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  • So was I, I just have a small problem with the naming. xD Ducklett sounds good for John, because of the flying type. Dave sounds good too (I was planning on maybe making him a scraggy, then his bro a ninja thing) and it fits the katana thing! I was having trouble with Rose, so I really have no idea. I was thinking of making her a doredia just to get rid of her. I made Jade a munna, and perhaps you could do some other psychic type?

    I don't know, but I hope so! :)
    Yeah, stoutland is pretty meh. =/ But it definitely isn't that bad. Mine gets the job done better than Swoobat, at least!

    I'll look for it, probably later when I have time.

    Well, it may be different wherever you live, but if it isn't I'd strongly reccommend taking advantage of it. Unless, that is, you have a conscience. :)
    ...what time is it for you now, then? Markku said you were in EST. And I never noticed it...
    Because my family stays up mad late all the time. Wow, are you in EST? And I never noticed it, really.
    You're doing a Homestuck team too? I guess we're kind of clashing, but whatever. I was gonna get a snivy and name it Karkat though. :/ I even have one now! He isn't nicknamed because I got him in a negotiations trade, but whatever.


    2vs2 double
    DQ: 2 weeks
    Damage Cap: 30%
    Banned Moves: OHKO's, two chills per pokemon, moves that would require being on land to work (Dig, earthquake, etc.), any electric move over 7% power, in fear of electrocuting the whole place.
    Arena: Miracle Sea

    Far away from Asber, the miracle sea has taken a great deal of effort to get to, as there have been a quite a few wild pokemon who did not like the intrusion upon their home. Luckily, most of them have been so astonished that an actual human had appeared there that few have dared made their way to such an odd creature, let alone have the guts to attack it. However, not all have been so timid. As they have been tired out by keeping back some fierce attackers, all pokemon have a reduced health and energy stat, making them start with 70% of both from the start.

    The arena is in the very heart of the dungeon, and is covered with shallow water, being just a mere half a foot tall in places. The sandy bottom is hard to use as a substitute for dirt, and as such all ground moves half their effects reduced by half, if they work at all. The further out from the center of the arena the deeper the water gets, eventually getting to ten feet deep or more.

    Out away from the shallows and at such a place where the water level would make anything aside from fish afraid of drowning are a crowd of phione, cowering in fear of an angry gyarados. If you swim out there (taking one action and risking a 25% chance getting attacked by a stray seadra with hydro pump) and attack it, it will faint immidiately, and the phione will reward you happily with a phione dew, which cures all status effects and increases your energy and health by 15%. However, that will take one full round to complete that and swim back to the arena, and can only be done once by anyone. It will activate on the pokemon who got it immediately after it is earned and cannot be saved.

    I found our battle!
    Okay then. I'll go dig it up soon! :)

    Ugh. I hate it when that happens. >:/ Something similar but not exactly the same, while I was rewriting the role list and night action log in my notepad, when I tried to save it it said the server was too busy. I checked later and it wasn't there. :( I hope you can remember it all! Did you ever copy it?
    Hey Silver~! I think when Negrek updates the ASB system we can have our battle! My DQ expiration date is the 17th! :)

    So do you like our old idea (Miracle Sea) or would you prefer somewhere else?
    I got developer to help. So if you still want to get it, then we need to know what browser you use...or just tell me if you give up. Although that would make me sad D: But I could see why, so just tell me what you want to do...
    Silverrrrrr! I know how to get Pesterchum working!!! What web browser do you have?
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