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  • ...hide Silver's wine, hide Silver's wine...

    At the school. I'm not That rich.


    Good. *coughkierenisthechampionandimstilldecidingontheotheronecoughcough*

    Also Un-Admin asked me to ask you to forward me his latest PM. Check my VMs if it's still there.
    ...take drunken Silver home, take drunken Silver home...

    I hate when that happens. Once I left my pencil case at home, I had to borrow a pencil from the staff at the canteen. Thank god the staff here like me.


    Yeah, *coughsodidcloudandbladecoughcough*

    ...hit with stick, hit with stick...

    Ino. Itsucks.


    Im using those six pokemon as one of the elite four's pokemon *coughSilviacoughcough*.

    Really? Silly Miss Perry. (Or is it Mrs., I don't know if she got married yet.) She's awesome. Calinfornia Gurls is my favorite song by her. :3


    I can sympathiza. For God's sake, on Facebook my profile picture is a Kumashun rather than me. xD
    ...bury silver, bury silver...



    Okay, that's two of the elite four done.

    No, but I love Katy Perry. :)

    Trusting trust is trustingful! ...Or something along the lines of that, yes. xD

    I definetly would like to see what you look like! :D I'd post a picture of me too, but there are very few pictures that I like of me. :U
    ...move dirt out of ground, move dirt out of ground...

    Damn, I've got nice black ones. They're really comfortable.


    Go ahead, tell me six of them.

    Top German student in my year.
    ...dig, dig...


    Nice Kirby pointing at the sky.

    Heheheheh. Okay, and your second and third favourites?

    Heh, I'm speaking German over the holidays whenever I can so my skills don't get rusty.
    But it's almost impossible to rob a magician! They're magic~

    It is~! :3

    That would be adorable. x3
    ...ashes, ashes...

    ...Makes sense...

    Nice earless rabbit.

    ... I think you missed the joke but it doesn't matter. What's your favourite pokemon?

    Ah, thought you meant LOTE.
    Pedobear and an evil zombie snowman? Random, indeed. xD

    Mhm~! We met up and such. He's away in another state now, but we trust each other. :D

    Blade said the same thing! But both of you will meet someone, I know it~! (OH. XD)
    ..Black Plague...

    I only have one pair XD.

    Nice Koala.

    ... one girl two cups?

    What language?
    My conversations differ depending on who I'm talking to. Most of them are completely random and make you think "Wutthefuk". xD (MHM D:)

    Virtual Romance is only the best~ For Pete's sake, I met my boyfriend online! <3

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