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  • By the way, while you had Byrus' chimchar, did you change its nickname and give it an electrizer?
    Seeing as I only have the art that's available on their pages anyway, wouldn't loading a random page accomplish the same thing anyway?

    Any particular reason you want this all of a sudden?
    What do you mean, randomizer? Like a way to click something and see a random page? MediaWiki already has a "random page" feature, actually, but I never bothered using it because there were pages I didn't want people seeing yet. Now that I've done a little reorganizing, though, maybe I will, heh.

    Or do you mean something else?
    I'm not spending any money on you, sheesh.

    ...I already have the chimchar. (If I were just going to buy it then I would've bought something else instead of whining to Byrus, herp.)
    Wasn't it agreed that Byrus was giving you the dratini instead of the chimchar, and then Kratos Aurion was giving you the chimchar instead, but he hasn't bought it yet?
    Yeah, I'll do birthday stuff after I finish checking up on battles and doing the challenge board.
    Well, you've got your work cut out for you. I apologize for all the strenuous work you'll have to do reffing the next round.
    I am Jack's holy shit that movie is awesome. I just rewatched it yesterday.
    In my battle with Darksong, does the sky perpetually being a twilight color mean all weather moves won't work, or just sunny day? Specifically, will rain dance work?
    A forty-something Russian professor reviews rock music of the sixties and seventies at a remarkably fast rate, always in a well-written and witty manner. Great way to pass the time if you are a boring person with no life (which is pretty much what I am!)

    It takes me forever to actually WRITE the reffing moreso than anything... calculations are easy, I just procrastinate like hell.
    No, I wanted to ask how much Gyro Ball did before the reffing so that if I changed my commands it wouldn't require you to rewrite your reffing.

    I'm fine with the commands I entered.
    I wasn't using base speed, derp.

    The reason I asked was because if that wasn't the case, I was going to change my commands to Counter x3. But oh well. :(

    One thing before you ref, though-- my estimate on how strong Gyro Ball should be is correct, right?
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