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  • No. You can't combo on the third action at all, and a combo made on the second action would be taken on the second action; you forfeit the third.
    That it is. I just call it "recharge"; it's not in any way related to giga impact and similar. It's just "you must spend your combo actions immediately; you can't combine the first and second actions, then move again on the second action."
    I've got to say, there's a lot satisfaction in seeing the parts of the Metronome Contest I'm not doing work on sail smoothly. The three of you did a great job with the judging this round. Thanks!
    US; pretty sure everyone active in the BfA knows the state because of the Google Maps on Who's Online, but whatever I guess you could have specifics if you're really curious? My place isn't that great, either. :( It makes sense but... oh whatever I concede. Take your 100% accuracy focus blasts, until I end up reffing you or something and that doesn't happen.

    But I'm awake right now! I never sleep!
    Yes it can. You haven't implanted them deep enough into my subconscious because I can trace the origin of implantation!
    I get snow occasionally... but just often enough to make me remember "oh, right, snow exists and is a fun thing why didn't it happen at all this winter? D:" and be disappointed. Yeah, but you would just say that for everything. Blizzard would pass, mostly because I still don't see why it would have accuracy problems. (Except for balance.)

    ... You are Darkrai, yes, but not a darkrai. Legendaries are unique!

    It is; I said comparatively. That would probably be an insta-freeze thing, though, which... doesn't happen. I like snow, and I don't get blizzards enough for them to become not an interesting thing. :( Probably. Still, though, I'm not sure how much accuracy could be reasonably gained by saying "get up close before you do that!" or such. Speaking of which, it's a blizzard, I don't see how accuracy would affect it that much.

    Inaccurate doesn't mean unimportant! It just means I can't gauge age from pictures or demeanor well. You're still headcanon!eighteen.
    Well I knew about the shiny slugma but not the blackglasses... also nugbutt? I'm afraid to ask what direction these nicknames are going.

    both are amazing what are you talking about

    And does negtruck actually wear sunglasses? EITHER WAY nesquick is amazing this is amazing you are amazing
    Of course it's in Ontario. Toronto is in Ontario. I'm not going /that/ far to hunt down Kusari.

    Boiling hot coffee sizzle... (now I'm imagining a truck in coffee ew)

    But it's /my/ ninjatoes that made it and thus mine D<
    I should just go around touching every Asian ever to hunt down Kusari :D (ahaha no I'd never do that)

    NEGREK COME HERE could you do me a favour?

    No, /I/ made it. If I did not want wormhole I would not make wormhole! Wormhole is simply my ninjatoes' defense.
    Does that mean Kusari is an Asian that will put your head through a wall if you try to touch it?

    Hm, I'll try it next time I brew me some coffee... though our Nesquick is like, several years past its expiry date...

    No, the world is MINE because it's in MY wormhole!

    Something about Pachelbel, and then "I don't even go to Taco Bell anymore 'cuz it sounds too close!" Yeah idk :U

    I guess that goes under characteristics... If you're hardworking or something> Dunno.
    But the other one was larger than the pokemon! Scale is... unimportant. I'd imagine it would be bigger if used by a bigger pokemon. I don't really remember that, so I'll just take your word for it. But what happens to the ice afterward? It's a beam, seems like it'd be harder to dispose of than most projectiles. Blizzard is superior aesthetically. Needs telekinesis or something, though, because ugh accuracy.

    I'll just have to try again after you're dead! Because obviously it's only the number that matters, not the significance.

    Iiinteresting. Also, visualized ages are The Most Important. Except for when you don't have any idea, in which case... I don't know.
    Uh, Toronto. Near Zhorken and Dragon and Stormcho, apparently. And... not /that/ antisocial, nope. 8D; Then again I don't get out much myself, so. *shrug*

    ... never tried putting nesquick in coffee.

    If you cut off my ninjatoes it'll suck up the entire world /except/ for you D<

    ... is it? Didn't really strike me as Christian o.o You are talking about this right? I just remember the "Taco Bell" thing and the Let It Be parody.

    /Having/ a job or relationship is nice and all, but being good at that job or relationship is another thing. And I think I'd put that under whatever skill that job needs (like drawing for artist, idk) or socializing, for relationships. It might be true that people are supergood at something but they don't realize it, but if they don't know or demonstrate it then you can't argue that they're supergood at it!
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