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  • Ah, sorry about me being insensitive to that earlier. :(

    Anyway, banning Eminem would be for the greater good, pro-noncensorship position or no.
    Hey, its okay, some people who have primary interest in sexual acts find that gross. I find at an extension of the feeling you get when someone speaks in your ear, but eh.

    Friends don't let other friends drive whilst listening to Eminem. Spread the word.
    Well you clean the ear first silly. XD

    Eminem? Oi, that sounds very unbearable. Poor thing.
    Well, I can say I've been licked in the ear as an erotic thing, and vice versa, tho' I'm not sure how common that is.
    Anyway, I say the closest I've gotten to audio rape was driving with someone, and they played Strawberry Fields Forever, and I noted how it was kinda creepy, so they played it over and over and over and over so I'd get over the fear of it. That was not pleasant, and its not because SFF has bad arrangement or vocals, it has quite good ones as per being of the Beatles, its just that they used the good thing for an unpleasant experience, hence audio rape.
    Yeah, the orchestrating of DW is very noticeable and very awesome.

    And musical hard-on eh? That's exactly what I thought when I read the comments surrounding that. XD So, by analogy, would that make playing music privately masturbating, and playing music for other people sex? Wow, I never thought of concerts as a big music ogry. ...I should probably stop running with this line of thinking.
    *curtsies* Thank you! ^.^

    God, I love DW music. Especially the opening theme music. Ooo-wee-oooo, ooo-ooo...textual humming is kind of a moot point, eh? XD
    Exactly like the words Thee (Object and Subject), The self (reflexive), and This (possessive).
    I tried to make them easier to learn by analogy pronunciation and actual etymologies. It is pronouns derived from the same Old English word that beget 'that'.

    One of the few examples of an Indo-European language with a singular third person gender neutral pronoun, Armenian, this pronoun is 'na' which is derived from 'that'. Interestingly, the word 'that' in our language is from a relative gender neutral pronoun in Old English. So perhaps, instead of addressing the problem phonetically and aesthetically, as it has been done before, we should do it etymologically. This pronoun set is derived from the word 'þæt' in Old English.

    (In all instances of 'e' in the core of the pronoun, 'æ' is proper in British English spelling, the examples below use American English spelling, and AE spelling of this pronoun has been criticized for its misleading use of 'e' as the sound in the pronoun changes depending on case.)

    Subject He/She/It/Thet
    Object Him/Her/It/Thet
    Help with pronunciation: Thet is pronounced with a silent 't' and the 'e' is long in both. 'Thee' would be the closest approximation to how it's said.

    He made the sandwich.
    She ate the sandwich.
    It was a sandwich.
    Thet looked at the sandwich.
    The sandwich looked at him.
    The sandwich punched her.
    The sandwich talked to it.
    The sandwich also looked at thet.

    Reflexive Himself/Herself/Itself/Thetself
    Help with pronunciation: The 't' is silent, and 'the' (here the 'e' is pronounced as a schwa or like the 'u' in cut) and 'self' form two distinct syllables. 'The-self' would be the closest approximation to how it's said.

    He looked at himself in the mirror.
    She looked at herself in the ocean.
    It looked at itself in broken glass.
    Thet looked at thetself in the window's reflection.

    Possessive His/Her/Its/Thets
    A note on pronounciation: The 'e' is representative of a short 'I', and the 'th' is not pronounced. 'This' would be the closest approximation to how it's said.

    It was his pronoun.
    It was her possessive.
    It was its name.
    It was thets stuff.

    Its only really long because I explain things really long, its not that complicated (I don't think).
    Oh! And I made a new set of gender neutral pronouns to had to the hundreds of neologisms. Interested?
    Sorry, I didn't mean to imply you didn't know, I was just noting how I was in flyby country to most.
    Lord, I hate summer, I couldn't imagine an Isreali summer. Dx
    Well, I acknowledge the USA has its advantages, I love snow. ^.^
    I live in Ohio-Indiana, which can be best described as between where New York City is and where Hollywood is (i.e. in the middle of nowhere).
    Interestingly, my friend from Tel Aviv hates snow and wishes to go back to Israel after college. I guess everyone has different outlooks.
    I've finally found an advantage of being in America over Australia/member states of the EU/et cetera, thank you.
    I'm not the only one yay!

    I will, I watched the first episode but forgot what time slot it was on, I'll try to catch it the next time its on. ^.^
    My brain is zany too. I dreamed of being a Great Dane in a cage last night. It was scary! D:

    I am not exactly a Beatles fan, but I've heard a lot of Beatles music.

    And I agree, that was a tear jerker, the last clip. T_T

    Well, upon hearing it, I think you definitely go with that one. ^.^
    I get memories and dreams confused a lot. Damn you unsourced thoughts!

    I don't *thing* I've hear I Wanna Hold Your Hand, tho' I've heard Kiss From A Rose before. But sing what you feel. ^.^

    And no worries, I love hearing people talk about their art. ^.^
    Aww, well, I think I changed my mind. If I were ever involved with something, I'd probably love my crazies. Would it be weird for an author to review fan fiction of their works on ff.net? I probably would do that.
    And not sure of an elegant way to phrase this: what genre/style of singing do you like most to perform?
    Indeed, it is crazy. That is why, if I ever get into television, I'll be a producer. A nice, safe, away-from-crazies producer.
    I do follow his twitter, and its hilarious. One that cracked me up today:
    Random person: don't get me wrong, I love who, I even enjoyed moments of the last series but it just feels watered down by comparison.
    Him: Gosh! Thanks again. Please go away now.
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