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shy ♡
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  • Indeed, we have many problems. But are you telling me that a world dominated by any given species of pokémon would be perfect, or even better? Would a land of advanced scyther have perfect equality for all? Would a worldwide society of gengar exist in a perpetual state of free love and bliss? Would countries filled with gardevoir produce genderless models of utopian living?

    There hasn't been a significant enough conflict on this planet to be called a 'war' since before the birth of my parents. We've banned the practice of eating pokémon, abandoned most polluting fuels, and developed a bond between ourselves and pokémon that far outstrips the one between you Legendaries and the latter. Maybe a planet of Darkrai cities and Darkrai ideals would be an amazing paradise for everyone involved, but as it goes we're doing alright.
    Now it's stuck in my head. D: Gah, I'll have to listen to the whole soundtrack now!
    I haven't used Photoshop for that long... Maybe like... two years? About the same time I've been using SAI, I think.

    ... whoops, sorry, forgot about it 8D; I'll get to that right now.
    Aha, that one is great too. Another I like is You and Me(But Mostly Me). So hilarious, but so catchy. <3
    Well, compared to any single pokémon, we're amazingly weak and vulnerable. We'd freeze to death without the invention of clothing, we have almost no natural weapons, zero attacks, no abilities, and we can't evolve. It takes us decades to achieve something resembling adulthood, and we rarely bear more than one child at a time.

    Despite this, we're the dominant lifeform on the planet, we've built cities bigger than some forests, and on top of that we've built things that let us do a ton of what pokémon can just do naturally.
    I hear ya. D: But even so, it is a reference I applaud you for, good sir! I find myself singing that song all the time. ;p
    Oo, that sucks. ): And I don't know how to use Photoshop all that well, hurr, so I'd rather stick with SAI because the blendiness is so nice and so easy there~ And PK's style's changed, but I still like it. I think I like it even more now, actually.
    Also "res' bulbul world" just got a lot more disturbing

    Also yay non-disturbing dog! :D You need to make more of these videos (peek-a-boo! hug! :D)

    And this will probably be the death of me, but what's a tachat?
    ;_; help I need brain bleach
    so now I know what a bulbul is
    I am disturbed at my username now
    I am disturbed with myself

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