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  • You're tallish, well-dressed in moderately casual red and grey clothing, and your hair is worn up and it's bone-white. You wear shiny black shoes and carry a large briefcase filled with too many items.

    I'll get on that.
    My creator decided to cram as many sharp edges as she could into my design. I might be... painful to moosh. ): If you add fat for fur or plush it just might get sliced through... Just a word of warning! (what exactly is a bulbul...? Anyway if you chop it or pickle it or throw it at the wall PETAP (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Pokemon) will be after your ass D<)

    (Oh pff see you are distracting me already stop it D< Stop it right now)
    Okay then Kusari is objectively sexy :D Man I feel like a suckup. don't destroy me plz

    (NO STOP PATHOS WHAT ARE YOU DOING ))): I'm trying to stupid for exams here I do not need to be distracted by such visions)
    It's /similar/ but it doesn't sound the same. G is like "guh" and k is like "kuh". idk how to explain aaa. Anyway crazy is good o/\o And yes, I do picture you as a Darkrai. And Kusari looks like this at the moment.

    (I... I'm not! I'm just /thinking/ about it, not /picturing/ it D<)
    Wait but g doesn't really sound like k D: And... now that you mention it, that does seem fitting. At the moment I visualize Kusari as a Mewtwo because I tend to visualize people by avatar... but maybe Kusari could be a Ditto-Mewtwo! :D

    (but it's hard not to- *shot*)
    Oh, I thought "gew" was pronounced like "goo" or something. But... why not just use k then ?_?

    (You're the one who brought up stuff coming out of your ass though ): )
    But where did the g come from? I mean sure there's a g in Kusarigamaitachi but not in the short nickname form most people use...

    (maybe the g came from your ass)
    How did Kusarigamaitachi turn into gew? o.o Also I like negtruck. Maybe I shall call her that from now on! Maybe.
    I don't blame you for pronouncing my name weird, but that's the most distorted version I've heard thus far.

    ... no need to distort it further 8D;
    Well, the books are somewhere around the house, I'm sure... maybe once I finish with A Dance With Dragons.

    It does? Ah, that's too bad. Maybe I should make it a point to put it on my (actually not written down) list of "moves that I should watch out for and consider when picking/countering pokemon". It just kind of seems ground types are screwed over in general--you could probably dodge an earthquake easily enough even if you don't fly/hover. I just pick from whatever seems cool, has a possibility for a first, and only occasionally on some basis of strategy. (Shiftry seem like they'd be perfect for me.) Oh, and speaking of fighters! I've realized that I really like medicham. Do they seem viable to you? Because. I got one via the Gift Exchange and then I was thinking one day and realized. Almost all of my errant insta-KO strategies involve a medicham. For no reason. Not even psycho shift but drain punch and magic coat and an otherwise unboosted choice banded focus punch does 48% on a super effective hit that means a normal type. I may consider buying a choice item now. (Damage caps do not exist, no they do not.)

    Hopefully the fact that it doesn't insta-kill helps a little, but yeah.

    Oh, she is? I... honestly don't see too much similarity (froslass, banette, absol also seem appropriate), but okay. The signature attribute isn't very fitting, though. :(

    Also you have your old avatar back! I... didn't really like the second one, haha.
    It's for the best.

    I can't do much more than mafia flavortext and reffings before realizing that reading this should make me gouge out my own eyes, and even then... I never actually tried to read LOTR. No real reason why, I just didn't. I never read past book one of The Chronicles of Narnia either (and even then that was for school), on the list of "classic movie-y books that I never bothered to read"; it was just so boring and uneventful.

    Yes, but if you command last twice you also command first twice. (Wow, I'm Captain Obvious today.) Going first can really wreck plans. ... Oh, right. Even worse was that the next thing I thought of was a flying signature move... do embargos erase those? It only specifies body modifications, but there's always a possibility. Eh, well, that thought came into my mind when I first saw your message. I guess one AM me is not very good at thinking. It's more of a passive thing (most ground types I either love or absolutely hate), but so many of them have great designs and yeah.

    I will, then. Take aaall the damage--I'll take the knockouts!

    It will have everyone burst into songs, then into flames, as the show had. (I was thinking emotional moves would move you closer to combusting, as with dancing moves and vocal things. It maaay inflict confusion, which as a spinda she would be immune to.) Although it occurs to me that there's already one self-destructive spinda... I could deal with lopunny, but I don't like them, I already have a male medicham, lucario could work, or I could do mienshao. (Both of the last two are already named after unrelated characters.)

    Or a plusle. Buffy being a plusle would be hilarious; Anya would be terrified.
    I wouldn't go for it, myself, but I don't have much of a problem with other judges doing it.
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