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shy ♡
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  • I knew that, but for that moment I forgot and just saw that the post was the same one XD
    Actually I'm posting a new challenge, is there any way to cancel the last one? The ASB one.
    Hello. Seeing as you are in the ASB, would you like my battle? The challenge is posted there. The Challenge Board. You don't have to, but that would be nice :D
    "Metaphors are important. My gold stars a metaphor for me being a star."

    I unless the gold is starring a metaphor, I think you're missing an apostrophe.
    It was! That automatically elevated his actor from "pretty great" to "MADE OF AWESOME" in my head. Still haven't seen the movie myself, unfortunately, but I desperately want to.

    (He also played a villainous German bobsledder in this silly Disney movie called Cool Runnings - I watched it with Shadey for kicks the other day and spent every scene he was in pfffffting at his ridiculous accent. And the main victim in Saw VI, apparently, though I haven't seen that. Nobody will be able to say he had a monotonous career.)
    Derp. That is all. All that you say. You say derp and only derp. Derp.
    Nah, I didn't see the first season, I only saw the second. Well, that could be true too.
    I like the Warblers, but I have the growing suspicion that they are just manipulating Kurt in order to have him sing for them, as opposed to actual kindness and acceptance.
    Oh my god, there was an episode of Glee on Sunday, and it was really, really good. Did you catch it? I don't know how recent the online episodes are so...
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