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  • Yeah, it was a very fun thread.

    Ah. I don't do much roleplaying. It's just never really appealed too much to me.
    Gredia is using Hyper Beam like a destruction beam in the movies, slowly edging it towards her. Someone must help her before she is destroyed.
    Replied, Gredia is in a state of pure rage and hate for Silver and Leon, so Attract wouldn't work, and Sweet Kiss calmed him a little.
    Ah, it was in insanity. Behold...Forum Shippings

    ...I don't even know how the heck she got that high.
    Really? Have you read the "crushes" thread thingy from a half year ago?

    Ah, that. *points at Meowth and Arylett*
    Yes. Once he posts, Jaime will be getting some horrid taunting by Envy.

    (*Twilight?* TWI-LIGHT!)

    ( =]]] )

    ( *FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY!* :D Yes she would. Hopefully pokemon can talk to humans in this RP or else it would be sad.)

    At least you can add on to it later.

    I'm waiting for Yoshiya right now.

    (That would make sense.)

    ( =} )

    (*YEEEESSSS SCIENCE* Thanks. :D Oh yeah. Gotta impress your boyfriend! x3)

    Tried to edit it three times? That sounds annoying.

    Oh yeah. I saw a few episodes of that show, but I don't really remember it. I think that it was from a song, now.
    Because I have no interest in it. Even if I did, Bachuru's guide didn't help me, nor did Wikipedia. :/ Might try it, though.
    I have no clue what to do. I'm bored with no one else, and I can't really do much else, either. );
    Fine. Sorry for shooting you. Take this spi- er, completely harmless ice cream! (I found it on the wall. That's my escuse as to why it looks normal on a iPod but not on a computer. :/)
    . - " ` ' " -.
    / \
    | |
    / ' - — ' — ` \
    | |
    \_ . -- . _ . -._/
    \ =-=-=-/
    They were keeping an eye on the window :D And I felt like being an assassin. Everyone will be gone by the end. And Blade would be too if it weren't his birthday thread. :/
    I left because I had lost the will to roleplay. Just a day or two ago, I got inspired. By the way, you were thrown out a window at that party. And don't try assaulting my guards. They're bullet-proof, and I'm an assassin. :/

    I might check it out.
    Jared alternates between quite a few RPs from Egg Holders to Pokemon Chronicles (who would have a larger role if it actually didn't die), which also happens to be the same one Neon originated from (Neon was my first character here, an emo shiny Absol.). So, yeah. And by the way, if you don't read Pendragon already, try one. I'm hooked (and almost done, so my Pendragon RP will be launching very soon. I'm assuming my will to RP is returning, which is part of the reason why I left TCoD in the first place. Gotta love reality though, huh? :/
    Posting my attack, intervene as Gredia is about to implode the coffin on Leon.
    Hopefully it will be loud enough for Envy to hear (and eat from) it!

    (Pile of sparkly ELECTRONS! Why is it all so technical...)


    (*NO NO NO SCIIEEEEENCEEEEE* That would be sad. What do you think of Celesta? I like Liza. I could imagine Celesta critizing her and telling her to wear some skirts. xD)

    I was wondering about that. But yes, pretty red and black. ^.^

    Pretty much. Although I guess she can sleep. Where was that quote from anyway.... I forget.
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