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  • .............*bad feeling*

    *I'm... not in your head. at least, I don't think I am.*


    *which won't happen for probably 15 years now. sigh.*

    *...that was kinda the intention...*

    *tries to smack banette and realizes that he's a ghost.* Snap.

    *yeah. You start out as zero suit samus. And then you get your suit. (and you meet pikachu.) Samus is better than ZSS, though.* ( I mean you can't unplug the battery from a laptop... it's impossible, pretty much.)

    I know, right? *makes move to kiss silver again*

    (Oh. Maybe your banette used spite on in you.)


    Yeah. But still. (reminds me: I'm $10 away from an Ipod!)

    yeah, I need to go to bed. G'night, silver. *kiss*

    *it really is strange.*


    *Oh. That would be cool. I meant like a virtual reality simulator.*


    *gives flower*

    *... really. I'm ok with him. Better with pokemon trainer, though. and Kirby.* (you... you can't do that...)

    *?* Well... a bit. Why, did you like the awkwardness?



    well, it's a blackberry. It's a lot better than what about 15% of teenagers have.

    Ok, imma gonna go post it now.
    ...Cookies, Cookies...

    Our math teacher sings random songs sometimes. He is truly an epic teacher.


    Yeah. You were really drunk.

    ok...(goes into self-defense mode)

    *no, it's just I don't want to say my full name in a VM. ...Why? it's just a conicidence (or is it?)*


    *or... it's not really possible with the technology we have right now.*


    I have no idea what.

    *My best charachter is Marth.* (*annoyed face* I'll finish this later... *shuts laptop*)

    *continues to kiss, surprised that someone likes him*

    (I don't see why; we dropped the whole thing.)

    |||OH. I WON'T SAY ANYMORE, THEN...|||


    Well, how about rivals? that seems good. (but rivals that are friends.)
    ...I have Bacon Wine, I have Bacon Wine...

    Heh, there was this kid, he just walked out of class once and walked into ours. It was weird.


    *coughivedonethegymleaderstoosonowallthegymleadersandelitefouraredonecoughcough* You were drunk, remember? you stole two of Mini's.

    reason... (I know now, silver, that I should be very afraid of anything you do't have a reason for.)

    *it's fine. If you want, i could send you a PM about it. I know. I tend to like Punk groups by definition (AAR, MCR, FOB, Green Day, etc,) and there are some excetions.

    Yep. I proved it.

    *It would be awesome. probably not going to happen for a few years, at best.*

    * -o-o- FTW*

    well, yes. But I don't know why!

    *You don't have it yet? it's epic.* (Typing a story about zombies to scare silver. now shoo.)

    *caught a bit off guard, but kind of expecting it at this point.* ... *returns kiss*


    *he wouldn't. he threatened to make mine and MM's wedding public, and that never happened. He just gets laugh out of it.*

    Mine is a flip-phone that has the front screen broken completely. And it can't play music. Worthless except for the fact that it's a cell phone. (I can't even text with it.)

    Any ideas of relatioships/rivalries we should do? I still have yet to make my form.
    ..I have bacon, I have bacon...



    *coughwhatdoyouthinkcoughcough* I think someone poisoned those pringles. OH MAH GAWD. Tell Mini Moonwalker!

    um...*counts* yep.

    *perhaps. I would preffer to discuss that via PM. Ooh. Paramore's good.*

    Well, then what's this? *presses ctrl+v* ...it was. I wanted to see if you would agai-

    *it would be so cool if the pokemon games eventually were turned into a simulator, wouldn't it?*


    Yeah, I've noticed.

    *I got it for $40 used. Still aesome, though.* (I can do that. As Blade retreats to a far room in a secluded corner, the sounds of typing and evil laughter can be heard...)

    well... no, they don't. Huh. Guess I'm part steel.


    *farther away from you than I do. If I ever visit his house, it takes me two hours to get there. I can just imagine him reading this, laughing and probably gloating. I need to talk to him about this when I call him next...*

    Oh. Well. I need a new phone. Mine is horrible.

    Also, Mawile made a new RP. I haven't done any in a while, so I joined. (maybe you should... )
    I have no idea though. rarely been on GPX+.

    *They are an english folk-rock band that happens to share my last name. A bit. One of my friends really does.*

    um... How can I prove you said something?

    *oh. I actually like seeing 3D. Clearly.*


    *takes bandaid* I still don't understand why you have a sociopathic haunted doll. (and why it's not attacking you.)

    *OH. BRAWL!* (like... *evil plot*)

    *notices silver's frown, feels a bit sad.* Well... either I'm more steel type than I thought, or there's something wrong with your lips. I never noticed it.

    ||| WAIT...|||

    (I know where he lives because we used to go to the same school. And he's been stalking this conversation. AND I KNOW YOU'RE READING THIS, DM.)

    Oh it's fine. His new album? I really like Grenade and Count On Me. (also, Patrick Stump co-wrote that album *shot*)
    Usually she's really nice..maybe she's just going through some stuff? I really don't wanna think that someone I loved would act like this for no reason at all..
    Camels? Ha, that's funny. :3


    You did? I had of picture of me, too, but I took it down due to embarassment. ;w;
    Probably red, black, and silver. Possibly a blade marking on it.

    *but I like other bands too. I like the All Amerivan Rejects, The Killers, Coldplay, The Fray, My Chemical Romance, Panic At The Disco, Green Day, and Mumford And Sons, to name a few.*

    suuuuure you didn't. :3

    *Oh. I don't like how distracting the red and blue ones are.*


    *turns around* ! *gets hit by shadow ball....again*

    *UH...SOMETHING* (what. I thought it was quite scary. but anyway, thanks. I'm glad to see other people like my writing.)

    *realizes he's kissing silver and decides to stop* uh.... sorry. *awkward so thick you can feel it*


    oh... too bad. I hate having to go to te grocery store to get pineapple.

    (just so you know, you and MM aren't the only people who are VM-stalkers. (in fact, if you, Dihydrogen Monoxide, are reading this... I know where you live.) :3)
    ...indeed, indeed...

    Man, at least she didn't suspend you.

    ah, now it makes sense.

    *coughhehwellanywayillsendyouthelistsooncoughcough* Yeah, Just got a bit of a sore throat.

    Same here. (Blade hasn't been ignoring you, he just has been away from a computer.) it should be finished by tommorow or the day after. (will continue the other conversation later.) ... *returns kiss* g'night, Silver.
    ...trying to be nice, trying to be nice...

    Heh, Mrs. Hosking is known as the 'Witch' among her students. She was one of the hardest teachers to please but she was only filling in for Mr. Lacy who is quite nice in my opinion.

    What is that, I don't even...

    *cough...howthehelldidyouknowthat?itsstillonmycomputercoughcough* *inhale* *coughbutyestahtsexactlyitillpmyoualistofwhohaswhatcoughcough* *inhale* *coughalsomakeaspriteordescriptionofyourcharacterifyouwantthemtolookacertainwaycoughcough* By god my throat is sore *takes throat lozenge*

    ...make Silver breakfast of pancakes and cereal, make Silver breakfast of pancakes and cereal...

    Fair enough. My math teacher is Epic. If it gets too loud he sneezes. On Purpose. REALLY loud. Ususally that shuts us all up.


    *coughmightaswellcloudandbladearecalledcloudandblademainlybecauseicantthinkofbetternamesforthemcoughcough* Man, we really have sore throats don't we?

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