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  • That's... quite a long time. I dunno, I still feel kinda /young/ in ASB; maybe it's just 'cuz I always see myself as a little kid, but. By the way, what /is/ Kutho exactly? I know it's a place-ish thing where you and Negrek and Kratos and Kusari hang out, at least, but I don't really know much besides that, haha.

    I'm not sure if I would want to start my life over... I've had bad things happen, but if it weren't for those, I almost definitely wouldn't be with ABCD and... *shrug* I'm not sure. It's good and bad. But ultimately I'd have to say no, I think, because I'd hate to repeat all that schoolwork and so on :P

    Nah, it's not much of a problem~ Anyway, I hear you - mostly because I keep thinking there's something wrong with me maybe I have some weird disease what's happening Google doesn't tell me anything aaa paranoia.

    Oh yeah, that intense vibrato? Not happening anytime soon. xD But I'm not too jealous of it, per se - I mean it's a great skill but I'm just not fond of the sound of a really intense vibrato. I'm not sure if I have a favourite style of music - I listen to a lot of music, but I can't really say anything except I like "calm" stuff. It just makes me feel really relaxed... it's the only music that I can actually just sit and listen to without feeling bored.

    I'm not sure how she'd react. Lately she's been kinda... moody? Because my brother failed university and got kicked out, so she's pretty pissed off. I don't really wanna try her. 8D; My voice... gets /too/ tone-y, do you know what I mean? I find it really annoying. When I lower my voice it still has some tone, but less so my voice doesn't annoy me as much. D<
    I've only been around for... 3 years? Actually, it's my 3rd ASB birthday on the 9th. :P Time goes fast.

    Ugh spoilering it just makes me curious D: It is a bit TMI but... idk, I'm kindasorta used to it because one of my classmates likes to tell me that sort of stuff even though I don't really wanna hear. Ugh. Anyway I dunno, I can't say I've heard of weirder things because I don't hear about such things often, but I'm pretty sure there are weirder things out there. :P

    I may be getting /close/ to vibrato but I have no idea because... well I don't know much about singing at all. I can't even do a proper vibrato on the violin so I'm not really sure what it /sounds/ like - I mean it's different for every person, right? I've been trying to develop it but it's hard and... yeah I don't see how anyone could actually teach it. As for runs, I... just sing exactly like the original, and I prefer calmer songs that typically don't have runs, I think. So I'm not entirely sure if I can do those. Probably not!

    I actually don't have the faintest idea how universities work (should look into that; going into grade 12 next year), but as I see it right now it's... my mom has the money. If I go for an art major and only an art major, she won't pay. I'm not sure if that's how it actually /works/ but...! I also do not like my voice. D< It gets rather high-pitched and really... up and down? idk how to describe, but my tone changes a /lot/. At least when I don't control it; when I speak I usually try to speak lower.
    A bit of the same deal here. But it's mostly to write and less to not be bored - it's a nice side effect though. And it's ASBucks, yes.

    Two years back or so I often had mild headaches. That was bad enough. I'd probably gouge my brain out if I had migraines on a regular basis x.x I also do not want to imagine gallstone attacks! I generally have a high pain tolerance, but once it gets past the "oh this actually hurts" line, then I don't deal with it nearly as well.

    I can't imagine how people do improvisation solos (man it seems like I can't imagine a lot these days!). And I mainly sing for fun. I don't think music is for me outside of a hobby - I'm pretty bent on going into visual arts when I grow up. Unfortunately my mom doesn't want me to take an arts major. Either I take it on the side, or I do a double-major. Neither I'm too keen on, but... ah, there's still a year to convince her, I guess. ._.
    Eh, I actually ref because I like reffing. More specifically I love writing, but plots always elude me so I write reffings to fill the author-shaped hole in my soul. And then I toss the money everywhere. :D

    I saw one of my classmates get a migraine before, but I didn't think it was that bad o.o Sounds like a vicious cycle... buh it's not like I can offer advice or really sympathize or aaa. (can you tell I'm terrible with giving advice and stuff like that) I also had to search up what gallstone attacks were and... ow. And ew. Gallstones look like rocks I'd buy from stores except bigger, and those don't belong in organs.

    Bahaha, I can't improvise at all OTL And I am guilty of singing songs exactly like the original. I just... don't have a single improvisation bone in my body. My violin teacher tells me I have good ears, and I can tell what does or doesn't sound good upon hearing it right away, but when it sounds bad I cringe. I'm really sensitive to sound - anything that is unpleasant literally makes me shudder and feel a bit nauseous. So I'm not very keen on improvising because what if it sounds bad :U Man I really gotta break out of my comfort zone but... Anyway, when what I play sounds bad, I just hate it a lot. Sigh.
    Sorry, max I'd give is $50, and that's on Christmas. I normally give $20 on birthdays. :P Otherwise I can't blow money on other people!

    ... oh wow, that must suck. Not sure if backaches or migraines suck more. ... but together they suck doubly. Hm.

    I clearly know nothing about electricity bills and appliances and blah blah blah :D Oh well, it was worth a try.

    Actually, music in general kinda stresses me out, even though I do like it. I just never live up to my expectations because I keep screwing up and it really frustrates me. :U
    Okay, so! It actually was pretty good.
    Oh, so like res' thing except slightly different? You should totally use gligar, though! Kill Moltres first (although ground type moves are still pretty unsafe hrm). It's fine. I only really decided "this is taking too long and I'm actually okay with it ending" just then, so. It happens... often enough with me. Maybe you'll end up hating grumpig! Hahaha they're great and I got him for $5 off the Black Market why are there not a dozen of them. I mean the fact he doesn't have 900% energy just is sad but he has everything useful! Everything!

    Obviously. :P Even though we're losing by a bit, it's not completely lost or anything. Also, I should probably ask Kratos this, but since I'm already talking to you was this some form of foreshadowing?
    It was mostly a way to blow my money since I had no idea what to do with $1000+ 8D;

    Yeah, that's pretty much me but on a smaller scale. I don't attend parties and gatherings much at all, but when I have to and I have to interact with a lot of people, I usually feel so tired I have to take a nap when I get home. :U

    You don't have a mini fridge/freezer thingy in your room? D:

    Voice lessons :0 I've been wanting to try that since I like to sing but my voice is terribly thin and I have no idea how to get around that... but violin lessons are stressful enough for me as it is.
    I just took a look at their wishlist and bought stuff from there that amounted to $50. And if they didn't have a wishlist, then I just gave them $50. :D

    I hate group chats too x.x I'm always the person who sits back and only says stuff if directly spoken to. It gets confusing pretty quickly. As for IM, unless I'm good friends with the person, it's usually just talking about homework, stuff like that. And... I dunno, I /think/ I seem to act different with different people. I almost mimic them? Or act in a way that I know they're okay with or they like. That way I hope they won't think I'm annoying or dislike me... but on the inside I feel like everyone feels like I'm annoying to some extent. *sigh* Anyway, that way the fear of how they'll react is somewhat lessened, but not completely gone. It's also a bit exhausting to act different for each person, which is why I'm okay with some face to face interaction, but not too much every day.

    No local pet store? I dunno if they sell /baby/ snakes; I know my pet stores sell snakes, though. Haven't looked too closely at the equipment section though.

    And that sounds like an awful cold o.o Mucus-y stuff stuck in your throat? That happens to me every time I have a cold, but I just have to clear my throat and then talk.
    I uh... I spent at least $50 on each person, and I bought gifts for a lot of people 8D;

    Talking over the internet is fine, right? As long as it's not face to face? But yeah, animals are much simpler. At the same time I think that it's nice every once in a while to talk to a more complex thing (human) so they can understand your more complex problems, etc. Unfortunately it's rather difficult to find a suitable complex being to talk to. And that is the perfect opportunity to get a snake! You won't even need to be stealthy. And if no-one comes to your room they'll never find out >:0

    D: I can sympathize. I had a cold a week ago - a pretty mild one, just had to blow my nose a lot. But no tissue can be soft enough so it doesn't rip at my nostrils D<
    I usually have eye-explodingly large amounts of money because I ref too much, haha. But then I spent over $700 on gifts this Christmas and my bank account hasn't really recovered since xD; And... really? Hm! Maybe I'll go get some lucky eggs after all.

    Ah, I see. I don't really feel lonely in my room because I'm almost always talking to someone. And if my bird is in my room she just gets restless and starts chewing things. She chewed my sketchbook once ;~; (and if no-one is allowed in your room then you can smuggle that snake in there can't youuu)

    I just had a cold and slight fever and my mom practically chained me to the bed. I'd rather not imagine what'd happen if I got /really/ sick.
    I need more lucky eggs but I am Blazhy-broke ($434 instead of over $1000 it /burns/) and plus I'm too lazy to do the bank post and the buying post and blah blah blah. Anyway when you have money you just buy ALL THE POKEMON and then your team just balloons in size... I have around 83 Pokemon, myself. 8D;

    Hm, I guess I'll stop over-refining my lines in digital art then, see how it goes~

    Oh, that's interesting. I think I get what you mean. People tell me I eat veggies like a rabbit (I grasp some lettuce, for example, with my fingertips and nibble rapidly), look around like a bird (abrupt head jerks), blah blah blah... but I don't think I /connect/ with any kind of animal the way you do? I mean I love watching my birds and playing with them and whatnot. I do feel at ease with them and not so much people unless I'm particularly close with said person, but I can't really read birds nor really connect with them. Eh.

    Man, when I'm sick I can't even go on the computer. ): My mom just makes me lie in bed and twiddle my thumbs.
    ... damn I just counted and you have 52 Pokemon and 51 items. D< Foiled again.

    If... you say so? Yeah, you're probably right. It's not like I know much about art anyway. I just draw and hope it looks pretty. :U

    ... solution! I just won't get a pet dog. Bird or snake for me.

    If someone I watch on dA makes a video, then I tend to watch it, but otherwise I don't bother to search for them really, because I'm lazy.
    Your inventory is so large that you won't even notice! :D

    Hmm... I guess so? I'm not sure if it's that sketches look nice because they're free, or because if I try to redraw something the proportions always come out looking wonky OTL I guess I'm just used to seeing smooth lineart everywhere. When I do digital art I always worry that the loose or unneeded lines detract from the picture and aaa

    Yeah, point. If I had to though, I'd probably make my brother knee the dog for me.

    But if I can't hurt you there's no need to hunt for my full name so you can kill me D:

    Damnit, I was expecting actual boobies-
    I mean *cough*
    (that was actually pretty informative. I actually prefer videos to tutorials so I can see better what's going on)
    Except my lines are much much tinier than yours. For a line about... say, 3cm long? I need to use around 10 lines, melded together so it looks like a single line. It works on paper, but in digital it... looks really messy. D: I'm off to bed for tonight, but send me the link to the colouring part when you're done uploading~ :3

    Heh, I guess. I'm just a bit... squeamish when it comes to hurting things? I dunno why, I'm otherwise fascinated by blood and gore and whatnot, but when /I/ have to hurt something I just kinda freeze up.

    Even if it was a friendly light punch or something? D: Or even if it was just my Pokemon, not me? Hey Ventus get back here
    Your hand is so steadyyy I'm jealous. ;~; My hand is ridiculously shaky and I have to do the same line a bajillion times if I want it straight and aaa. That's why traditional is for me. Bunches of tiny lines! It's so much more noticeable in digital. D:

    I was hardly in the position to knee it, because I was crouched on the ground, looking at a hamster. :U Also that sounds painful and idk if I'd be able to do it ;~; Poor doggy.

    ): But whyyyy why would you want to hurt your mooshy metaldragon?
    Ha make a gengar that missed his detachable hands so he purposely like... Idk, makes his wrists invisible or something. lol
    Ha detachable hands are an infinate amount of fun. I gotta figure out a way to freak out an opponent that way. But yeah I am pretty sure I'm going to keep Soul as a haunter, it just fits him better.
    Same here, I loved haunter when I first saw it in the anime as a kid. So I might keep him that way.
    I am debating that actually. See it's based off a fanfic my best friend wrote, and that was the name of the character's haunter. But I sort of want it evolved. Wait, can it evolve if it doesn't have all the EXP needed?
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