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  • No. But I just beat clair! </fail.>

    *It's not scary. but if you keep having dreams...*

    there is no -0. it's just 0.

    It's pretty easy. What about F.O.I.L.ing? (that would be 8x^2-6x+2, right? (I is a bit too smart.))

    ok... but if I die, I'm suing you and your banette. *tries chocolate*

    *YES THAT GAME IS AWESOME. and the end is epic and hilarious. I'd tell you the end, but I don't want to spoil the game for you.* (*calls to silver* Uh silver... you do know I've been typing rando letters just to annoy you, right?)

    Yes that's true. Apparently Blade is as well.

    (You should have gone. I went through schools fast. In fact, the private school I went to for 3rd grade to half of 7th was where I made all of my friends. I was sad to leave them. And, now I'm in high school. (*face turns red* well...um, yeah.) Lucky. I'm the oldesy, and responsible for all 3 of my younger siblings. it gets really annoying sometimes.)


    YEAHYUZ! IT IS AWESOME. Do you know what a shiny charizard looks like? EPIC.
    Oh. I always play as a boy, so I wouldn't know.

    *I dunno. It's your brain, not mine.*


    yes. they're quite annoying. have you done factoring yet?

    Well.... I still don't know. I'm quite freaked out by all of this.

    *I played that one, but I also played Twilight Princess for Gamecube. Best. Game. Ever.* (No you don't. You're just saying that to get my attention. *keeps typing*)

    Quite. I think you're the longest conversation I have with anyone on TCoD.

    (I really had no choice. I moved to a new school (private to public) and I was asked to skip a grade instead of repeat 7th. I'm friends with a bunch of kids that i've known for two years. It's just that they're all older than me. (no. I eat candy. I'm not made of candy. Last I checked, I was made of steel.)My family is crazy on a daily basis. I have 3 siblings.)


    I saw. maybe it'll start soon. Also, I just got a shiny charmander from Kratos! (I traded him a shiny magcargo for it.)
    Actually, it's what Rowan says when you respond 'no' to his question about you taking a pokedex.

    *well, either a). I had a ralts implant it in your mind or b). you like blade.*



    In hindsigght, he was trying to kill me.

    *I haven't played metroid. I've played zelda.* (*keeps typing*)

    Well, Blade had been talking with Silver for a long time, and Blade was pretty sure he liked Silver. so when Silver kissed Blade, Blade kissed back. simple.

    (yeah. I felt a bit better today. but it doesn't help that I'm younger than everyone I know. by a year. (I know. strange, isn't it?) Well, my family has had a series of incidents that i'd preffer not to go into.)


    Well, wouldn't yu be excited that yo could get an IPod and turn 14 in about a month?

    Blade thinks Silver should finish her form in Mawile's RP.
    ...indeed, indeed...

    No, I was just pointing it out.


    I wanted to watch you attack blade.


    heh, fair enough. It's not on very often down here. *coughnotreallyivegotwritersblockforthemomentalthoughillbestartingitlateroncoughcough* *clears throat* sorry, I guess the vaccine/medicine/bacon wore off. *eats more bacon*
    ...fair enough, fair enough...

    Ah, k.


    That one just blinked at me...


    It's about Insomnia. Look at the video and think about it. I know because I'm partly Insomniatic, I have trouble getting to sleep often. But yes it does sound a bit weird.
    Teenager. ugh. and, I was quoting from pokemon.

    *well, I could think of a couple reasons...*smacked**

    2 little.

    Mine would look like this.

    Dear sirs and or madams of Nintendo Of America:
    I have questions regarding future products your company may be producing. One example would be a virtual reality version of the popular franchise of Pokemon. Now, I have no idea how soon this technology would be available or if you actually are in posession of a prototype, but I would be extremely glad to hear back from you if you did. If needed, It would be helpful to redirect this letter to the Pokemon Company.

    and my name goes here.

    I Is too smart.

    um...thanks. *throws away chocolates.*

    *no, samus kirby.* (*extremely annoyed face* Stop, please.)

    *You, the casual reader, will know what goes here. (a.k.a. blade kisses silver back.)* I would say so.

    (I just hope it's something good, and not something spiny. (Ooh, cool. I rarely have candy, but when I do, I love Nerds.) Well, you certainly finished it.)

    |||NOT DIS AGAIN...|||

    Birthday or Ipod? (hint- both. extemely.)
    ...why, why...

    Good, where do your relatives live?


    ...*popcorn rolls out of mouth* I... I don't know...


    I have a new favourite song. Owl City - On the Wing.
    ...want some cake?, want some cake?...

    Damn, that's on my birthday.


    ...*offers popcorn to Silver*


    I'm bored.
    ...... I can stand silent for days. I'm a very patient man.

    *alright you should be worried. you're dreaming about me for crying out loud.*

    No, too much.

    Good luck with that.

    "these are poison."

    *I like samus kirby.* (Ignores silver, keeps typing.)

    *kisses silver*

    (I know. That's exactly what I'd like. but, sadly, it seems impossible right now. *hugs back* (Ooh lollipops.) Ouch. you must have kicked him hard.)

    |||I WILL.|||

    Alright, that's probably what I'll do.
    Oh. then you're probably just doing this to torment me, right? -_-

    *wait... Ok, I'm confused. a lot. and worried as to why you'd be having dreams like that.

    No, I think a 160-gig classic for $20 more is better.

    well, then it's the company's fault, not ours.

    And I'm worried. what gender is your banette?

    *yeah, but he can also swallow people and take their hats.* (sorry, silver. but it is really annoying.)

    Well, maybe she was jealous of you? I dunno. *hug*

    (Well, if you started not to like him, then it shouldn't be that hurtful to you. But, I still think that your so-called 'friend' is being completely thoughtless if it had been a touchy subject. I mean, she knew you liked him. I'm so sorry. But you'll find someone! don't worry! Well, sure, I talk to girls on here. But, it's completely different in real life. If I met you or anyone else I talk to on here in real life, sure, I could talk to you, but that's because I've talked to you regularly. When I talk to girls I know, I constantly worry about my appearance, what I say, the way I'm looking at them, etc. And it doesn't help that every single person I know is older than me. And that I'm too shy to say that I like people. or not shy, but rather afraid of what will happen. And I know how that feels. Even though I've wanted to, I've never told someone how I feel about them. I've never kissed anyone, never been in a relationship. The closest thing I've ever been to that was when I asked someone I liked to go to a dance with me. and that didn't turn out well. I want to be with someone I like, but, because of this goddamn shyness I find it hard to believe that I ever will. ;-; (That's fine. I like cheering people up. :3) Do...you kick your cousin?)

    |||OH RIGHT. HERE.|||

    Yeah. I'll probably just save up the money. I no, right. I'll be 14 in 35 days! yes!

    *you were in it too? and you think I was in it in pokemon form?*

    ...neither do i.

    Well, it's just that we're not advanced enough yet.

    well, that's a start.

    *and can inhale people and shoot them out as stars.* (-_-. You're very annoying. no offense. but really.)

    *hugs silver* that's hard to hear. I think a few of my friends hate me, but it's nothing that serious.

    (well, there's always the possibility of them breaking up. if your friend is going out with him just to tick you off, there's a good chance that they won't be right for each other. And hopefully you will be able to go out with him. Or, you could always find someone new. (at least that's a possibility for you. -_- CURSE YOU, INFERNAL SHYNESS THAT PREVENTS ME FROM TALKING WITH GIRLS WHO ARE MY OWN AGE! ) O-O That's pretty far...)


    I'm really not that big on apps, so I think i'll just get the classic. 160 gigs of songs. that's like 2000 or so more I can get. Or just wait for my birthday. (yay only 35 days!)
    Yeah, I'm confused to. I'm happy but worried. It's really not the best time for this stress for her. I'm with her now, im using my phone.

    *what? I... that's really strange.*

    Uhm what?

    *Well, I might do that. But we'd need to get the right technology first.*

    Um, as am I. *chances taking flower*

    *and gorunas.* (*starts typing*)

    *shocked expression* Why are you crying?

    (*hug*I know exactly how that feels, sort of. there was a girl I had a crush on, and I wasn't sure if she liked me or not... and it was really kinda awkward. But, I just learned tod ay that shes going out with someone. a someone who happens to be one of my friends. I don't think it's because of anything I did, I just think it's because I'm so goddamn shy in real life. The same thing happened at my school dance, because I was too shy to ask anyone I wanted to go with before it was too late. recently, this has me feeling really sad. I mean ,if I'm always going to be like this, what hope do I have?)


    about $215 I want to spend.
    Alright, well it's good about 15% percent of the time, but the other 85% is bad.

    *um...no. What was the dream about?*


    *I doubt that they'd do that. Maybe if I can fufill my dream of working for the pokemon company, I'll let you know.*

    I know. -_-

    *Yes, so do I. and he can throw waddle dees.*(eh, hadn't started anyway.*)

    *um...really unsure of what to say at this point, except that he continues to kiss silver.*

    (*backs away slowly* um... here? *gives punching bag*)


    Thanks, but I just found out that I either: buy an 8-gig touch for $225, or a 160-gig classic for $245. There's a 24-gig touch, but that's $295. I already have 1-gig of songs. so, I dunno what to do. maybe wait till my birthday. *shrugs*
    ...They're hiding from you, They're hiding from you...

    Nice, on the 16th?


    ...*buys popcorn and goes to watch*

    ...Moogles in my closet, Moogles in my closet...

    No, but you can move here and go to this school.


    Okay, although he already has one.

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