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  • Sure does, I heard about it in the start of February, and it will hopefully be worth the wait. Hasbro is officially fine with the project, so it won't be taken down due to copyright issues.

    Even more, the director is using this as his senior project for college.
    Not because it's inherently bad. But because you need to /show your work/ and you can't just not put the 2/2 in the equation because it's equal to one. I don't like this.

    Hey hey hey it's stylized okay. you insulted my drawing ; ;

    XD I'll be 12 on Thursday, so yeah.
    o rly?

    Also look at this just do it.

    It's rather surprising that Luna had even been able to keep her sanity while banished to the moon (for 1000 years even). Well, excluding that Nightmare Moon scene.
    I would say Twilight but I'd get a bunch of hate PMs. I walk into a room full of bronies and say 'alicorn twilight' and I'd probably get kicked out. Harshly.
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