/\o It's just awkward and /I don't want to be watching this/ ;~;

    ... you don't accidentally roll over and squish the tiny dog? ABCD's cockatiel likes to camp on his bed when he takes a nap and he's always scared he'll roll over and crush her. I'd get my bird diapers but I bet they'd chew them off quickly. I mean I often see them scratching at their crotches e_e

    A... Death Note! Hrm(l). Does Kusari write like Light does? I've seen your picture on the Behind the Avatar thread but I still think of you like Darkrai.

    If boobies are always amazing then that means they are always purple and have (.x.) faces! ... scary thought actually.
    I have no idea how to use cloud layers and colour/layer settings and aaa. I'm still getting used to digital. At the moment digital is just traditional with the undo button for me. :U (and those were sketches/doodles! And sorry I have been infected with resdisease and that means I say feh and bluh and hrml a lot)

    Hmm... I'm not sure? I'm not really certain at this stage, haha. I mean I'm vaguely interested in sexual activities or whatnot but genitalia gross me out. Actually any form of nakedness kinda grosses me out.

    Stuffed animal dog :D Does that mean you can sleep with it and it won't drool on you? My birds are all super-lively - they fly circles in the living room and chew my dad's important documents, and then they poop everywhere. Sigh. (do it do it)

    Uhh, iirc something like "some faceless dude in a suit with a calculator in hand and a constant hum of factchecking and rule exploitation".

    Ewww bulbuls ): Boobies are okay if they are purple and squishy and have a (.x.) face.
    Holy crap that's amazing aaa ;~; How do you get the colours like that so shiny and aaa *mooshes* Thank you so much (and now I am compelled to draw you something BUT WHAT hrml)

    Yes he does have a bulbul but I prefer not to think about it!

    Smuggle a snake into the attic? I dunno 8D; But at least dogs are pretty cool. More lively than a snake I'd imagine, since whenever I look at the reptiles most of them are just basking.

    That image of res differs greatly from that of Blastoise's. ... but I still like it. :D Bouncy.

    I do wash them! D: And keyboards and doorknobs are now ewww let us cease to talk about them.
    Snakes are amazing <333 When we go to pet stores I spend all my time staring at the reptile section. My family always tells me that when I move out, then I can get a snake, but that's ages away and agh ;~; I want one nowww

    ... a purple boobie with a (.x.) face?

    But your hands and feet don't smell funny! I mean maybe your feet do but uhm I don't really like looking at feet either D< And keyboards do not smell funny! Nor do doorknobs! Also you don't piss from keyboards and doorknobs.
    Okay then I shall not be thrown out anytime soon yayyy :D (yeah, I do really like birds. Although I actually like reptiles more - it's just that my entire family except for me is deathly scared of snakes so I settle with birds instead)

    Ask res I will, then! And moving icons! Icons that are moving. Except some are /not/ and it is madness. res is totally bouncing because res = Drifloon/blim and those are totally bouncy I mean look at them! But Palkia looks more like a bulbul. ):

    Because they tend to be germy. ): And they probably smell funny. I mean you piss out of them and then you just wipe them and that's it! You don't piss out of your hands or your ears or your noses or feet. (if you do you are weird)
    Well I'm eating some sort of oily Chinese... doughcakething. I actually eat tons but I'm still thin as a stick according to my mom... But oh well artificial pink moosh is still good right? (also I'm a metaldragon not a metalbird)

    res... has a bulbul store? Where is it I must know. Anyway res is mildly irritated by me and Crazy Linoone's fussiness about the consistency of moving icons. It calls us insane because of this fussiness. As if we're the insane ones. D< Anyway please don't evolve your Eelektrik anytime soon ;~; Also also why didn't you choose Palkia instead of Darkrai? I mean it's much more bulbul-like than Eelektrik.

    Aaa Google Translate does not recognize that and I cannot decipher the meaning of tzitzim D< The words may be amusing but what the words describe are... not as amusing! Rather awkward really. (then kick the fridge for being smart D<)

    I guess that makes us even o/\o
    Sorry I already have a special someone. ): But if you mean in a platonic mooshing manner, sure why not <333

    Bahahaha does it know what a bulbul is now? Well probably because res is the biggest stalker ever. It's fine and well if it doesn't particularly care of its bulbul, but I still think it'd hurt to chop it off...! And wait what when chopped off it becomes an Eelektrik? I'll never look at that Pokemon the same way... hurry up and evolve Luciferin D<

    ... and I thought my dad was bad. He's a huge sucker for toilet humour but he doesn't talk about bulbuls and tachats and stuff (yes I searched that too D<). Also your fridge is awesome if it spontaneously grows post-it notes. Too bad they already have writing on it ): Erase the writing and use them! Free post-it notes!

    Feh, it's incompetence if I no longer remember how to speak my first language well.
    Though I do believe Chinglish is a rising phenomenon, hrm.
    So I searched up "bulbul Hebrew" and... Wait why would res give you its bulbul? Wouldn't it be painful to chop off? And why would you talk about bulbuls with your family? Awkwarddd e_e

    We do mix English words with Chinese when we speak (we meaning my brother and I) because we're incompetent fools who can't think of the right Chinese word fast enough.
    But it would just feel so out of place if we're babbling in Chinese and then you suddenly hear "Pretty" or "Blue" or something. Plus the names would be extremely lame to people outside of the house.

    It's just giving me birds aaaaaa D<
    Yeah, the naming was pretty haphazard. We speak Chinese at home so we were just like "this one is pretty let's call her Pretty this one is yellow let's call her Yellow this one is blue let's call her Blue" and that was it! Creativity at its finest.

    Google is not giving me anything else except some Indian stringed instrument D:
    No, I'm Chinese. xD

    ... hrm that is a possibility! Hmm, ninjafingers...

    These... songbird things? They seem kinda cute... And why is res' bulbul an Eelektrik?
    Those photos will get chewed. They have monstrous, insatiable appetites for chewing paper. Plus for some reason they're not scared of hands until the fingers start wiggling... maybe they're too stupid to realize they are hands until they move? Dunno. Our birds are Langlang ("pretty" in Chinese), Lamlam ("blue" in Chinese), and Wongwong ("yellow" in Chinese). We are terribly uncreative.

    I must find out in this lifetime D< *adds to list of things to do before I die*
    Yes, it would cut the damage.

    Aw poop. There goes that idea. ):

    Our birds are domesticated. They perch on shoulders and everything; they just seem to have a phobia of hands. I'm pretty used to birds because we've had birds our entire life - our first pair died a while ago though D: I dunno about reading them - I just give them new toys and treats every so often to keep them occupied, and let them out of the cage every day, and that seems to satisfy them. And I am jealous that you got a sweet cheap budgie D: One of mine lands on my shoulder every once in a while, but the other is the most paranoid scaredy-bird and shrinks away if I so much as look at her.

    B-But I still don't even know what bulbuls are DDD:
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