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shy ♡
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  • Haha, clever. You can still surrender, and be successful at that.

    I've always liked Darkrai hair, by the way, if we're giving out compliments now.
    Do you think you're actually capable of that? :P I'm faster than you, like it or not, and it's a bit hard to fell a foe when they're flying circles around your sluggish corpse (at least compared to their velocity).
    You seem to be ignorant about the fact that I don't need nor employ sleep. It leaves so much opportunity for weakness--not that you'd be able to exploit it anyway.
    It's nice to dream, but try not to let that infect reality too much! I know it may be difficult with the bad creepypasta lurking in your head, but.
    It's nice to dream, but try not to let that infect reality too much!
    It's such a shame you'll get beaten up by a bunch of bugs, isn't it? Damned type chart.
    Your avatar is amazing :D

    Also I want to try a metronome battle now. I used to think it was silly, but getting the chance to battle with a legendary and keep them is not so. [/Pointless]
    I do! I do! I just tried to sign into MSN (before all of this happened) but it wouldn't sign me in. So I did the unimaginable and spent an hour trying to contact you. I guess I had forgotten you were on TCoD. I found you on Tumblr by googling "whivit tumblr" and chasing you down via notes. It was difficult.

    Schooling has consumed a good portion of my life. I'll try to get on MSN.

    I have seriously been trying to find you for an hour online... I ended up going to Glee Forum (hehe), ended up on your tumblr (it wasn't easy) and then fell into the slump that I was never going to talk to you again. Then I made my way back here and life is good. What's up?
    hey, are you still up to reffing this battle, or should I call an e-ref? I know you're going through a rough patch, but I wanted to make sure.
    Well, it doesn't show up on your ASB tab. Thanks!

    (Also, I'm reffing your battle with Star69, if you didn't know)
    Is your active Skorupi (Lacey) the same one that has the "Fascists Bed Time" signature move (Kate)?

    Eh, it's only images that are actually hosted by tumblr (so far as I can tell). Copying them and pasting into GIMP seems to be the most expedient way for me to do things atm.
    Heyyy, something I'm hoping you might know... is there any easier way to save an image off tumblr than taking a screenshot and then cropping it down to the size of the actual picture? I keep trying to save images and getting html documents instead. >_>
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