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  • ...swiiing...

    My dad had to build us closets.


    Inoticed. And now you have tobasco sauce. We're all doomed.


    four bedrooms, one storeroom, a kitchen, an office (not in the main building but at the shed where my dad and mum work (Still on the property)), a loungeroom and a bathroom. I have the only fan in the main building. The other is in the office.

    Sortof. ()'i'()

    that's good, but now you're in the 'drink 'till cloud leaves' phase.

    I quite enjoy algebra. I'm one of the few in my class who do.

    hah, well out house is actually two building do two fans makes sense.


    Oh, Lol.

    I love math homework. It's my top subject. What kind of math is it?
    ...I do too...

    Yeah, Right now there are only two fans on the property and one is mine.

    Ah, Makes a bit more sense now.

    Not many people do... Weather Paranoid?
    ...It's hard to find Optical Illusions that cause me problems...

    I'm on summer break. It's way too hot and our AC broke a week ago.


    At my dads I sleep in complete darkness while frogs croak in the night. It's pleasant.
    Yeah. xD I can definetly see a weird conversation sprouting out of that. (Yup, too late. :U However, you can make another FP thread. It might end up getting closed, though.

    *xD* I know~ It's adorable! :D
    ...My big brain...

    I haven't met him yet, still four weeks until school starts for me.

    ':; ;:'

    No nightlight. My digital clock is pretty bright though, I prefer to sleep in the dark. We did but all the fish eventually died so now it sits in the corner gathering dust.
    ...You know

    This year we have a canadian exchange Teacher for woodwork.


    I sleep with an army of lego on my wall. All bionicles from two years ago. Some of them are freaking big too. Not quite half a metre in height but I have a huge scorpion thing that I made.
    That is so cute. :D Oh my God, we should. (Honestly, it'd probably end up getting flamed or closed or something.)

    He wasn't too shocked. Also I've been stalking your conversation with Blade because I'm nosy. :D
    ...Massive Brain

    We watched Scary Movie 3 in woodwork.

    Like I said, it won't do anything.

    Like I said, I'm trying to get over it.
    *not really... I love their music.*

    Was kissing you not enough?

    (I think that the 3D glasses, if they existed, would be clear rather than red and blue.)


    Figures. At least he didn't kill me or anything.

    *BRAWL* (a little bit before halloween. (like the 8th, I think) this year. Before I had the idea to hold a creepypasta contest.)

    *decides to kiss silver again*

    ||| :3 |||

    Oh. Well, ask her if they sell fruit.
    I know...

    Heh, Once my SOSE teacher played the Powerthirst Commercial in class. She hadn't watched it and I suggested it. Essentially it went well until F*** was said, She looked at me and said: "I didn't hear that". I have the most epic teachers.

    Meh. Cannot be Blothered.

    Heheh. At the party the other night I was bored so I stood in the dark outside the room where all the kids were. I stood there until someone saw me and screamed, The others looked where she pointed and a few screamed. Only one recognised me and he was laughing his ass off in the back of the room.
    *..meh. Your not obsessed enough :3*


    *no, I don't think so.*

    Yeah, but his parent's wouldn't listen. (I really need to get started on the banner.)

    Yep. B)

    *crosses fingers*

    *(>'-')>--|-----* (don't get me started on cute life-force sucking candles. I think I wrote this:

    I awoke a day later in the hospital. My parents were crying. The doctor walked in, and told me that the combination of my severe injuries had hurt my brain, and I had a few days to live.

    As I write this, I am on my deathbed. I can feel my life force being sucked away with each passing hour and it is getting worse by the second. I am writing this so people will know what happened, and it was not just some kid trying to smoke pot in his room and accidentally setting it on fire. Hopefully I might get a few more days, but this will definitely be the last thing I do.

    It's been following me.

    I see it every night, floating over me and smiling its evil little smile. it casts a soft purple glow, but the lamp Pokemon is sucking away my soul. I can only hope it finishes the job quickly, so I don't have to spend the last moments of my life in torment.

    The above paper was found In Daniel Smith's room the morning after he died. He had been admitted to a the hospital after a large fire at his home severly burned him and destroyed the upper floor of the house. Small pieces of plasticine shrapnel were found lodged in his head and arms. While the cause of the fire was unknown, a small box of melted plastic and wires found in his room could possibly be the source. In the document the letters drop off at the end, as if he was growing weaker while he was writing. The things he was writing seem to have been ramblings of insanity on account of his trauma and brain damage. However, many patients walking by his room the night he died swore that they saw a bluish-purple light coming from underneath his door.

    need I say more?)

    Um... Yeah... *wondering if he should kiss silver again.*


    It's RADIO SHACK for crying out loud. -_-

    Yeah. During math one day someone threw something at the bin but missed and it hit a big fold-back wall at the back of the room. They went and picked it up then put it in the bin but as they turned around something smashed into the wall and pushed it in towards us. Our teacher stood up and walked out the door (He is scary when angry). The next thing we hear is him yelling at someone in the next room then he comes in with a screw driver and starts to fix the wall. Needless to say we all just got on with our work.

    | (PETITION) |
    X: Silver!
    X: ~River~

    Blame a friend of mine (now a real jerk and not a friend at all). He tricked me into thinking there was a guy with a broken bottle outside my room. That and I have an overactive imagination.
    *neither do I. On a completely unrelated subject, have you heard this? it has to be one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard.*


    *Well, I mean it actually looks like it pops out of the DS.*

    I mean, it's totally unfair he has to go. (That's a very good idea.)


    Maybe this will work... *gives banette Spooky Plate and crosses fingers.*

    *(>'.')>* (well, not really. I find Garchomp more scary. (or shanderaa, for that matter. it sucks out your soul...))

    *continues to kiss*...*O-O. O-O* S-so they do. *thinks 'that wasn't that bad, really'*

    |||I.... S-SHUT UP. :3|||

    Yes. (no, not really. I was joking.)

    We used a measuring tool. You stand on a plate on the bottom and they push a ble plate down from above. When it's against your head there's an arrow telling you how tall you are.

    Yeah, Poor Cloud.

    My New Years Resolution is to get over my fear of the dark. Last year it was spiders. Before that it was heights. I'm easily scared :/
    ...*Shiftry Eyes*

    I'm not sure about the other classes. I only know about the math class because we did an assignment where we had to do tests involving foot length, ankle-patella length and head Circumference.

    It sucks... At least he is coming back after only six months.
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