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  • And nesquick, apparently.

    The world includes the furry suit! Also my ninkatoes nijatoes ninjatoes are weeping right now.

    Ohhh, we sung Let It Be in choir last year. But I can't sing it without laughing because whenever I hear Let It Be I'm reminded of Pachelbel's Rant. I could try though~

    Yes you dooo. ): You're just being modest/overcritical. And a lot of people aren't even super good at one thing.
    ... In that case I should be in my mom's womb too. brb exploding her belly
    So Kusari calls Negrek negtruck too? :P And Negrek seems too... ALMIGHTY to have a boy/girl/itfriend. idk. It's just... kind of woah.

    If you cut them off the /world/ will be sucked into a wormhole.

    Nope. xD; When I actually took lessons it was the pieces you needed to play for standardized testing... those were purely for piano, nothing else. And now... *shrug* idk, I just like video game BGMs more than actual song songs most of the time. And scary Pathos is scary. Or valuable soundproof room is valuable. Hrm.

    Not much of a secret now! I still thought you were older than /that/ but... it does make me feel a bit better. I mean if you could draw like /that/ and ASB like /that/ and blah blah blah at /12/ then holy crap, I'd be jelly. And you deserved to be kicked out D< Negrek was lucky to live! Look what happened to her when the Pokemon in her bloodstream called a Draco Meteor!
    Haha, yeah. In comparison the hydro pumps look rather small. It is! Or, better yet, change it from ice beam to ice... something, because a beam of ice seems sort of weird. Or is that just me?

    Actually looking would have been way too much work when there was a possibility that I couldn't have the special avatar! And I can't, so. Doesn't matter that much anyway.

    Well, not a whole lot, I suppose; eighteen or nineteen. ... Out of curiousity, how old do you think I am? I don't think I've ever said, here. (My answer if you ask "are you _ years old" will always be maybe, but your guess will be fascinating!)
    Ugh, I could imagine. I'm terrible enough at normal reffing, but with nothing happening like that... I've sort of not bothered with the anime for a long time. It still looks pretty large, though? Hydro pump is still big, but it would probably depend on the ref which is bigger. Exactly. Swapping it with aurora beam's thing wouldn't make sense, but just make it white and add the pretty colors onto one thing. Really. It looks like a toothpick or something.

    Arcanine actually has a lot of cool art! This is where my previous one was from, and it looks like it could've been pop-out of it... was. This one is small, but if I found a better resolution it could probably work.

    You're fifteen, Pathos? I... thought you were a lot older. (Stalking is fun!)
    But then my ninjatoes will be stiff and that will make me sad and I'll pull the suit into a wormhole.

    Nope. We played those classical piano pieces with no lyrics, y'know. And what I print out tends to be BGMs from video games. And ugh I want a soundproof room. Even the practice rooms at school aren't actually soundproof and people can probably hear me and eeeep ;~;

    ... I dunno? Maybe around my age? I mean I just read over a few pages of Behind the Avatar and you said that people think you look 12 too, which seems to indicate you are not and...? ?_? I am alternatively dumbfounded and confused. And I can imagine you calling Draco Meteors from the womb D<
    But glue makes the fluff stiff! D:

    But then sticky hands ewww. I've... never actually tried singing on the piano. I concentrate too much on the keys and then I can't sing... xD; Even if I was isolated from the rest of the family (like in the basement), I wouldn't be able to sing loud because I /know/ they can hear me and what do they think I am terrible aren't I aaa

    ... really? You don't seem like you're 12 o.o Nor do you look 12...? Or well I've always been a terrible judge of age... Still though I thought you were older! So you've been ASBing half your life?
    But I'm all limp and when that happens I can't hold onto the fluff and I become unmooshy. And you don't want that!

    But then I'll be sticky and not fun to moosh, either! I don't have much of an understanding of belting and head voice and blah blah blah... From what I understand of belting, well. I don't do it much. 8D; Even when I'm alone I just have this fear of singing too loud, for some reason... Maybe the neighbours might hear me, haha. Anyway in choir, I was mainly given middle parts so I think I can... sortakinda sing those loud? Kind of? I don't even know.

    Also you're not really 12 are you
    In which case I just faint. ):

    BEES. Nevermind about my previous blasphemous comment about honey. Honey is amazing. I have enough energy to work (assuming a sane workload), but other stuff? Like exercise? Hahaha no never. Also wtf why are we so similar in little ways. I'm /technically/ alto but I often accidentally sing the tenor parts OTL Other times I accidentally sing soprano because I can't hear the other altos and I'm like "what am I supposed to sing this? Wait that's soprano what do"
    PATHOS used ROAR!
    BLAZHY ran away scared!

    I'm not a real fan of honey, really. It's sweet which is good but idk, it has an... odd aftertaste I don't really like. Actually sweet stuff usually just clogs up my throat. I'm almost always in WORKAHOLIC mode because that's just me; I work all the time to keep my mind occupied. So this school-break-mode is kind of odd. Harmonies are so fun! :D I sing alto so the tune seems kinda weird when we try it ourselves, but then it all comes together and it sounds so nice ;~;
    Considering how res just sort of encored itself into spite (but not), I don't see how bad it would be. It would be sort of boring, though; an interesting thing to see but it would just clog up a battle slot. Wait, how huge is hydro pump? I always imagined hyper beam being huge, but maybe I should check the Attack Guide. ... And hydro pump as being just a really powerful water hose. (Speaking or random things, I always had this odd distaste for ice beam's animation--it seems so small and fragile and unpowerful but when you look at the stats... Unpowerful is totally the word, of course.) Oh, okay.

    ... Yes. xD Dream World art, actually! Unless I just sort of decide to stand out as different (primarily due to the comparative shittiness), that'd be very hard to do.
    Spite the encore, maybe? Hydro pump, no. That you attempt to dodge by shooting a larger hyper beam at the hydro pump to envelop it. Wasn't your surfs' power reduced, though?

    This is close enough for now. I don't think they do either, but as shown I can improvise. Maybe just pop-out art? That would require me drawing it myself, but.
    So... in order to find the secret to time travel, we must study dogs and kittans and snakes.

    It's sharing, not giving. You'll keep the knowledge!

    ... The best plan! Yes!

    Won't the honey just make the phlegm stick more? idk e_e I could try it sometime. But not now augh how do I school I'm still in break-mode. The only time I needed to sing in front of people was in the choir in my school... but there were a lot of people who would cover up my failures so I didn't feel as intimidated. :D
    Yes. If you don't have magic coat, you /better/ have something workable to dodge with or I will... be very sad. Encore/spite/speed was effective, though. (... Although I'd like to think that if I was doing that the verdict would have been different! Treecko speed tie with mankey, so. Stall the first action, have mankey waste the encore, and looking at things if Barubu had just bashed in res' face with their bulbasaur's best moves he probably would've done much better.) Windy might be able to convince blazhy that Moltres' windy moves are strong enough to blow the water back away... with tailwind support and/or special attack boosts, I could imagine it. I'm actually quite certain that this round will be good for us. I suppose we'll just have to wait.

    The legendary pokemon! Do I need to go bug Negrek? Beecause that could bee arranged.
    But time travel is more perfect than dogs or kittans or snakes!

    Fine. ): And teach me how to liquefy voices? Please?

    I dunno... I just feel like she's getting too frustrated to really think properly. He wasn't /too/ bad in high school. I think it was mainly because she let him live in the dorm first year, and without my mom telling him what to do or what not to do he just kinda went wild. Second year he lived at home, but by then I think my mom lost control of him. I mean now he gets much angrier and is much more intolerant of things... Eh.

    My throat is still a bit blocked up from my cold, and I... don't know how to spit out phlegm OTL I could ask my mom to make some sort of medicine thingy to help with that - she knows a lot about stuff like that. And also I hate singing when other people are present >.> Unfortunately that's often, and... well maybe when I find time alone I can try.
    Too bad perfect things don't exist. ):

    ... nooo why ;~; Please? Just a little?

    I never said rainbow vomit was bad! Rainbow vomit yess all vomit should be rainbow :D

    Yeah, that's what I think too... but my mom just imposes restrictions which he doesn't follow, etc. etc.

    I /think/ I have a fairly large range? Combine that with the fact that my voice changes tones a /lot/ more than the usual person... like I may not reach super-high or super-low tones or whatever, but it just goes up and down a lot more than normal. Which is why it annoys me. It seems... excessive but I can't help it unless I speak in a lower voice.
    Oh. I don't think I've ever had Hunger Games things in my signature, actually. No idea who you're talking about.

    Ancientpower (10% effects trololo), safeguard, roost, windy moves for an impromptu thing... I don't know, it's usually a lot safer to assume that your foe /can/ do something that's improbable. Well, I meant that with both of our specialized things it would fit against Kusari's all-around things. But yeah, you two would probably work better, although it's more like RES + BLAZHY + CRAZY LINOONE + ... ... ... Mai? As in doing all of the calculations for things that could mess with my plans. All of them. And pretending to be whoever I'm facing and spending an extensive time trying to destroy myself. And planning rounds in advance.

    Haha. Do you always call neg that when talking to neg? I'm not sure how that would've been a coincidence, so... yeah. I'm a legendary, too. :D
    Time travel is just too complicated for my puny brain. :P It's be awesome if it could happen, but since it doesn't happen, then... *shrug*

    If you ever find out how to liquefy someone's voice, tell me because I want some too D<

    Haha, just violin and piano. Asian instruments gogogo. I used to take lessons for piano, but it frustrates me even more than violin and I quit... but when I have free time or when I feel like it, I just print sheet music off the internet and learn it myself. Sometimes, I sketch thumbnails to see what looks best, but that's pretty much feeling too... I just sketch whatever comes to mind and then pick whichever looks best. And then I step back and look at it, then get a general feeling... Like maybe it'd look better if I moved this? I don't know /why/ it'd look better, but it generally does. For colour, I just generally go crazy. It's all "ohh this would look nice with this, so let's use it." Sometimes it comes out like rainbow vomit, other times it comes out looking fine.

    Nono, he was consistently failing his courses, so he got kicked out of university. However I suspect that it's partly because he played too many video games and watched too much anime... seriously, every time he came home it seemed like all he was doing, and when I went to his dorm he practically converted his room into a game station...

    I... I'm not sure? I don't think so. o.o
    ... Well, I have some Homestuck things in my signature? I tried to pick non-offensive things, but if that's me well. I haven't changed my signature in a while. Anyway, if need be I suppose you could just turn signatures off.

    I suppose, but it just depends on what circumstances come along. Personally, I think Moltres' movepool would be a lot more inconvenient and therefore you'd be better off without it. ... Although you could also go by the logic that you should take down the easiest first, because it's an achievable goal and then the whole team is crippled. Haha, well, maybe we'd have to take on Kusari together. I could fuss over things and create lists and do practically all the reffing myself, then you could make sure I don't screw things up with stupid mistakes! Perfect combination.

    (Nutrag = Negrek?) Hm, from what Windy said I thought it was just a random occurrence. Apparently Negrek just contacted her in the middle after she had randomly added the cities being destroyed and yeah. I suppose I'm glad that it is, though!
    There are things I'd like to fix, but I'm not sure if fixing them would make me happier now. So it's just a tentative no because I don't feel like thinking about it too much. :P

    I know that knowing how to do intense vibrato is excellent and you can sorta... turn it on and off. I just don't like it when it's applied at pretty much every single note. That just seems excessive to me and kinda throws me off. If it's used only on certain notes it brings it out much more but... when it's used everywhere? That's what I don't like. I love it when there's a bit of vibrato at the end of notes pretty much for what reasons you said, but when it's full out intense for every single note ever... no thanks. ):

    Music is a good way to release emotions, yeah - I like to play the keyboard when I'm feeling bad, because I have a tendency to bang the keys on certain parts of a song. People tell me I look possessed when I play the keyboard, haha. Unfortunately I also get really frustrated when I play sometimes - it's either a great release or a huge frustration. :U With art... everything's just there. I just start with a sketch and it flows from there... I don't /think/ about composition or anatomy or colour or anything. It's pretty much just second nature to me now. Art is just really... free to me. It's not even drawing with a message, getting my feelings on paper, really - I just draw, and even if the picture doesn't reflect how I was feeling, I was still able to channel my frustration or sadness or whatever into line or colour. Drawing is pretty much my therapy. It almost always helps when I'm feeling bad.

    Yeah D: I mean he does play way too many video games for his own good, but I still feel like my mom's being harsh. She pretty much yells at him every opportunity... hnng.

    Aaa I dunno, I find it really annoying x_x In fact I find a lot of things about myself really annoying. When my voice goes up and down between octaves within a sentence I kinda cringe... ugh. The tone comes out when I sing, but when I talk... I prefer to suppress it, kinda, by talking lower.
    It's /only/ twenty points or so but yeah probably the best idea. If you say so! I won't lie and say that my favorable view of togekiss won't change when I fight them instead of just looking at the movepool and toying with ideas. I swear, I'm actually decent at ASB... in the planning stage. Somehow I always manage to botch something up and. How.

    Yes, that. But months? :( Obviously that's our excuse for losing or something.
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