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  • Yeah! Negrek is awesome; we must now bow down to her. NOWW.

    [size font="5"]Would've answered sooner but I was talking a shower.[/font]
    Tell me the BBCode works. Please.
    Now you're talking, four eyes! :::;)

    Okay, then doooooooo iiiiiiiit! (Yeah. It's 8ack on the 8th ((no typing puns this time!)) page. It was edited in later.)
    8eeeeeeee past Sollux. 8lind Sollux is just a 8oring Aradia clone who is '0kay' with everything.

    Yeah!!!!!!!! Learn from your mist8s and keep a list! Organization is key! (Copyer. :/ I told you that was what I was going to name her! It's okay, though.)

    ((Also this '8' thing is fun.))
    Oh, really? I guess you could take Terezi then, who exactly is your sign? I guess I'll 8eeeeeeee Vriska. ::::)

    ::::3 Reeeeeeeeaaaaaaaally? I think I'll save up for now. I have a few quite expensive things on my wish list (I think I'll even get another female Deino, Terezi).
    Posted it! You've taken up Tavro's little horn smiley haven't you. >:] ((Can you see I'm taking up Terezi's))

    Okay. But man, the water types are going to be so powerful... maybe I should use Balloon (oh, the choices)!
    Sure. Like I asked, are we going to make water (and maybe ice) type moves have STAB here? And if so, are we going to let them add onto normal STAB?

    I think I wanna use Smuglord and Azuraine. What about you?

    Are you ready to battle? ;3

    (I'm so happy I can finally accept new battles! What are we going to send out and should we include that water boost?)

    Eh. One or two pokemon, but not a whole level. I caught a new deerling, and this one is a boy.
    so do I.

    *banana. (money.)*

    *yep. * (OMG PICTURES WHERE LET ME SEE THEM WHAT'S THE WEBSITE?!?!?!?!?) ((yay. *kisses back*))

    I won't :P

    ((Oh. right.))


    I need to breathe, you know.

    It's... a word.

    Yes. just now.
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