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  • Well you guys kinda have to get near me first. Right now Gredia is just standing in the same spot with a swirling Sandstorm all around the place that no one ever notices. You are across the forest, and Gredia still higly doubts Envy.
    Then me and Blade do our planned battle that we totally didn't plan it all out in advance?
    EIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE (It's quite entertaining. xD)

    x3 (I would get ISS all the time if that was true D: but you have to make up all the work from your classes which REALLY sucks)
    (Conspiring to kill us all. >.> Darn you. )

    ( ^.^ )

    (*SCIEEEENNCEEEEEEE* I like the idea of mine too. This'll be fun.)

    Now that I think of it, I think it'll be prettier as red and black anyway. It would be weird, having her be purple.

    Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. She can still be put to sleep normally, she just doesn't need it.
    (You were mafia?)


    (*FOR SCIENCE* Oh, cool. I'l start working on mine now!)

    I think I'll have her have red skin and black hair. I can't think of a logical reason for her to be either white or blue, sadly. :/

    I guess I'll only have mild insomnia, as I'd prefer her to have synchronize.
    I don't have a oreference, Paper is more Olde Styled and I generally like it until it gives me a paper cut.

    Ham or Bacon?
    EIIIIIIIEEEE (The most I can do is make my voice go EXTREMELY high. :c)

    x3 (Ohh. ISS at my school is basically "shut up and sit down")
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