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  • IT DOES TOO HARUMPH I make the sexy levels shoot through the roof!

    (Is that one of your deepest darkest secrets *moosh*)

    res is a purple resboobie mooshy (.x.) maths nonsense
    Then I shall go with him |< We'll make the most perfect Phootshop together, and you won't get to use it nyehhh

    I thought he was a purple boobie with a (.x.) face
    What is this something else? :D

    Yes he /is/ jeez he's perfect for a Phootshop! You just refused to admit it.

    And while the only thing res cares about is maths and muttering weird nonsense?
    "Sexy scale" sounds better than "harmful scale".

    I know because I'm totally unsexy and terrible. Which is why *puts ABCD in blender*

    So I'd only be arguing about ABCD mooshiness?
    Aw, I thought you guys made a scale to determine who you'd eat first! I'm disappointed now. ):

    I... uh. Darkrai, sure? I'm not very good with associating people with Pokemon. :P

    Wait what why would /I/ be arguing over maths, I hate math ): But yes ABCD mooshiness, I'd be arguing over that.
    Also tell that to res I think it'd appreciate it
    (children what children do I care about children no D<)
    ... does that mean Vespiquen and Ditto are sexy, sexy beasts? And that if Kusari was on the other side, it'd get eaten first?

    Uh. Sure? I dunno, I just associate people with avatars so you used to be Darkrai, but now you're the Beast.

    How did you imagine us as parents? :D Belting children? Raging over 99%?
    Also jeez he just wanted to rule the universe /to show his parents he was great okay/
    Is this assuming res is a drifloon, a resboobie, an Eldritch Abomination drifloon, or an Eldritch Abomination resboobie?
    ... res and blazhy would either make horrible parents, or the best parents. I'm not sure what to think, but whatever it is, the blame is on you.
    I agree. I'm simply making the point that, for our faults, humans haven't done that poorly. To be honest, I'd think that if pokémon wanted any part of our enterprises they'd have metaphorically 'spoken up'. Am I wrong? I've read books about poképsychology but the field is... varied.

    A conspiracy, eh? Interesting. More interesting, though, is that Darkrai apparently get TV reception and watch quality cartoons!
    Pff, who made these scales/rated these people? |< You're just /biased/. (I am too but shush)

    Pathos' measure of time: 1 day = 1 month
    But sexiness is subjective! I think ABCD is more than adequate. :D

    It says you posted 10 days ago, so. :P And I meant if she's not back by the... uh, 6th of March? Meaning not on TCoD for two weeks straight.
    But how can I be suuure that anything else will give me a flawless Phootshop? ... oh well. *sticks ABCD in a blender*

    (and Dragon hasn't been online for eight days or so now... I'll see if I can catch her on MSN, but no guarantees. If she's not back by... two weeks? Or so? I'll see if I can find a replacement)
    I do listen to fun, but I'm totes into checking out Idan Raichel and Janelle Monae. :D Hebrew is so pretty.
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