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  • But now you don't need it, so... *takes phone back*

    *It's kinda hard to make stuff up on the spot. (I wish I had more...)

    *Well, I've been getting better! I just made this for River's fanfic. And I won't :D. (*ouch* well, i think i'm still waiting, not sre though.) ((I... I forget. *kisses again*))

    It's a good thing neither of us really remembers that anymore.

    ((I think I might do it... What was I gonna ask wargle again?))

    ||| YAYAYAYAY!!!! *hugs*|||

    ........................................................................................................... *GASP*.........................................................................................................................................................

    hmmm.... blergh. interesrting.

    I know. I think he did a couple more.
    they've updated it quite a bit, I think.
    I don't know. This is so weird. I caught a girl, purely because she's the first one I saw, but it's confusing...
    ... Is Tinkerbull a boy or a girl? Now that I think about it, I have no idea. 0.o
    I do! He's one of the little elves working my brain. Man.

    (When I first read that I thought you were saying something about pants.)

    Tirtouga gets Sturdy and Solid Rock.
    Yeah, it's going to be confusing and will take a while to get, but it'll give me some order for once. I even have a list! :3
    Especially considering you're not even a man, man.

    (Squirtle was my firstest ever Pokémon. :D
    It's okay I guess)
    I have everything all planned out for my Homestuck team! Mostly it involves some name switching, but I have all the kids, trolls, and guardians (plus Tinkerbull, thanks Mawile!) for a total of 21!
    Sure. I have no idea but argh deerling is so cute!

    EDIT: Wait they changed its name?
    It does, man :C
    Why do we keep ending sentences with "man", man

    (Turtliness is one of my favourite things about turtles.)
    What do you think a deerling could be? I decided even though I really only like them half of the time a sawsbuck would be so awesome.

    ...Half of the time. Too bad Sollux is already taken.
    It's much easier. :) Yay for having everything in one place!

    They look like little teddy bear things! :3 Yeah, that RP is dead. :(
    Yeah. I think I'll just stick with this. :)

    Oh! Maybe I should try to find an official picture of that thing... how long has it been since that RP's been posted in?
    Actually, I don't. :/ Never really interested me, especially because I can dump everything in my albums.

    But your Moogle is strangely adorable! Is the red ball thing a tail?

    Haha, really? Maybe I should add some on Emerald! :)

    You mean on your profile? You can still edit it while it's locked. I did, actually (I forgot to fix my token things, so it still said I had a woobat)!

    (Well, yes, but mine needed an e-ref before that!)
    Now three of us are doing a Homestuck run! Terezi, you, and me!

    I don't know why, but I think this deserves something like an award or something. I don't know, I'm tired.
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