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  • Maybe I'll be getting some little baby Cyndaquils?

    I did. I probably won't ask Pathos though, because then that would just be overloading things, you know?

    Oh. Also, should we change the phione dew to affect both pokemon? And also, as an afterthought, what do you think should happen if two pokemon get to the phione dew at the same time? They would just be in the center staring each other down, maybe? And then it could be decided from there.
    Nono, every sprite from the games has been ripped, save for animated backsprites. They've had the still sprites from day 1 of the emulators, but the animated sprites have been put onto Arkeis.
    Yep. So romantic~

    S. Beta was our lovely e-ref, but she's not on now. :(

    I'll VM her anyway.
    No. XD

    My homework plan has been changed!

    Hopefully less homework will get me with this new plan. ^_^
    ...And now down to business. I'm planning to make Cloudy a coming-back present. I figure six months will be a sufficient amount of time to make it perfect. Now. What should I make him? You're one of his best friends on the forum; you'd know best.
    I know~ I almost ruined the relationship with the solarbeam and Cyndy laughing, but it just might be saved!

    ...It has come to my attention that someone should be DQed and it's not me. :D

    We just might have our battle after all! Now how do I get somebody to notice...
    Yeah. And now we have a little romance budding between our pokemon! That might not work out well with the trainers being enemies. For the battle at least.
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