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  • I caught (am catching) a Glee marathon, and it's awesome. Kurt and Coach Beast are my favorite characters thus far. ^.^
    I have a beaten-up MP3 player with 2GB memory, so I have to rotate my music/audiobooks a lot. I object to paying loads more for the same capacity with the Apple logo, and also I don't understand iTunes. Or anything Apple-y for that matter X3

    I have a phone (I've had the same one since I was about fifteen), but I very rarely use it. I don't like phones much either; most of my friends know that they'll reach me much quicker via Facebook or Twitter than on my phone which, the vast majority of the time, will be lying with a dead battery at the bottom of my bag XD

    I know what The Truman Show is about, but I've never gotten the chance to watch it. It sounds really excellent, though! I shall keep an eye out for the DVD.

    In my head, Buffy finished with the series 5 finale. It was just a nice, natural place for the show to end, and it means I can pretend none of the series 6 nastiness ever happened ):

    I'm so jealous of you for having dogs! I really want a dog <3 I think I might be allergic to them, though (I'm horribly allergic to cats, and haven't spent a lot of time near a dog in ages). If I'm not, I'd like to have one when I have my own place. I like red setters, but retrievers are fantastic, too. And irish wolfhounds, but I don't think it's a good idea for short little me to get a dog twice my height XD

    Pushing Daisies is TOO CUTE for words. I love how morbid it was, and yet was utterly endearing at the same time! I was so, so sad when it got cancelled - have you watched either of Bryan Fuller's other shows (Wonderfalls and Dead Like Me)? They're all fantastic.

    I don't know if you know this, but in later series of TWW, Cheno joins the cast. It's equal parts charming and surreal seeing squeaky Olive making decisions in The White House XD

    How has life treated you?! (and I have a Dexter Season 1 boxset right next to me :D)

    I was browsing around on Tumblr and I came across some Pokemon art. I noticed that it looked really similar to your style and guess what? It was your art! Then I scurried off to TCoD to tell you!
    Eh, it has enough dead kids to freak me out. It's not as bad as Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, though. I'm not really unto the L&O/CSI/NCIS-type shows as a rule, but Special Victims Unit freaks me out more than usual because that hits pretty much all of my triggers. It's not graphic, but there's only so much talk about sexual assault a person can take DX

    Hahaha, I get what you mean with squilbfish. Though I'm not a slave to technology - I love my computer and DS, but I've got a very basic MP3 player (no way am I spending money on an iPod) and my phone's the same one I got when I was fifteen. I can't imagine life without the internet, though. Such a glorious invention <3

    Hee, I do know a Kurt. Kurtis, technically, but yeah. I have the same rection to people called Tara - I have to restrain myself from telling them what a fantastic name they have.

    I'm over my Jim Carrey-phobia now, but I still don't want to ever watch The Mask again. I've seen The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind and really enjoyed it, and I keep meaning to watch The Truman Show because from what I've heard it's really original, and I love original films <3

    I admit I do have an amount of geeky pride when I know everything that happened in every episode. I'm an expert at TWW S1-4 and Buffy S3-5. They're a bit too long to know everything about everything, though.

    One thing I really like about the comics is how similar the artwork (generally speaking, since they have so many different artists) makes the characters look like the actors that play them. I know I'm not very good at human faces, but that must be so hard to do. But, plot-wise, last I saw, Dawn had turned into a centaur or something. And Willow was with Kennedy. Boo Kennedy )<

    24 has some excellent actors in, some in a before-they-were-famous capacity (Kal Penn makes an adorable terrorist), others who're famous in their own right (Katee Sackhoff!).

    Ahahahaha, best typo ever XDDDD Sorry, I meant "dog" there. There are no gods in Pushing Daisies or the others I mentioned. :p
    Hee. I've been watching some WITB since we started talking about it, and enjoyed it very much. And, in the episodes I watched, only one dead child, which is pretty good for that show XD
    (I can't decide if I like Hermione Norris or Simone Labib's character better)

    I feel bad for people pre-internet. Every time I'm writing an essay and complaining about all these references not being useful, I just have to think of those poor people who used to have to go to the library and manually hunt down every single article. Without GoogleScholar or the CTRL+F option. So horrible D:

    Haha, I have a friend who has a sleeping system a bit like yours. He gets about two hours sleep a night, but once a month, he just crashes and sleeps for an entire weekend. We refer to it at Kurt's "time of the month" XD
    I have a normal sleeping pattern at home, but because my course at uni means I only have to go in three days a week, it's not unusual for me to got to sleep at 6-7am, and not get up till 4-5pm. I know what you mean with the sleeping when you have nothing better to do, though; I hate it, but especially when it's cold and dark and rainy outside, I just keep going back to sleep until someone physically drags me out of bed and makes me face the world.

    Bruce Almighty! I've actually seen that! :D It's a great film. Jim Carrey used to scare the hell out of me, though. I blame watching The Mask when I was like six. I was scared of Ace Ventura for years o.o

    Dollhouse ran for two series before getting cancelled, am I right? I can't believe that Joss' stuff keeps getting cancelled; he's clearly one of the best writers in the entire TV industry, with an utterly huge base of massively loyal fans. Silly TV execs.

    Did you watch Buffy as a kid? I was only introduced to it in my first year of university (which, I think, could be part of the reason Series 4 of my favourite - I was starting uni the same time the Scooby Gang were!), so it doesn't have a big nostalgia factor for me. But I'm quite glad I watched it as an adult, because I think I can appreciate it more. My sister watched it when it aired originally (she was about nine at the time) and doesn't remember any of the blood or sex or Willow having a girlfriend. Though, admittedly, she probably watched the edited pre-watershed version.

    No, I'm not into superheroes and stuff so much, either. I can do a very good impression of someone with a good knowledge of comic-based canon, but that's only because I lived with a comic geek for two years. Speaking of, have you read any of the Buffy/Angel/Firefly comics? I've read some of the Buffy Series 8 ones and they're... weird.

    Haha, in my mind, Zachary Quinto is a little techie geek from series 3 of 24. He got his big break with Heroes and now has more fangirls than there are stars in the sky, but he'll always be Adam to me XD I did enjoy series 1 of Heroes, but I have it on good authority that anything after that is terrible, so I haven't bothered with it.

    Yeah, TSJA is a terribly cheesy show, but I love tapping into my childhood and watching kids running around saving the world from monsters. For a kid's show, the acting's not half-bad, either. Plus, Elisabeth Sladen <3 And some of the plots are actually decent! And it follows a formula I adore - two guys, two girls and a god go around solving mysteries. Other things fitting this formula include Scooby Doo, Pushing Daisies and The Famous Five XD
    Oh Hyyyyydie? *Hic* Y'rrr forrgetting ourrrrr battle~
    (Even though I'm clearly going to lose because I forgot you had that Staryu with a doubly-super-effective STAB on my Bactrian D:)
    Yessss I LOVE The Wire in the Blood, it's amazing <3 I've not seen all of it; I read quite a lot of crime fiction, and Val McDermid's books are fantastic, so when I found out they'd made a TV series based on them, I tracked down as many as I could. Tony Hill is a brilliant creation. I have to be in the right mood to watch, though; it gets a little too twisted and dark for me to watch sometimes, especially with stuff involving kids. I love that the episodes are so long, too; like Sherlock, the hour and a half means they can weave a proper, intricate story as well as having some great characters.

    Also, to finally reply to your last message - I think because my parents both work with vulnerable people, they have special sympathy for people who work in jobs where tiny accidents can have massive reprocussions. Plus, I'm the most accident-prone person in the world and spent most of my early years in and out of hospital, so raising me has taught them that accidents just happen :p

    Do you not feel really tired after a big meal? Hehe, there's a Garfield comic somewhere with Garfield saying "Sleep makes me hungry. And eating makes me sleepy. Life is good." and that applies to me in an embarassing way XD I can fall asleep wherever, which is really handy because I spend a lot of time travelling between Kent (uni) and Devon (home), which can take up to ten hours, so the ability to sleep on a train or coach is a useful one :D

    I've not seen Robin Hood (I watched the trailer in a cinema with a friend who said "But that's not what happened! Robin Hood was a fox!"), but The Bucket List was a very sweet film. I really love Morgan Freeman. Even though I got him confused with Martin Freeman for the longest time XD

    I haven't seen Dollhouse, either. What do you think of it? I've heard really mixed things. I'd like to watch it eventually because it's by Joss and has lots of alumni from his other shows, but the whole premise seems a little weird.

    I'd like the Buffy memory loss episode more if Willow wasn't so silly in it (doing the spell moments after Tara told her not to) and the crushingly sad ending, but I suppose it's just amazing writing that can have a show be the funniest thing ever ("Why not call me Horny Giles, or Desperate-For-A-Shag Giles? I knew there was a reason I hated you!") to the saddest thing ever in like half an hour.

    Aaaand The Butterfly Effect is another thing I've not seen. Seriously, you should make me a list and I'll spend the rest of my life watching it all :p I remember when I was doing Philosophy A-Level the other group got to watch it (in relation to the free will debate or something - it's about chaos theory or somesuch, right?) and we were annoyed because we had to do proper work and not watch films. The dog-burning bit sounds utterly awful, though >< I agree that cruelty to animals is one of the absolute sickest things ever, though; arguably worse than cruelty to humans because they can't understand it.

    Oh, with the 'passive' superpower thing, I meant that (very broadly speaking) men tend to get powers that do stuff, like super strength or set stuff on fire, whereas women are more likely to get things like invisibility or the ability to run through walls. Obviously, there are a lot of exceptions, but the general trend annoys me, especially when the powers are meant to be randomly assigned.

    Aaah, I see. I knew, with Misfits, their powers were meant to be reflexive of their personalities (the shy boy going invisible), but I didn't know they changed as the characters grew, that's pretty cool. I saw the first few episodes when they orignally aired on television, but then I think term started, and I came back to TV-less uni and stopped watching. I remember them killing their social worker.

    Oh god, the Star Trek canon is so huge, I wouldn't have a clue where to begin, either. Everyone I've spoken to says that one series is so much better than another, and I read that it'd take something like three solid weeks to watch everything. I know pretty much nothing about it, though, except there are characters called Kirk and Spock. I keep meaning to watch the film they made recently, if only because Simon Pegg's in it XD
    But I suppose lots of people feel like that with Doctor Who, with the giant fandom wars over who was the best Doctor, or, even worse, whether Old Who or New Who is better. The past week or so I've been watching and completely falling in love with The Sarah Jane Adventures. It's odd, because kid's TV usually annoys me (I love cartoons (Avatar <3), but child actors usually annoy me, always have), but TSJA is fantastic.

    Breaking Bad is also now on my to-watch-before-I-die-list. The fact it has short seasons helps! Though you should get back watching TWW at some point - I complain about series 5 being no good, and I've just rewatched it, and it's actually not as bad as I remember, and has some fantastic episodes in. :D
    Oh, I didn't know they said 'eww' or something like that. Yeah, that would piss me off too.
    Ah, understood.

    Well I dunno, if the non-cisgendered person wants to be in a pride parade, what's wrong with that?
    Yeah, it doesn't look all that good, but I covered most of my art flaws with softglow and distant magnification screen cap.

    Maybe an RP isn't the best idea, I agree.

    As far as being furry, I don't really see whats wrong. I am a fan of furry things, therefore I am a furry fan, or furry for short. :3
    Hey! I had an idea! What if we made a social group for Furry RP'ing on tCoD? That'd be neat, I think.

    Goin' to bed now. Talk to ya tomorrow.
    Oooh nice Glee avatar! ^.^

    Here, lemme get the computer drawing done. It may be a scourge to the Art pantheon, but at least its something. :P
    Dammit. He took my RPG folder with him over to his friends. Okay, I'm going to just make a paint drawing with my general Fursona's information next to it.
    With my boyfriend and his friends at his friends' house. I'm trying to find places online for good RP'ing, but have yet to.

    Here, I'm going to find my character sheet for the RPG I play in, and post what it says.
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