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  • D: that's a lot of problems... and sorry about your game. That's too bad. It happens to me sometimes too.

    I get about 20-40 daily, but never fifty, plus they're fairly easy for me. Time consuming though.
    Hey Silver! I know this is kind of random but do you need rescuing or something because I need something to do please!

    This is the entire point of the 'rescue' thread but whatever I haven't cleared bottomless sea yet plus bulbasaur got it already.

    So how's it going?
    maybe they changed their number when you called.

    *what? (good luck.)*

    He said that he was busy with the Mythbusters. but he'd get back to us.

    are you sure it's not like delayed poison or something?

    *yes. it'll be ready by next weekend for sure.* ((*kisses again*))

    I don't think so. I think they've been there longer.

    ((... yeah))


    I know.

    it's only 30 seconds... but here.

    yay! (I am the most impatient person you'll ever meet. but that's a good thing.)
    *holds phone* The number you dialed is either out of service or does not exist. please enter another number and try again.

    *.......................(good luck)*

    Oh. *calls*

    I hope they're not poison like the last batch.

    *sorry. BTW, I have an idea... *goes to make sprite thing** ((*kisses again*))

    the ideas? are you sure?

    ((that's what you think.))

    ||| AND A BIT SOUR. |||

    I... don't know.

    want to hear it?

    cool. (I know.) (Oh.)
    ... there's no one there.

    *....... ( I know. Yep.)*

    I don't have his number.

    *throws* here.

    *oh yeah. * ((*kisses again*))

    ((*ouch* I guess so.))

    ||| LIKE A KIWI. THANKS, SILVER. *hugs* |||


    OMG Panic at the disco just put a clip of their new music on youtube!

    really?! that's fast. (I may not last much longer...) (what?)
    Yeah, but I guess since he didn't get a warning it's fine. But I did, and I'm just really forgetful. :/

    Besides, that's a different battle.

    Also, now Envy's trying to stir up trouble. I wonder how the team's going to react to the sky?

    *....(it's rare. if you get it, it helps. but it's reeeeeaally rare. I will.)*

    he's the president.

    *noms* want one?

    *oh. tail?* ((*kisses*))

    maybe your friends, or your mind? or they were already there?

    ((... uh oh.))



    I know!

    ok. ( I will. *is patient*) (... yeeeah.)
    DQ's get you banned from making or accepting challenges for two months. :(
    ... SIlver, I know that 1-234-567-8910 is a fake number.

    *...maybe (you put it in a double batlle with a pokemon that already has it. now yes or no?)*

    maybe not to him.

    *opens one* hey, there's a piece of candy! it's... a mini-twix.

    *... I'll just wait to see.* ((*Kisses back*))

    like they weren't already there? *smacked again*

    ((By you, probably))

    ||| AS DO I.|||


    oookay then. completely unrelated- Panic! at the Disco, The All American Rejects and Patrick Stump are all coming out with new albums this year! I'm so happy!

    remember- absol-colored gallade. (okie then.) (...that's what I just said.)
    ... I can see that. very well.

    * ok. (well, that's okay. You'll probably find it. Do you think I should infect the one I'm training with Pokerus?)*

    well, he is the president.

    *opens* it's... six tiny pokeballs.

    *... still.* ((*kisses again*))

    *Ouch* No, I just have a mind that looks at every single possibility.

    ((Well, it's fun to do. but... I usually end up getting smacked. hard.))

    |||YES, IT IS. ~ <3|||

    ... nevermind. :D!!!


    yay! (is leon on your dA?) (Yes. you just told me.)
    ... give me their number.

    *oh. (well, mine's already at level 24.)*

    good luck with that.

    *opens* it's... another pokeball.

    *From the question's you're asking me about Leon, something about when our charachters kiss in the RP.* ((*kisses another time*))

    Blade thinks Silver can figure that out, because he really doesn't want to say it in public.



    yes. :D

    okay, then.

    ... then his flames would be off. so, an Absol-colored Gallade. (I know what this is for...)
    D: I'm really forgetful...

    I just got DQed, so I guess we won't be able to have our match for a while.
    But the gender determines the species, so no, sadly. :(

    She issued a DQ warning, so we'll have to wait a day. :/ He already passed the DQ date.

    I mean enemy pokemon, like Dia getting there at the same time as Badledge. Do you think that should be left open for interpretation, so maybe they'll just fight over it in the next round?

    We still have our santa hat avatars... xD

    I don't feel like getting a new one. :3
    Silver! Big sister! :D I'm a bit busy with school at the moment, so is it okay if your picture comes a little late? Or do you need it by a certain date? I would have done it sooner, but I have a hard time drawing Weaviles. (Actually, I'm better than I thought I was!) Although, I have a perfect pose in mind!
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