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    But it is! For example, watch this person walking on a tightrope while focusing on juggling burning sticks. Humans have an amazing sense of balance! I could explain the biology of it, if you like.
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    Are you kidding? The Book of Mormon is a great musical. :D That's one of my favorite songs!
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    I used to use Photoshop, but SAI is better for blendy purposes. I just love the brushes there :D PK's style really appeals to me, actually. I didn't like it that much at first, but it just seems really free, yet there are all these colours that integrate smoothly and don't clash at all... It's nice to look at.
    Well, we can't float, our legs and arms don't work together like that, and we need to keep our hands open for stuff. It's actually really easy once you learn how!
    I use SAI, so if I put the shading on a separate layer, the brush will blend whatever colour I have with white if I'm blending at the edges, and it makes it looks really streaky and ugly and ew. And iirc purplekecleon colours like that? idk, when it comes to digital painting I like to look at her tutorial for colour. Of course I'm going to develop my own style but for now I'm still experimenting and stuff.
    I work like that digitally, and I shade on one layer. Traditionally, yeah, I work with the base colour first and then add sparkly stuff - in that case I prefer grey. But when it's not a grey or brown or whatever neutral colour character, I still work with saturated colours. So like if it's blue, then I use the brightest blue I can find. :D
    ... really? I work the other way around. When slapping on base colours I always choose something really saturated, because I find that as I blend stuff it gets unsaturated. So if I start with something dull-ish then the picture ends up looking rather boring.

    You were comparing the colour brown to a great manblanket.
    Brown goes well with a lot of stuff, but it's also so dull! I use brown when I can't make brighter colours work. I lovelovelove bright colours! :D Rainbow vomit!

    But pink + blue is a nice combination, so pink fluff on me = good.
    OH MY GOD ;~; Pathos you are amazing. Very very amazingly amazing!

    Though the fluff is supposed to be pink. Pink > brown
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