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  • A heated debate indeed.

    *; ;* ...You have a bob-omb toy? That sounds so awesome. :o

    You did? That's so nice of you. I feel special. :D

    Do I steal cookies and chocolate?

    Yes, but she'll be angry anyway. She's not entirely logical when it comes to fashion.

    I already told her, and I might be extending the reserve. Regardless, I'm most likely starting an hour from now.
    But then you ended up commiting mafia attacks. >.>

    *explodey? I no wannaa Silver to explode...* I'm never going to give her a cutie mark. xD But that's a cool idea!

    I don't have that game.

    She will. She'll be very irritated at Liza later. She's so pitifully prissy. :)

    EDIT: ALSO, whoooo, money in ASB!
    Wargle has until 8:00 PM EST to post his form. I'm probably gonna start tonight (In one hour and twenty minutes, so stay alert.)
    Awesome! I've been reading up on One Piece, which may be one of the best comics I've read. You been doing anything exciting?
    If you are referring to the games, I'm waiting until Wargle makes his form, hopefully by tomorrow. If he doesn't by then, his reserve will be withdrawn, And I will start shortly after.
    Wargle ~ Gyarados ~ Heracross ~ Ninetales ~ Gardevoir ~ Togekiss

    good team yes?
    ...your point?, your point?...

    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;?:::::::::::::::::::: (Very much so.)

    *Inhale* Well, I think we may have the flu.

    What is it, madam?

    Thank you. Not a problem, I got a Neocube today. (You probably won't know he's my uncle though.)

    I'm in 10th grade, homework is up 99.5%. Yes, I do. (Very much so.)
    ...not sure, not sure...

    ;;;?;;; (He seems to like $20 bills.)

    *inhale* Quite.

    Very much so, Ma'am.

    Not always. But today is my birthday. *YAY* (Not sure, possibly.)

    Already have, she's nearly as busy as I am. Yes. Not nearly as many as I have Aussie friends though. But most of them live in the eastern states. (It does. I hope so. Managed to get on today though.)
    EEIIIEE? (8[) (...still lost but slightly less so. :D)

    x3 (that slightly annoys me but i get used to it.)

    Exactly. :DD
    EIE...(8C) (...right um okay. :3)

    x3 (what D:)

    And psychopathic which makes him so much greater :3
    EIIIII...(:c) (i'm so lost. :3)

    x3 (I can charm a lot of people with my accent. It's like a secret weapon or something.)

    GOGOGO No it's not bad because that's basically what happened to me :3
    EIII(Sadd.) (evil gargoyle?)

    x3 (They're pretty cool if you aren't on their bad side. :3)

    Exactly. I love Karl so muchhh. :3
    EIII(aww) (Ohh. Hmm.)

    x3 (xD Lucky them. We have ISS people that do both the high and the middle school)

    My current one? That's Karl. :3
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