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  • Hmm... I forget what our first conversation was about, so I'm gonna sart a new one.

    First, have you used GTS negotiations? it puts you into a live trade thing with another person!

    and second, do you have your charachter thing for River's story? I could make you a trainer sprite.


    Oh wait! I found your post! Her ability is solid rock, apparently, and she doesn't have a nickname. :(
    Yeah... urgh, that reminded me how I dug myself into a huge hole in that MLP roleplay. :(

    Oh. Maybe you should tell Negrek you forgot, and she'll fix the ability?

    I can't wait! I still have that lovity battle with Blastoise that hasn't been reffed in a while.
    I was a Zoroark using Illusion to appear to be a Meowth.
    Or maybe a Meowth disguised as a Zoroark disguised as a Meowth.
    Or perhaps something else entirely.

    (I was never a turtle, however)
    It's one of my specialties! x3

    Wait, what? I'm confused. What exactly are you talking about?

    Okay then! I know, but Negrek said she'll be opening it soon, so we can hope!
    Today's the day I can officially accept new challenges! Now that we have some Unovan pokemon, what do you think you'll want to use? Maybe I'll use my oshawott and you can use your portouga, and we can add a boost to water type moves (because there's plentyh of it around)? I'm fairly excited to play with my monozu, Visionary, but that's because I have a signature attribute in mind that will be fun. I have a lot of signature stuff in mind!
    Nah, I can't be arsed to use up those lovely heart scales. Besides, I don't really need any of those.

    Found it. And caught it. And Victini. You know, for some reason I've had stupidly good luck in this game, in terms of catching legendaries. The only one that was even kind of trouble was Terrakion. But that probably would've been different if I hadn't used my Master Ball on Thunderus.

    Lucky. My parents are always nagging me to get off. You have siblings?
    Yeah. That's what revives are for, right?

    I caught mine with an Ultra Ball.

    Nice job. :]
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