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  • :D Defeated them, evolved every last one, looking for Kyurem at the moment!
    Is IS cute! So is Lillipup! And Scraggy!

    Oh, really? That's helpful, thanks!

    My mom's on a business trip, and my dad is (or was at the time) doing his evening shift at his workplace, 3-11 PM. Apparently North Carolina law states that if a kid is ≥ 13 years old their parents are allowed to leave them home alone.
    :o I can make symbols on my laptop! Like ♥☻☺♪☼♠§! What do you think 8D?
    I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm back. I had no internet for about 3 days, or else I wouldn't have fallen so behind. (I didn't forget about you. never would.)

    will talk more tomorrow. Beat white, by the way. Yay.
    Aliens...I'll admit, it is the coolest one yet, epicly pwning Deoxys and Clefable.

    Well, you deleted it anyway, so...On that note, I've also got Cobalion and Terrakion. I don't know where to find Virision, but I'm not tackling that until after Kyurem.

    I can't believe myself. I'm going to bed ON TIME, even though neither of my parents are here to ensure that I do so. Maybe I just don't want to sleep past my alarm again.
    It does it such that you can't see. Basically it said the exact same thing it did yesterday to me today.
    Ah, yes, that was the one I was thinking of.

    Now, I'm on Route 13, and I just don't feel like taking on Kyurem until next weekend. Or later, anyway.
    Siiiiiilveeerrrrrr :D!!!
    Sorry, just excited XD I missed y'all.
    And I just finished washing the dishes so I shouldn't be afk again :D
    O. M. F. G. There's another 6-magikarp fisherman! Except they're now level 60, not level 10. His name is Mick, and he's on Route 13.
    The sports dome in Nimbasa is SUCH A GREAT TRAINING RESOURCE.

    You could just ask them to change the security settings to something the DS can understand (ex. WEP) and they might humor you.
    On Route 1, to the left, you'll see a body of water. Surf in it and keep going left.

    Does your family have a wireless router at all?
    Oh yeah. Right.

    Oh! *:3* I'm far after that part now. Vriska is about to load the video John asked her to look at.

    No, I don't think so. I just imagined like the sparkly anime eyethings.
    It's on the little island at the end of Route 18, IIRC.

    ...And there are no coffee shops or something around where you live? Bummer...Maybe someone will be willing to trade with you.
    I'll start. When I was talking to Markku on Pesterchum, when he was absent I would say,"You're not here? Then I'll think on my own :D Alright brain! THINKIE THINKIE THINK!!!!"
    Aw, you give up? D: That doesn't happen. I think that there probably was some disruption somewhere;my computer acts like an idiot all the time, and it of all things was able to download this. You might've disrupted it somewhere. Anyway, let's talk about LIGHTHEARTED THINGS :D
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