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  • Uh. I didn't have these problems, so it might hate you TT. But exactly what happened? It ignored it? What happened?
    XD I knew what you were going to say XDDD How did that not work? Like what happened? I am seriously going to get Hypercam, record a screen video, and give it to you TT
    That should work. I have a backup idea if it doesn't though. I'll probably give you a video if it doesn't work.
    :o Now try downloading AGAIN. Use "Save" instead of "Run". If it asks where you would like to save to, make sure you go into the new Pesterchum folder.
    No. I meant make a new folder XD Make a new folder in the adress "C:\Users\Yournamehere" XD
    Ah. That helps a ton with our thinking. Are all of your Pesterchum 2.5 files/folders into ONE folder called Pesterchum under this address? "C:\Users\Yournamehere\Pesterchum"
    I have the same :o I'm actually discussing this with Markku on Pesterchum, more or less. Hang on a moment, I am firguring this out.
    Oh no! D: Uh...what operating system? It would act differently for different OS I imagine.
    Two. But then again, I've only been in postgame for an hour. Also, This may help you. I am using it.

    ...Caught Victini yet?
    Ah. I'll get those ledgendaries after I finish catching the Team Plasma sages. Hopefully my team will be at optimal levels very soon!
    Oh, and the icon (on the toolbar you mean?) doesn't show 'til it's actually started. I'll get a screenshot for this...hang on.
    Really? Then I don't know...re-download it. It's your best hope. Also,

    I was 50, as said before. That's probably why I had so much trouble. Good lord, where did you grind?

    I used Dusk Balls. Second one!
    Well, what level were you at that point? I was level 50, and I almost never had 6 pokémon alive at once. But I caught Reshiram.

    ...Which, may I add, has the hightst catch rate of any legendary I've ever seen.
    Silverrrr!!!! You're here! I heard from Markku that you haven't gotten Pesterchum working. I could help. What exactly isn't working? And did you download 3.14 or 2.5?
    Just beat the main story!

    ...I wouldn't have beaten Ghestis if not for the game being VERY generous with the Max Revives.

    ...I can take down level 63 pokémon easily!
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