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shy ♡
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  • Pathos, are you reffing the next round of Squorn and I's battle as well? I'm not sure if you're e-reffing the whole thing or if it was a one time thing.

    The Doors are pretty cool. :)
    Its not working. Um. I'll fiddle with it tomorrow, I'm really tired. @_@

    Um, good night, love you! -hugs before going to sleep-
    (Accidentally posted this on my own account. See what I mean by untech savvy? x3)

    I signed up! So how do I meebo you? =3
    Oh, um, sorry, I sent an e-mail on Google Mail and you didn't reply back so I figured you didn't want to talk and um sorry. D=
    Awww, love is not a bad thing. =( -hugs- You need to make it a good thing if it is a bad thing, at least...

    You aren't trapped in a girl's body, because your body belongs to a dude. You are a dude who wants to improve himself. If I understand right... x3
    Hey, how do you ref attack/defense stat boosts? Does each level make a difference of 2% damage or 1% or what?
    -hugs- Don't be depressed, love is not a bad thing, I mean, you don't know if he doesn't like you or would reject you if you said anything after all...

    I am a fairly run of the mill trans girl. ...as much as one can be a run of the mill while under the trans* umbrella... x3

    How about you? Like, I have some idea, but I want to hear you explain in your own words so I don't misunderstand so. Um. Yeah.
    Nooo! Don't ignore the crush! Pursue it!

    And they are making you call people! That's evil! D= (Though I get identified as female on the phone all the time it still makes me anxious...)

    And um, do you have a G-mail? We can use the IM thingie on that if you do. =D
    Sounds fun! =D I've been dealing with my inscrutaphobia (anxiety of subjectively incomprehensible flaws in understanding or appearance). =(

    Oooh, a crush? Tell me more! =D
    @Sexuality thread post:
    Well we could talk via these message-thingies! =D
    I find it funny that after writing a Doors joke, the next VM I see quotes People Are Strange.

    What a wacky coincidence! At least that paragraph I wrote isn't going to fall on totally deaf ears...
    Well, Effercon just forfeit in your battle against him... Even though there's no point, really, you should post some sort of commands, I guess.
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