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  • Oh man, Amy gets so much shit in the US



    Like seriously, half of the jokes in my fifth grade class involved her being a stupid drunkard who popped pills all day. (The other half was, as to be expected from a class of mainly Asian students, pilfered from Niggerhigger videos.)

    in other news i just got an infraction!!! lol
    Haha, it's odd-- I can tolerate most irritating vocalists and I idolize Billy Corgan (of all people), and yet I can't stand some actually good singers! Weird.

    (ps-- valerie falls into the cover of a cover category)
    Most of the stuff they sing isn't really my style of music to begin with, and when they do cover a song I like the end result is pretty bad in comparison to the original
    (DAT'S ME IN DA COH-NUH). I mean, I guess they're not terrible but they're pretty mediocre.

    That being said I do enjoy the show otherwise and if it was something like "Drama Club: the TV Show" I guess I would like it more? idk
    Most of the stuff they sing isn't really my style of music to begin with, and when they do cover a song I like the end result is pretty bad in comparison to the original
    (DAT'S ME IN DA COH-NUH). I mean, I guess they're not terrible but they're pretty mediocre.

    That being said I do enjoy the show otherwise and if it was something like "Drama Club: the TV Show" I guess I would like it more? idk
    Ah. I remember her turning into a starfish at some point for some reason! That works too... Glee's alright and I'd like it more if the singing wasn't terrible.
    You're evil. A whimsicott with sleep powder? I'm going to have to watch your battles just to see the other guy scream.
    I like your style.
    Indeed I do: I've got MSN and Skype, but I don't use Skype much tbh. MSN is strangelife00 at hotmail dot com and skype is MrSpiffyngton :o feel free to add me on both!
    I *adore* Marlee Matlin. Joey was my absolute favourite reoccuring character in TWW (and I adore how her deafness was such a non-issue, and that she had a male translator, and when he was translating what she was saying, it was her who was the focus of the frame!), and Matlee herself seems super-cool, being all activisty for all sorts of causes, not just differently-abled people. I shall definitely try and see if I can find bits of her DWtS run on Youtube (probably next week, though - I'm very busy with work at the moment, all my own fauly for leaving it all till the last minute ><), and I think she's even more brilliant than I already did for doing it :D
    oh, yeah sorry i didn't want to sound whiny! i wasn't sure if it was the forum glitch though, that keeps happening to me anyway.
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